Calif Dreamin
This kid is a victim. Seriously. She is diagnosed as OCD and has Asperger's. Yet leftists with a half ass agenda prop her up to hide behind, because someone says there's a rule about not criticizing kids for what falls out of their mouth.
Calif Dreamin
Does she mean like get a background check to acquire one? Require a government permit to have one out in public? Allow them to be conveyed in a car as long as they are not loaded? Or be subject to different rules in different states?
Calif Dreamin
My ancestors stole this land fair n square...Took nothing and turned it into the greatest country on earth. No issue with immigration...just come here the right way, and get to work like everyone else.
Calif Dreamin
To all the globalist, green, global warming activists...Come talk to those of us in the developed world after you've convinced the third and developing world to clean up their act.
Calif Dreamin
The problem, and it's a big one in the US, is that immigrants are not assimilating to US culture and insisting we change to their culture. Fact is that if their culture is so wonderful why did they leave it? Just sayin....
Calif Dreamin advice....parents are no their chidren's friends. That doesn't mean treat them poorly or unfairly, but when it's time to jump your kid's shit and put them in their place...
Calif Dreamin
When I was a kid we used to let the down syndrome kid take a few at bats during baseball was a big deal for him...this is kinda the same thing...
Calif Dreamin
Others have pushed the limits of the Constitution, but this guy has been trying hard to put a match to it....and he was a constitutional law lecturer....
Calif Dreamin
What's ironic is that if her people were not conquered, she would be a second class citizen relegated to cleaning up after savages that would beat her just for fun.
Calif Dreamin
Ummm...Trump is actually trying to keep them from being deported. He seems to be favoring a plan that would give these "kids" some sort of permanent status. The only way that can happen is through Congress. Even O'bummer said DACA was a band aid...
The kids should have some path to being legal. The people that brought them here should be deported. That will have people making some difficult decisions. Life is full of difficult decisions....especially when you break another country's laws....
Calif Dreamin
When liberal asshats can't make a logical argument they create an inane analogy...The right approach is to work to change the law if you don't like....but that's a losing battle...
Calif Dreamin
A basic rule of business...2% of the population...It's not worth taking their money...not worth the effort and accompanying grief. You will locate a large percentage of that 2% on Yelp.
Calif Dreamin
It's the Motion Picture Academy...A bunch of pompous self congratulatory assholes. The awards night is their prom. Who cares? It's a waste of time and space...
Calif Dreamin I understand it, the animal was not had health issues and was unable to reproduce making it pretty much useless....except for dinner....
Calif Dreamin
It actually makes more sense. There was nothing but stone age tribes fighting among themselves before Caucasians showed up. A couple of hundred years later there's the most successful experiment in self government ever devised, and the largest economy in the history of the world.
Calif Dreamin
Dumbfuck....suicide is the #4 men under 45 the leading cause is "unintentional injury"...also listed under the "Hold My Beer" category...over 45 yrs it is heart disease...
Calif Dreamin
New information is not always accurate. New data that is verified would be a different matter. Keep in mind we have a younger generation that is struggling with the concept of adulting...
Calif Dreamin
No single group has been offered more help, assistance, and support than African Americans over the past 50 or so years. It has done more harm than good.
Calif Dreamin
Remember when the press, talking heads, democrats, and Hillary's campaign all had their panties in a knot worrying whether Trump and his supporters would accept the outcome of the election? Once again, they got it backwards....
Calif Dreamin
The problem here is that it is false. He may be delayed a few days, but i he is a citizen or green card holder he will be able to travel...
Calif Dreamin
This is where corporate media has brought our level of discourse. A learning disabled teen that looks like she is even younger, and can complete full sentences looks good on the screen. An innocent won't lie, and is hard to criticize. We, the consumers of corporate media need to remind them they are full of shit. My old man used to say: Children were meant to be seen and not heard. The man was a genius...
Calif Dreamin
Bernie should be required to give away 90% of his 3 homes, the millions he made from suckers that bought his book, and the money his wife stole.
Calif Dreamin
While he was likely not the blonde haired, blue eyed person depicted for years, it is just as unlikely that he was black...Apologies for assuming his gender...
Calif Dreamin
I've done some of those tutorials....they never come out right...must be that you have to have a head full of pubic hair to make it work...
Calif Dreamin
We see an example of the value of higher education today. If this is needed after being accepted to university, you probably shouldn't be there....
Calif Dreamin
There-in lies the problem.
Western liberal idealism believes that actually defeating an enemy of your society does no good. It is a false idealism that may cost us all our way of life. Well all except those "moderates" that supposedly don't ascribe to the militant faith....
Calif Dreamin
“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.” - Gen. J. Mattis
Calif Dreamin
Don't agree at all with the clueless environs nuts..still have never understood why police would ever need an MRAP...once again both sides have jumped the shark...
Calif Dreamin
He gave much in service to his country. One of the best snipers in military history. Suffered with PTSD for years before anyone knew what it was.
Calif Dreamin
Partially true, but not entirely. The pharma company has to factor in the cost of the lawsuit from the 2 in 100,000 people that are subject to a bad reaction that latch on to a TV lawyer and sue the shit out of them. Pharma is not entirely innocent, but torte reform is needed...
Calif Dreamin
It's a sad truth...have a relative that has probably spent $50k on different hearing aids with no real improvement. For some types of hearing loss nothing works...It can be fun to watch tho...
Calif Dreamin
Playing violent games doesn't affect EVERYONE that plays. The Sandy Hook kid had other problems that gaming compounded. Blaming gaming is like saying drinking makes everyone an alcoholic. Can there be negative side effects? Yes, but it isn't THE cause for this crap.
Calif Dreamin
It is hard to believe that playing violent video games over an extended time doesn't have a desensitizing effect on young minds. Does it make every youngster a serial it the only cause of a handful of people ending up it does have some effect on a handful of people...
Calif Dreamin
This is why the cancellation of Wide World of Sports was such a disaster to the entertainment world...Winter time as a kid...too cold to go out...watching drag racing from Ontario, Ca...or surfing from pipeline...
Calif Dreamin
Remember when dems, the left, and Hillary were all worried that Trump and his supporters would refuse to accept the outcome of the election? All that time they were worried about the wrong people....
Calif Dreamin
I see videos like this and the first thing that comes to mind is it's a set up...Shit like this doesn't happen in front of a camera in real life...
Calif Dreamin
The government is in the business of providing public services like a park, library, etc. That is is their mandate. It is not their mandate to invade a private citizen's insurance coverage decisions. In no form, fashion, or place is health insurance defined as a natural right.
Calif Dreamin
Not really..PBS would most likely get bought out by another cable network. In the unlikely instance that it really is not viable, it will go out of businessess just like any other enterprise...
Calif Dreamin
Dude has never taken himself so seriously that he can't have a giggle...He was not our greatest president, but I believe history will be kind to him.
Calif Dreamin
What a misogynist statement is being made here. It CLEARLY makes the point that females can NEVER be complete without a male. Where are all the millennial feminazi? These is clearly an affront to insecure, hairy legged women everywhere!
Calif Dreamin
It's always fun to turn percentages into numbers...these people are talking about 2200ish teen pregnancies in a state population of 5+million. A question that needs to be answered is how does that turn into $15million/year in healthcare costs...
Calif Dreamin
He's right, but that doesn't mean welcoming people that break our laws...It would be akin to finding a burglar in your house and inviting him to move into the spare room...
Calif Dreamin
The last time liberals tried to "fix" healthcare in this country the one thing that was notably left out of the "fix" was pharma...All they really did was line the pockets of insurers and large medical providers...Wanna fix healthcare? Take government out of the equation.
Calif Dreamin
Bullshit...Life ain't free...we've raised a generation that see the Karkrashians make millions doing nothing, and think that's how it works...sorry cupcake...
Calif Dreamin
Ok....anyone wonder what Thanksgiving is like at their house? Do they fight over the turkey legs? Toss a coin? Make more than one bird to have enough to go around?
Calif Dreamin
BS...he is a humble guy, and very generous. He has NOT given away most of his money. His biggest expenditure is taking care of his family.....
Calif Dreamin
Demanding rights from another human brings with them the failings that are inherently human. We are all much better off insisting on those inalienable right sgranted by our creator.
Calif Dreamin
This is what you get when society raises a generation participation award winning, entitled twits that really want to work as long as they can be the boss....
Calif Dreamin
Rights are not given by men...any rights believed to be provided by good men are fooled by tyrants...Rights are granted by the creator...
Calif Dreamin
Always thought term limits was a good idea...then we got them in Calif...Politicians simply term limit out and move on to another elected, or worse appointed position in the public sector. Voting districts are so gerrymandered that there truly is no competition in elections. The govt is rigged...completely...
Calif Dreamin
So far, Beijing has been fairly restrained. This will get uglier. For those twits that oppose gun ownership, this is what the 2nd amendment is really about.
Calif Dreamin
It's been such a great idea that all the private transportation companies went bankrupt. Now they're run by the government, and subsidized with tax dollars...
Calif Dreamin
the more accurate truth is that EJ has had a couple of good TV gigs. He got noticed and offered up what he has because of his dad...Otherwise he'd just be another whack job tranny.
Calif Dreamin
The younger generation has never understood the comfort of the ones that came before...They haven't earned that comfort yet....Sadly with the generation coming they may not be able to grasp the concept...
Calif Dreamin
Ok...there needs to be some ground rules...If you're gonna psot stuff like this, the site should be required to include a phone number. Preferably hers, but any number will do...
Calif Dreamin
Yea...that's it....sadly too many people in college today are too stupid to be there...We have sold an entire generation that their life is worthless without a college degree. When in fact they go to college, wind up worthless, and deep in debt...
Calif Dreamin
Before there were video games it was young adults that were exposed to the violence of war. Today that exposure starts before kids are growing pubic hair, and to make it worse the games allow them to die and get right back up like nothing happened. It is not the only cause for mass shootings, but it seems to be part of the list....
Calif Dreamin
Ummm...1978...18yrs was $450/mo...gas was 0.85/ got 10mpg...a beer was a buck..cocktail $3.00...gross pay $1200/ was $785ish...Get a grip buttercup...
Calif Dreamin
Truth is...Just because Clinton was on Epstein's plane and island like 25-30 times doesn't mean he new what Epstein was up to. If Clinton didn't know, he's seriously disappointed.
Calif Dreamin
The truth is that most Americans don't give shit how the rest of the world sees us. As much as they claim to despise us, most would rather be here than where they are. The brutal fact is that if you are born on these shores in the worst of circumstances, you already have a better start than the vast majority of the world's population. It's time we ended this BS that we should be ashamed of who and what we are as a nation. We're as good as it gets, and we're always working to get better. Don't like it? Fuck off and go find someplace that suits you.
Calif Dreamin
I don't agree with him on anything politically. That said, he is a genuine nice man that doesn't take himself too seriously...We could all take a lesson from that
Calif Dreamin
Imagine for a moment...the year is 2009, and out of nowhere in Atlanta a billboard pops up depicting the newly sworn in president wearing native Kenyan garb holding open a gate marked as the US/Mexico border...
The resulting outcry from news outlets and websites across the land defend the free speech of the artist creating the billboard, and raising him up as a hero of our culture...
Yea....I can't imagine it either...
Calif Dreamin
First...neither you nor I did any of those things. We enjoy the benefits of what our ancestors did both good and bad. To look back at that and tear apart all that is good because of the bad done by ancestors is as fucked up as some of the things they did.
Second...This is not a closed society. Those that feel too guilty, or angry, about the history of this great nation can leave at anytime they wish.
Third...Grow the fuck up.
Calif Dreamin
More likely the Irish PM showed up like any leadership couple would, and never gave it another thought. Pence, being a reasonable man, gave it no second thought. Basically, a BS controversy ginned up by the media. Yet, people still believe there is no fake news...
Calif Dreamin
You are correct. Noone should be forced into any ritual. That said, one must be prepared for for the ramifications of their choices. The fact that there are successful people in sport, that are often held up as role models, have such disdain for the freedoms they enjoy that they can not simply stand silently out of respect for the nation/society that provides those freedoms is disheartening to many. That disheartening ends up with those many people using their freedom to hold those people in disrepute.
Calif Dreamin
The Anthem protestors employers are the ones that will feel the most effect in the short run. It is impossible to say how much damage has been done to the NFL's image in the minds of fans, but damage has been done. Likely lasting damage.
Calif Dreamin
Gotta give credit for not shitting in the living room...Regardless, I have yet to meet a Sikh that is not a man of his word...A rare thing in this world..
Calif Dreamin
Funny how a country not made up of immigrants, that has had a proud culture that goes back a millennia opens their borders to everyone and anyone only to see their proud culture eroding to nothing.
Calif Dreamin
Not to worry, California Assembly just voted to approve going to a single payer healthcare system for the state. They plan to double the payroll tax. They also admit that the tax increase won't pay for the plan, and haven't figured out how to pay the balance. So, all of us Calif residents should just hang on and pre-lube....more is coming...
Calif Dreamin
Not ignoring anything. Caucasian and Asian peoples are known to have been migratory. Historically, Jesus was said to be a Jew from Galilee. That would likely make him dark haired and olive skinned. As a kid growing up he was always depicted as fair skinned, blue eyed, with flowing blonde or brown hair.
Calif Dreamin
Who let Martha f-in Stewart in? The problem here was that the chocolate chunks were just dropped on the bottom when they should have been mixed in at the same time as the hash...
Calif Dreamin
This quote was reported by a couple of other prisoners, who survived, before she was taken from her cell for guillotine...ouch...
Calif Dreamin
You would be quite wrong on that...At least until there was a turn...If I'm not mistaken that's a Cuda 383... That is assuming that it doesn't just blow up shifting into second...
Calif Dreamin
From today:
"Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[12] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic, stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[13] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[13] and selective mutism.[13][14] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her Asperger's as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[14]" - From her Wiki....
Google quotes from her parent's book where they discuss it...
Calif Dreamin
The generation before me didn't leave me shit. My old man had his pension basically stolen by the Teamsters. So take the "living wage" argument and shove it.
The world doesn't owe you, me, or anyone else shit. You get what you earn. It's not fair, but all that talk about fair while you were in school is bull.
Want to earn a living wage? Learn a skill. One that produces something. Those soft science degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Nobody needs an ancient art anthropologist.
Learn how to weld...fix a plumber...learn to sell something to someone else...those skills are useful in the world.
People that have don't worry about a living wage....
Calif Dreamin
Grew up in Willow Grove...Philly used to be a great place to party...and Eagles fans are the best! They boo when you lose, and cheer when you win...but are always loyal.
Calif Dreamin
Not even are equating a physical response to a spiritual matter...The fact that something physical occurs has no bearing on the concept that there is more to us than our mortal being.
Calif Dreamin
Wow...another product of the public education system....always good to hear intelligent dialogue from thoughtful people of differing opinions...
Calif Dreamin
People come from all over the world to be treated. Childbirth averages about $8500. Most of which is covered by even the most basic health insurance. If you have a car wreck, you are back to car insurance...and if you're driving without coverage, get the fuck off the road.
Calif Dreamin
Bain and KKR did just fine...wasn't a home run, but they made $$....The folks that get truly hosed are the folks still owed teh $5 =/- bln...
Calif Dreamin
Shitbags everywhere are offended by his inclusion...have a little comapassion....I mean you'd be offended if he was included in your group of turdtappers....
Calif Dreamin
Noone has ever said he pays for everything out of pocket. He started, seed funded a nonprofit to do this. Then he raised the money to make it happen. He's prolly done more to help people in an hour than you've done in your sad fucking life.
Calif Dreamin
Better that than some goofy ass dad jean wearin, monkey eared, community organizer that spent most of his time apologizing for the country he was elected to represent, support, and promote.
Calif Dreamin
Well your pastor has it wrong. If you believe the New Testament, a hateful believer has the opportunity for redemption. An atheist does not believe and therefore is a lost soul. Your pastor is not teaching the Christian bible.
Calif Dreamin
A law to eliminate all Greek-American low self esteem teenagers from society before they have a chance to strike.
Would be as helpful as any gun control legislation idea, and just as effective...
Calif Dreamin
You should be kissing the ground any marines walks on. You get to be an anonymous snarky POS thanks to the sacrifice of these people....there are some things you should just leave be...cunt.
Calif Dreamin
Part...not all...part of that insane rise in costs has to do with govt reporting requirements, and good old liability issues. Watch TV at night every other ad for some dipshit law firm looking for that 1 in 500k people allergic to something...