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    robotnic Honestly prefer the no makeup version. They look like vampires on the right.
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    robotnic And here I was thinking the USA was the only place where racism existed. Has the media been lying to me?
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    robotnic One of the most clear-minded presidential candidates we ever had. Don't agree with everything he says, but I think this country would be in a much better place if he were president.
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    robotnic You didn't fight for my right to hate you, you fought for my right to say I hate you. No law can suppress hate; it can only mask it.
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    robotnic Rattle snakes bite for free in Texas.
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    robotnic I love the use of "sir" while pushing someone back from getting where they have paid to go. That and "People think they have the right to ignore us." It's not a right, it's a choice, and a smart one at that.
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    robotnic Teachers? Do they get two paychecks? Just trying to wrap my head around this.
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    robotnic I think the students thought they had signed up for Ebonics, not English.
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    robotnic Since he's Egyptian, they should have just made a human pyramid.
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    robotnic I'll meet you half way. I'll hire people to build a higher fence and then they can feed themselves with the money they earn. Win-win.
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    robotnic Judging from this guy's fingernails, I'd say he doesn't do any of the work.
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    robotnic I agree.
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    robotnic The gas powered one is called a Hummer, so the electric one should be called the Vibrator.
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    robotnic He could be putting that in worse places on his body, and probably has when you weren't in the room. Got to wonder what the kid is apprenticing for, but it probably sucks.
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    robotnic In the process of learning how to wear pants, monkey forgets how to climb trees.
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    robotnic Uh huh. This is documented where exactly?
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    robotnic I had heard that ceramic frogs were known to eat lawn gnomes, but I always discounted it as urban legend.
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    robotnic You hotel management is stupid if they buy into the Apple-centric paradigm given that Apple changes something to a new "standard" with just about every iteration of their product. I've seen these radio dock stations in too many hotels and thought "Bet you nobody uses that."
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    robotnic These girls are of the right caliber.
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    robotnic How is this insensitive? A white kid wanted to be Mr T, who's black. Gonna need some makeup to make that happen. If black men can dress as white women for a movie, I don't see how a white kid dressing up as a black actor for Halloween is any worse. It's not black face.
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    robotnic The head covering isn't necessary until a girl reaches puberty. Someone is trying to make a statement about their kid's religion.
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    robotnic If you search for "seven signs you're in a cult" you can pretty much check off all those with Scientology. Of course, now they're going to come after me.
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    robotnic Have to wonder what set her off. Yeah, she was getting irate, talking gibberish and probably mentally unstable, but the dumbass kid following her less that 5 feet away with a camera phone tells me he probably instigated the whole thing.
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    robotnic I thought I heard some English in that narrative. I think most illegals have a better grasp of English than she does.
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    robotnic So she's not capable of making a decision because she's drunk, but he, being equally drunk, is responsible for any decision he makes?
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    robotnic So transfer out of Yale. I'm sure mommy and daddy will thank you for the cost savings, you self-righteous bitch.
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    robotnic Those rocks are really starting to show their age.
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    robotnic Pretty soon I'll be able to smoke pot in public but will get arrested/fined if I have magnet spheres in my house? Us gov't at work.
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    robotnic I doubt if anybody with a high school education from Louisiana could pass this test.
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    robotnic And everybody on uberhumor is responsible for penesopheles' comments.
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    robotnic Don't forget that everybody there has really amazing knives for when they don't have ammo. Oh, and chocolate.
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    robotnic Thought this was a woman until I played the video. Now I'm sure it is.
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    robotnic Is this the upside to teenage pregnancy?
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    robotnic Who is this dipshit? These "pranks" are stupid.
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    robotnic Whatever damage that happened to her, I'm sure it was an improvement. I didn't like her from the moment she started talking.
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    robotnic Heat seeking fists of fury.
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    robotnic I've seen this story before, but it still tugs at the heart strings. Went through this recently with my 16 year old dog. I wasn't nearly as thoughtful as these people, which makes it hurt that much more.
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    robotnic If there was ever an argument for accelerating global warming, this is it, just to see them hang sooner.
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    robotnic "the hurricane"? Which one would that be? Seems this apple orchard has the same problem every year. Someone needs to find another line of work.
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    robotnic Yeah, but that's not what cuck (short for cuckold) means. It's a derogatory word, basically like calling a guy a pussy. If you are dumb enough to appropriate the word for that meaning, I'll be happy to call you what you are, a cuck.
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    robotnic "The best way to recognize Penesopheles is when his face is positioned right about here"
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    robotnic Yep, that's pretty bad.
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    robotnic I can certainly see their motivation for getting plastic surgery.
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    robotnic "Sorry!"? Fucking pricks.
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    robotnic I suspect her naked body looks really weird.
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    robotnic I see a crack in flat Earth logic.
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    robotnic Is dying your hair black considered progress?
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    robotnic Now that's proper parenting.
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    robotnic I doubt Anal Easy got anybody fired. She probably got banned from Lyft, but I suspect this was staged (by her) to be a reaction video.
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    robotnic Remarkable how so many of these pictures resemble the image in my head of Penesopheles' facial expression when he posts a message.
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    robotnic Look on the bright side. If we get a low score we can all just claim it as a disability and start getting a welfare check.
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    robotnic Saw that coming a mile away. Whew!
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    robotnic I'm seeing this lazy teacher behavior in my kids' schools. The "teachers" are just regurgitation material in the form of printed packets and URLs, with no actual teaching involved. That shit doesn't work for the majority of students. It pisses me off. This kid is 100% correct.
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    robotnic Audio quality is so poor that I can't understand what's she's saying. As such, this is neither interesting nor funny.
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    robotnic Might as well say "Other than his terminal illness, he's healthy."
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    robotnic How is this interesting? Is the imperfect lines?
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    robotnic If I were the judge I would have required them to donate the lot to a children's charity as compensation for wasting the court's time.
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    robotnic If this type of behavior is what prompted the divorce, you'd think he would have anticipated this.
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    robotnic CPS seems to have lost their senses, at least the common ones. Too many paper pushers that don't bother to ask simple questions such as "does this make sense?".
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    robotnic In regards to the text at the bottom of the comic; "I wouldn't be so eager to get credit for these comics; they're shit."
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    robotnic Given that the electorate follows the path of least resistance, most of them wouldn't even bother to read the whole list, let alone heed it.
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    robotnic "bu it wa like Ga let me an mah gut an duh Ga let me an duh direshun uf muh hot" Damn dude, hope you're taking some diction classes while you're in Florida.
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    robotnic That's a pretty convoluted perspective. In general work gets done because people are paid to do the work, so that the people (after taxes) make a profit. Nobody's going to do a job if it costs them more than it's worth. Take that to the next level, and businesses aren't going to hire people to do work if the end result isn't profitable. But what about charity? Nobody does charity if they're starving.
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    robotnic What the hell is that little bald kid with the ancient cell phone doing on the field at the end of the clip? Damn ugly.
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    robotnic The "calling out" doesn't happen until the last 15 seconds. If this were posted on facebook, it would have been labelled "click bait".
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    robotnic Moral of this story: if you want to find out if someone is hurt inside, cut them open.
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    robotnic Eminem ought to pay this kid a visit.
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    robotnic Doesn't look like it's hiking to me.
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    robotnic If the guys didn't scream every time the eel attacked I might have actually heard the sound coming out of the speakers.
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    robotnic Saw this on the national news an hour ago. Welcome to the "me" generation. However, I have to give them credit for the romantic venue. Houston freeways are particularly beautiful this time of year.
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    robotnic "Netflix and chill" is getting old.
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    robotnic How do you know that's not the work of carpenter ants?
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    robotnic Why would anybody want to eat a banana without chewing? You miss out on all the textures and flavor. Wierdo!
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    robotnic And that pair in the middle makes me happy.
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    robotnic That's it, uberhumor. I give up.
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    robotnic I'll just spit in their general direction. It's the thought that counts, right?
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    robotnic These anti-vaccine people are probably the same ones who won't let their 10+ year old children use a public bathroom without an adult present. Calling them biological terrorists is probably an extreme, but they clearly have no regard for anybody else's welfare.
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    robotnic I read somewhere that the UberHumor comment section was a significant contributor to global warming. Actually, I think I read it here, in the previous sentence.
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    robotnic I don't care what anybody says, I like the guy's "to hell with other people's opinion, I'm going to enjoy myself and be comfortable" attitude.
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    robotnic I'm afraid I would have drop kicked that kid, then I'd ask what was bothering him.
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    robotnic Walgreens had better clean up their act. With more honest reviews like this, they're doomed. Criminals unite and boycott Walgreens!
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    robotnic I figured his hands would look bizarre somehow, but they look surprisingly normal.
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    robotnic Never really thought about the sound a porcupine makes, but if I had, this isn't what I would imagine. Pure enthusiasm.
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    robotnic I guess the description proves that it works.
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    robotnic Looks like someone's about to make an baby smoothie.
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    robotnic Forklifts and similar construction equipment is exactly what they mean.
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    robotnic I'd like to keep my asshole dickless, thank you very much.
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    robotnic never heard the term "fly tipper" before. Do they not have garbage collection wherever they are? Probably live out of their car and do odd jobs.
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    robotnic Get together, have a kid, and post a picture of the kid's feet.
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    robotnic Genetics doesn't work like that, but whatever.
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    robotnic Looks like the modern-day version of the Hamburgler.
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    robotnic This is just CNN getting both sides of the story.
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    robotnic At the risk of assuming gender, the name Lena suggests this is a woman, but I honestly have a doubt. Looks like Michael Cera's head on a chubby boy's body.
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    robotnic If people in college talk like that, this country is doomed.
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    robotnic I'm guessing Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs" series deliberately avoided this occupation.
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    robotnic Sounds like a spaghetti western.
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    robotnic See who he surrounds himself with when there isn't a camera.
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    robotnic Even the cats in Russia have a big ego.
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    robotnic So just use more paper. You really aren't saving money with these cheap brands. Only reason I can think of to buy cheaper toilet paper is to keep it from getting stolen.
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    robotnic At the risk of making this list even longer, I suggest we add "avoid visiting uberhumor".
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    robotnic Somebody was under a lot of pressure to make dinner.
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    robotnic Twins don't always have to wear the same outfits you know.
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    robotnic You shave everything but your face? Idiot.
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    robotnic Mother looks like she's already seen his stupid antics before.
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    robotnic I was thinking exactly the
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    robotnic That's a very tolerant cat. My cat would have shredded that dog.
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    robotnic Over the line with this one UH.
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    robotnic As the song says, that was stupid as hell (the song, not the cat).
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    robotnic It's just a flesh wound.
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    robotnic Wow, talk about a baby face. Only change I see is more hair (and a body).
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic If this is true, I have to wonder how they got the camera back. It had to drift a hundred miles.
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    robotnic She looks like she's in the late 20's at most.
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    robotnic Isn't this how Richard Gere started down the wrong path?
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    robotnic Wasps put the nest there so they would get up at the crack of dawn.
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    robotnic This story belongs in the news under the heading "Current Events".
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    robotnic Already there. Only measurements I don't use metric for is time.
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    robotnic Thigh scar and seven years ago, our founding fathers...
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    robotnic That's gonna be one heavy table.
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    robotnic Filipino's aren't really apologizing for anything here. With their strict Catholicism, the only way the males can have sex before marriage is by becoming a flaming homo. These are the same people who self flagellate. Strange culture, but the food is amazing.
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    robotnic I had an eraser with a sexual image on it and it might have been a mistake but I rubbed one out.
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    robotnic That must be one hell of a fire. Images of it have been popping up on the internet for years.
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    robotnic Certainly smarter than some of the people on uberhumor who can't even figure out how to stop the popup ads.
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    robotnic You were born with a cleft palate. Don't let a bunch of shits give you guff for something you have no control over. It gets better kid. Middle school is the worst.
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    robotnic I would have asked the employee "what did you do to earn it?"
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    robotnic Real world evidence of real world stupidity.
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    robotnic Try doing a English next.
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    robotnic House is a mess and smells of cats but you have to take your shoes off? Your friend can go fuck himself.
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    robotnic That one second from the left is HOT!
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    robotnic Too many signs to look out for. Probably why so many guys just go straight to step 30. Glad I'm past this shit.
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    robotnic Looks like Sam the Eagle from the Muppets.
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    robotnic Have to admit, that's pretty cute.
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    robotnic In this image he looks as cardboard as all the boxes in front of him. I'd say he's overplayed his hand at this point.
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    robotnic Her thinking when she bought this: "Wow, this isle has my shampoo AND all my cooking needs. Walmart, what will you think of next?"
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    robotnic I feel like someone is trying to manipulate me with this post.
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    robotnic Can't wait for this horse's/camel's ass to back out. He's just there to make the other republican candidates look better.
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    robotnic I just looked at "Jaden Smith - Best Tweets" (google it) and this kid seems to think pretty highly of himself in general. Seems like Will and Jada would be good parents but Will definitely should have pulled out for this one.
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    robotnic Love her apropos example of why withdrawing consent is nonsense. Beautiful logic.
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    robotnic I think the biggest threat to this child's survival is inherited IQ.
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    robotnic Don't need to see the video to agree with the title of this post.
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    robotnic So basically the dog waits for you to get back home. Another mystery of the universe solved.
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    robotnic Not funny, but worth the watch. Cool stuff.
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    robotnic Micro agression, aka, first-world problem.
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    robotnic I'm definitely more attracted to the gun than the woman.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Christopher probably shouldn't be sky diving.
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    robotnic Did he get Dyson-tery?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic I was half expecting her to run over the attendant at the end.
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    robotnic This is so gay, and then it isn't.
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    robotnic The funniest thing on this site in a long time! Sad but hilarious.
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    robotnic Thug life.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Wasn't expecting that ending where the horse walks on scene. Oh, and, hey kid, PUT DOWN THE SCISSORS!
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Consider me motivated to be more disciplined.
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    robotnic As a parent I wouldn't call. Let the kid stew. When the kid comes home, act like you didn't see the letter.
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    robotnic I think the trick is to feed your dog before the competition.
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    robotnic Just think of the interest this guy could have made if he had deposited in an interest-bearing checking account.
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    robotnic This happens with Amazon too. Bought two identical yarn "balls" (4 oz each) and they came in separate boxes, with more bubble pack (by volume) than the yarn.
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    robotnic First time was mildly amusing, but four and a half minutes of the same thing... boring.
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    robotnic Never disappointed with this show.
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    robotnic Not sure why a partnership between Lego and Shell makes sense other than the fact that plastics are made from petroleum, in which case Swampdonkey hit the nail on the head.
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    robotnic With the empty post, it would have been a lot funnier if it had just said "things every American should know about Canada".
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    robotnic I would never do this but the thought of it certainly satisfies my frustration with drivers that are more focused on their phones than their driving. Any time I've honked at somebody who doesn't realize the light has changed (after 5-6 seconds), they always seem angry that I honked. It goes along with that self-important attitude that gives little consideration for how their actions affect others.
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    robotnic Huh, I get the same response when I yell "Sale" near a pack of women at the mall.
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    robotnic I don't understand why executions aren't done using the veterinary euthanasia drug pentobarbitol for executions. Fast (30 seconds) and painless. Why have these fancy multistage concoctions executioners use now that seem to be so unreliable.
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    robotnic Jeez! I wonder if he broke any bones? I think I've seen more ice bucket challenge fails than successes. Of course, the fails are way more fun to watch.
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    robotnic #smackupsidethehead #youlostyourinternetaccessforaweek #gotoyourroom
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    robotnic Reduce waste? It's substituting one kind of waste for another. We started using plastic bags because it "saved the trees". Now we've realized (the obvious) that plants are a renewable resource.
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    robotnic fuck that shit!
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    robotnic Looks like Lucky Charms marshmallows to me.
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    robotnic "One job I just seen" Sounds like he doesn't qualify anyway.
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    robotnic What do the rest of the guys do in your office?
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    robotnic She didn't actually learn any sign language. She just used the universal hand motion for blowjob.
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    robotnic Channeling Jeff Foxworthy: You might be gay if you refer to anybody's hair as "fabulous" AND you get excited about brushing your daughter's hair.
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    robotnic Which one is the mom? I'm guessing the one with less facial hair.
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    robotnic But wait, there's more! If you order in the next 24 hours we'll send you not one, but two for the price of one. Don't wait, call today. 1-970-867-5309
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Fortunately the sun went back to where it belongs so the rest of us could enjoy it too.
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    robotnic Kid aint wrong.
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    robotnic Morticia.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Needless to say, homeless people are a bunch of pricks.
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    robotnic The suspense is killing me. In the what? Where did she find it?
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    robotnic Making this coin is true dedication to a good joke.
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    robotnic Male or female? Name is probably Pat.
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    robotnic GMO-sensitive people are gonna be pissed. No more bananas for you!
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    robotnic I didn't know Popeye was from India.
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    robotnic With those lyrics from him, I'll take Beyonce no matter what she's spouting. Can't unread those lyrics.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic More money than brains.
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    robotnic Pretty clever. I doubt UK wants us back, though. We don't even spell words "right" anymore and have strange accents.
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    robotnic Russian cussing sounds the same as English. Beeeep!
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    robotnic Got a bunch of Mac heads at work that are pretty pissed about these "improvements". They're actually considering alternatives. It's a brave new world.
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    robotnic Can you say "over reaction"? Just take the door off the hinges: just as effective and you don't destroy a door in the process.
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    robotnic She's clearly a non-conformist who's bucking the system. Just look at the flashy ankle bracelet.
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    robotnic But they weren't having sex with each other.
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    robotnic Couldn't have anything to do with her being a lesbian.
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    robotnic 23 emotions people can't pronounce, let alone understand.
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    robotnic Surprised the outside of the purse isn't furry just to complete the symbolism.
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    robotnic Maybe not father of the year, but you'll make a great uncle!
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    robotnic "Toons... gets 'em every time"
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    robotnic It's a calculator. That tech was perfected 20 years ago, so this is no surprise to me.
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    robotnic Apparently it is that hard to understand, because I don't understand what the caption is saying is really not that hard to understand.
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    robotnic Behind or between, but definitely not "in".
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    robotnic Thanks for doing the leg work and demonstrating that these sweepstakes are a waste of time.
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    robotnic Want to be more productive? Stay off UberHumor.
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    robotnic Kinda looks like Sid from Ice Age.
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    robotnic How is does the metaphor of using AC power connectors as a substitute for gender make this funny?
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    robotnic What does the title have to do with the content? Total non sequitur. As for the content of the post, she's got more drive than me.
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    robotnic Unfortunately, for every one female that this would look good on, there are nine others that it wouldn't. Just go to Walmart if you doubt me.
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    robotnic This is what happens when two dicks come together.
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    robotnic Even Death has to take his pet to the vet sometimes. This is clearly the vet to the underworld as should be evident by the Devil's trap symbol on the floor.
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    robotnic The owner of this car is worried about how the windshield looks?
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    robotnic In my experience, a person's car is kept exactly like their house/room. Slobs are slobs.
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    robotnic He's been practicing more than her.
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    robotnic Stop crying you big baby!
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    robotnic I was going to make a comment about this post but by the time I got to the comment section, I forgot what I was going to say.
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    robotnic If I had a fraction of his luck... oh wait, I do. A 78 millionth of it. Come on Power Ball!
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    robotnic That guy on the left is looking at him like "This is no time to show off your new moves.", while the rest look like they're thinking "Idiot".
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    robotnic Does the UH moderator even check the content before posting it? These dead link videos seem to happen frequently.
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    robotnic I happened to watch this episode a couple days ago. The Master Chef Junior is way more entertaining than the adult version. These kids are amazing cooks.
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    robotnic A monument to good parenting Mia Farrow is. Her daughter's name is queer(sp)?
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    robotnic Damn. The difference is like night and day.
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    robotnic For someone who uses a fork AND knife to eat pancakes, yeah, this must be terribly frustrating. Of course, as much syrup as you have there, perhaps you'd be better off with a bowl instead of a plate.
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    robotnic Would have liked to see a demonstration of this in a real-world situation. I'm sure wheel-chair-bound people can readily see the value of this.
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    robotnic Picking your nose while sitting next to "embarrassing dad" only adds fuel to the fire.
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    robotnic So how does it taste? Like chocolate honey I hope. Hmm, that sounded better in my head.
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    robotnic I know which one is the straightener, but I would have done the same thing.
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    robotnic Sausage - it's serious business.
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    robotnic Chubby by Japanese standards. Some of them would qualify as thin by American standards.
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    robotnic I heard about this. Too bad the camel did behave more like a dog and shake his prey back and forth.
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    robotnic Might as well leave the first one in its original plastic wrapper.
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    robotnic Ith theems fine to me.
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    robotnic My wife promises me "tomorrow" all the time.
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    robotnic Best pet costume ever!
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    robotnic Stupid
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    robotnic Shit, you already have an infant watching videos as a form of child care? And what the hell is it even watching, something about anthropomorphic dancing purple onions? This kid is doomed.
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    robotnic Followup headline: Homeless man spent half his money on drugs and then got robbed for the other half after he OD'd.
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    robotnic Ah, make-work. Preparing them for the real world.
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    robotnic Uberhumor, we have a problem.
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    robotnic It would be truly ionic if the electron guy wasn't there.
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    robotnic This guy belongs on UH.
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    robotnic Now reconstruct the caption.
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    robotnic Could just be segregating bathroom use by belly button disposition.
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    robotnic Damn, looks like your mother should have gone with plan B.
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    robotnic At the risk of being ridiculed, this is my all-time favorite movie.
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    robotnic Don't know what wearing confederate colors has to do with being helpful. Is the poster not Caucasian? Is that what makes this noteworthy?
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    robotnic Looks like Predator in drag.
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    robotnic I consider "crushing" flat Earthers like telling a religious person there is no god. It's a faith-based belief and no amount of logic is going to sway them. Then again, I find it hard to believe any adult actually believes this shit, so crush away.
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    robotnic No Doubtfire, but Close!
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    robotnic Are women even allowed out at night in these places?
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    robotnic Here's a thought: just don't go there. There's plenty of nice places in the world I want to visit. India isn't even on the list.
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    robotnic Maybe because nobody outside of Chicago gives a shit.
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    robotnic A hare raising experience, that was.
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    robotnic The drug police may be after those customers, but the grammar police are going to be all over this dentist.
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    robotnic "Cancelled" is the correct spelling in the US. Stop making shit up.
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    robotnic You lost all that weight, so why the long face?
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    robotnic Next time, try using a bowl.
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    robotnic Plausible story except for the part where a kid bites a complete stranger at the grocery and draws blood.
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    robotnic Too commercialized. Really spoils the experience.
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    robotnic He's leaving a quickie mart with three packs of smokes, so we know the healthy part is already forfeit.
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    robotnic How did you fit the whole thing in your backpack?
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    robotnic I think I'll just dissolve the sugar in water instead of melting it, because melted sugar is really hot and known to kill bees.
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    robotnic I decided to watch her standup special on Netflix. About 10 minutes in, I had seen enough. Almost no humor, mostly shock-jock type jokes. If this is the best she's got, she is to stand up comedy what the Kardashians are acting.
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    robotnic It exists because of moochers. Hell, if the cafeteria didn't expect me to pay for my meal, I wouldn't.
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    robotnic Wow, she's really jumped the shark.
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    robotnic It's called a golden snatch worm.
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    robotnic This post is trying to be totally transparent with the facts.
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    robotnic She did this on porpoise.
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    robotnic With all those hashtags, this girl's definitely screaming for attention. Get her some psychiatric help mom, before she turns 18. After that, you lose what little control you might have.
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    robotnic They need the homeless shelters to house the people who can't get a decent job because of their weed habit.
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    robotnic Hey buddy, you clearly not splainin it to them right. Seriously though, this is what you get when you try to save money by going with a 2-bit mover. If the stuff was that important, you should have had a reputable company move it and paid them to pack it. Plastic bins from Walmart (of all places) ain't gonna cut it.
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    robotnic Wow, it's like a compass or something. How does nature do it?
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    robotnic I don't care what my rights are when crossing the road, I always assume the worst in drivers and keep my eye on oncoming traffic. Amazing part was she wasn't even on a cell phone, which is probably what saved her.
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    robotnic Just to be safe, the EID celebrators will be wearing special clothing to avoid being identified as terrorist extremists. Participants describe the garment as a one-use-only padded vest than can be quickly removed with the push of a button.
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    robotnic "We never crush our nuts with anger" You listening Penesopheles? Stop crushing your nuts with anger.
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    robotnic You are a female with chaw in you mouth. You've got bigger problems than pokemon.
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    robotnic If I had to guess, I'd say somebody hypnotized the chicken. It's really easy to do. Just hold their head to the ground and drag you finger straight out in front of their beak. They freeze up and stay that way for a long time.
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    robotnic That was intense. Can almost feel the dad's anxiety.
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    robotnic Daft Punk meets Blue Man (Group?)
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    robotnic The bigger their egos, the harder they fall.
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    robotnic With a name like Season, I suspect her parents set no boundaries and this is karma knocking.
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    robotnic Welcome to rural Texas (but probably true for rural anywhere). Occasionally you get the driver who actually drives on the shoulder because they know they're driving slower than most others, but the speeding up thing is far more common. It's also common for these same people to speed up in passing zones and slow down on the double yellow.
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    robotnic If everybody was exceptional, nobody would be. Don't knock average, it beats being below average. Find a passion and do it as a hobby. Very few have a passion that is also their life's work.
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    robotnic Is your brother in the department of redundancy department?
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    robotnic I'm already tired of xmas music and it's not even December yet.
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    robotnic Video is exceedingly long-winded, but I've never seen this technique before and actually have a need for it.
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    robotnic I love his logic where he says the higher costs are all going towards developing new drugs. I have a doubt.
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    robotnic I lost my appetite just thinking about it.
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    robotnic I think it's a placeholder in case there's an accident. The driver just writes in whatever the cause of the accident, such as "yield".
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    robotnic A fireworks that's worth seeing in daylight. Awesome!
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    robotnic The cream of the crop doesn't know which end is up, just like the people who drink this stuff.
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    robotnic I met Carl at one of his presentations about 20 years ago. Someone in the audience asked him "How do you feel about divine intervention". His response was "sounds like the behavior of an incompetent god".
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    robotnic Come to Phoenix, Arizona and learn from the pros.
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    robotnic I think it's the music that's pissing off the Chameleon.
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    robotnic Good to see someone trying to be a good parent and take responsibility for disciplining his children in a constructive way.
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    robotnic Is there a more appropriate time to walk your tire?
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    robotnic Is your mom's shampoo made by Cambell's?
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    robotnic Too many giveaways in this US, so I'm not a fan of the idea. I do support the idea of schools being supplemented by taxes to some degree, but, in my experience, if you don't pay for something you don't appreciate it as much.
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    robotnic Is this what is meant by "orange is the new black"? "Don't go to college, son. There's far more demand for inmates than college grads".
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    robotnic Tried dating soda cans for a while. It was pretty easy to pop their top and they squirted every time, but the relationship always fizzled after that.
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    robotnic Another misleading title. The robot doesn't stitch the grape. A doctor uses the robot to stitch a grape. It's like saying "my car drove to work". Yeah, some day that may be true, but right now, it takes a human at the controls.
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    robotnic All very sad, and strangely familiar.
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    robotnic There's still space available for a pawn shop.
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    robotnic Better name than his siblings Empty and Doesnt.
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    robotnic Maybe because they're in control of their destiny here, whereas in the hood, it's up to some random urge by some fool.
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    robotnic "In the butt", classic one liner!
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    robotnic What kind of an idiot would knowingly leave a penny in the garbage disposal long enough to do this kind of damage?
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    robotnic I think it would be far worse if only a couple answers didn't match the pattern.
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    robotnic I've heard of the "day after" pill, but not the "nine months after" pill. Didn't think you needed a pill for that. Is it all natural?
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    robotnic This is news? It's neither funny nor interesting and it's ancient history.
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    robotnic Plastic surgery changes "things", money just made it possible.
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    robotnic These two actors are doing this kind of stuff far too often. Are they coming out soon?
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    robotnic This is why I love working in robotics. It's fun when you succeed and usually funny when you fail.
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    robotnic Never seen this before. Amazing!
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    robotnic If they don't operate right these faucets are pretty annoying, but I think they are an improvement to handles in that you don't have to touch unsanitary surfaces to start/stop water flow. I'm sure they can be programmed to be more generous with flow time etc, but most installers probably don't bother to do this.
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    robotnic It takes over 6 years to pay this off? Most car loans are shorter than that.
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    robotnic A very bold middle finger to American values, I'm guessing.
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    robotnic Guy filming looks totally harmless to me, but walking around a store and not actually buying anything would make me suspicious too.
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    robotnic I would have titled this picture "Over-inflated airbags".
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    robotnic This kid's fate is sealed.
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    robotnic It's funny how the guy recording is trying, in the most polite way, to say "do you have shit for brains?" while the other guy is still confident that he did it right.
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    robotnic Used to go to school with a guy who was studying for his doctorate in engineering whose last name was Bates. Never asked, but always wondered if he was going for the advanced degree to avoid the inevitable lifelong harassment he'd face if he stopped with just a masters degree.
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    robotnic She brings humanity to a whole new dimension because she doesn't fit in the three we have.
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    robotnic Spiderman's secret identity is Shame.
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    robotnic And potentially the worst quality audio recording ever.
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    robotnic This called a parrot mattress since it repeats what it's been taught.
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    robotnic Kinda looks like the dregs from the dryer lint tray.
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    robotnic At first glance this seems pretty stupid, but it makes sense if you consider that they probably usually send more than one pallet to customers and it would probably be confusing to the carrier to send an empty pallet.
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    robotnic Expect the price of salt to go through the roof, or in this case, through the wall.
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    robotnic I have a doubt. Rotate that for me please.
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    robotnic Fix the dog's name in the post! Clifford and his maker deserve better.
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    robotnic Granted, this is all choreography and acting, but the level of practice needed to get this level of precision translates directly into very low odds of you getting near this kid without getting seriously injured.
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    robotnic He held it together better than I would have. Maybe he can submit the video to AFV and get $10000 out of it.
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    robotnic I think uberhumor needs to change the name of these type of posts from "inspirational" to "wisdom" or "reality check".
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    robotnic That could just as easily meant to indicate a fat woman who is really hungry.
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    robotnic Took me a few seconds to see the T-Rex version. Looks more like T-Rex hand puppets.
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    robotnic If elected, she promises to eat this job for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
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    robotnic The issue with pit bulls is that they are a tough, strong breed. This allows owners to be more rough with them, playing or otherwise, which desensitizes them to rough behavior. This can happen with any breed, but with pit bulls, they are so powerful that if they get aggressive, they can do a lot of damage. My neighbor has one and he is a gentle giant, but if he is trying to protect somebody/something, it's pretty scary.
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    robotnic That was a witty one. Ya ha da ha da ha da ha!
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    robotnic Good thing beheadings are socially frowned upon or this guy would be toast. Ah religion.
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    robotnic Fortunately his video was limited to 15min by the strike. Can't imagine sitting through his blather for an hour.
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    robotnic I think after doing this all day I'd just end up with a splitting headache.
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    robotnic Whoever posted this must really like flowery blouses.
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    robotnic The kitchen area is actually shared by 6 cells, along with a living room. The "private" rooms have a flat screen TV, so pretty swank, IMO.
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    robotnic Feel sorry for the guy. His entire family disowns him "because it's the word of God". I really like the part where the mother said "I knew you were gay since you were a baby" and then proceeds to tell him that he chose to be that way.
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    robotnic Wish I had thought of that as a kid. Still might try it as an adult.
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    robotnic It's really just a matter of communication and timing. She is not in the mood for sex as often as he is and feels she needs to lie in an attempt to protect his feelings. Obviously he doesn't believe her, but fails to follow through by helping her get in the mood. Granted, the guy is only after sex, but sex is an emotional need that cannot be satisfied (morally) outside of marriage, so she needs to understand this and realize that she's not always going to be in the mood when they have sex and he needs to realize that he is not always going to get what he asks for. Like any good salesman, sometimes you need a good sales pitch to close the deal.
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    robotnic It's too bad nobody from uberhumor has this condition so we didn't see repeats from months, weeks, or days ago, let alone the repeats in a single daily chaos.
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    robotnic What is a "woman baby"?
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    robotnic I used to date a woman named Ginger. She had planned a vacation to Hawaii before we met, so she went without me. When we last spoke, she mentioned something about maybe taking a three hour boat tour. I must have said something to to upset her because she never talked to me again. Women!
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    robotnic It's amazing what makeup can do for a woman's appearance.
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    robotnic She's Chinese so obviously it's on the other side.
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    robotnic That's some funny shit right there.
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    robotnic The funniest part of this video is the scammer's accents. Pretty sure they're speaking English, but it's hard to tell. I highly recommend watching the whole video because, let's face it, you're on uberhumor; you're here to waste time.
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    robotnic To make the perfect pancake, overfill a 9" pan with pancake batter.
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    robotnic Like those suicide chicken wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. At least 48 hour recovery.
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    robotnic "my grand nephew" Sure am glad we got context on this, otherwise it would have been boring.
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    robotnic "Real talk"? Forget the sea shell, what language is that?
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    robotnic Looks more like someone with an eating disorder.
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    robotnic Having a fence to keep disabled people separate from others is a good idea? What's next, separate water fountains and bathrooms?
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    robotnic He's got the humor part of being a dad.
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    robotnic Looks like he also went to the party constipated.
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    robotnic The pen marks on her back are the least of her worries. She needs to get that mouth growing out the right side of her face fixed.
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    robotnic That would be illegal; however, a mirror would not be.
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    robotnic This is describing much of journalism nowadays, not just click bait. Hate it when I see some teaser on the news saying "Wait until you see what this man did that shocked his family. Story at ten." and then you find out that he started putting his socks in the hamper instead of throwing them on the floor.
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    robotnic What better place to put one than on a roof so when you say "heads will roll" you can say it with conviction.
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    robotnic He looks like he might be gay, so this is probably for the best.
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    robotnic Organic pop tarts are a gateway drug to organic cocaine.
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    robotnic That is the American flag, without a shadow (of a doubt).
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    robotnic Actually that's a pac man on scissors trying to bite a fat woman's ass.
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    robotnic It's all downhill from here.
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    robotnic I'd buy that argument if the exercise were hiking, biking, kayaking, etc, but when I'm at the gym it's more of a competition with what I tend to eat and it seems I'm always on the verge of losing.
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    robotnic If Van Halen can sing the praises of Panama, why not Granama?
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    robotnic Can't quite read the writing just above her bikini bottoms, but I think it says "Easy open"
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    robotnic Hey birch, do those roots go all the way up?
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    robotnic It's a good thing for us he didn't get this tattoo on his ass.
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    robotnic Not only lazy but illegal.
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    robotnic Looks like time is ALL you've got, pal. It's stupidity like this when I wish I carried a carton of eggs in the car with me.
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    robotnic It doesn't work like that. Nice try.
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    robotnic Their model seems to assume vehicles are a plane. There are plenty of instances that show one vehicle driving through the body of another, so I don't trust the numbers.
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    robotnic That would be way more impressive if you found it in an Arizona river bed.
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    robotnic UH must really be struggling for content. Next thing you know we'll be seeing posts of moderately famous people with their name as the caption.
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    robotnic Suppose this is no different than docking a dog's tail ears, but equally stupid.
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    robotnic Knitwit
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    robotnic She probably thinks the moon is made of cheese. Common sense means that some people don't have it.
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    robotnic Reminiscent of the political arguments we get on this site.
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    robotnic Finally a video that lives up to the uberhumor name. I actually laughed at this one.
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    robotnic Last time this was posted some people go really confused about why it's funny.
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    robotnic Even the corrections have errors. "shoes on to behind" should be "shoes on to be behind"
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    robotnic I found an empty gum wrapper on my way to work this morning.
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    robotnic Them's fightin' words.
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    robotnic This is about a half mile from me. Whole town is already flooded and it just started dumping rain again. Terrible name for a town, IMO.
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    robotnic The dinosaurs didn't die off because of some asteroid, they died off because they couldn't adapt to a world that wasn't perfect.
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    robotnic Dorms have house keepers? Oh, WUSTL, a private university. $$$
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    robotnic Yep, that's an iPhone owner.
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    robotnic I have no idea how anybody in that room is keeping a straight face.
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    robotnic Not sure that's trump. Just looks like an old pear-shaped woman to me.
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    robotnic I lived there when it got up to 121 degrees. You could smell the burning in the air. There was a bird protecting its baby from the heat in the tree in my back yard. They didn't survive. The desert can be pretty harsh.
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    robotnic So getting another bowl was too complex for you so the dogs had to devise a way to stay alive? I believe that people are that stupid but I suspect this story is contrived.
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    robotnic Damn, are those kids pumped up on steroids? They're like barking chihuahuas because, even with bats in their hands, they're harmless. Wonder where they get it from?
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    robotnic Where's dildo? Would be easier if it had red and white stripes.
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    robotnic The size of a crocodile is more to the point.
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    robotnic That was hilarious. "My children are stuck in an elevator" and then an adult pops out. This is what happens when the family gets too far from their hooch still.
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    robotnic Iron maiden?
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    robotnic Looks like she's in the early 20's to me.
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    robotnic The kid is as smart as THE questions.
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    robotnic This is probably way more funny to a Norwegian.
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    robotnic A little ruff around the edges.
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    robotnic Is this how riddles get started? How many bulbs does it take to change a light bulb with a drone? I don't know, how many bulbs you got?
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    robotnic How do I explain someone being able to direct lightning at their enemy? I'll explain it after you demonstrate it. Yeah, that's what I thought.
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    robotnic Clerk never drops the cig, now that's job dedication.
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    robotnic Holy shit, this is exactly the same story for the husky I have. Stray with heartworm, had tags and owner wouldn't answer calls. Now, after treatment, she's fully healthy and a very well behaved dog. Even has the two different color eyes. Cool.
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    robotnic Better to be good at many things from which to choose than be good at only one thing for which there is no demand.
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    robotnic Seriously? Whoever posted this doesn't get out much.
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    robotnic Excellent follow up to the USA 4th of July celebration.
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    robotnic Stop posting this same stupid info graphic. Too many goddamn rules.
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    robotnic The instructions are in Spanglish. Love the "made in china walmart.com"... kinda says it all.
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    robotnic If that cloud was a wave, we'd all be toast.
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    robotnic This would be more accurate as a microphone mute symbol.
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    robotnic I think Marilyn Monroe did this with more class.
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    robotnic If you're thinking that, it's probably because of Sojourner, the first MARS rover, which was about the size of a dog. The MERS were bigger, but I have to admit, with that six-wheel chassis design and no size reference to compare, it's a understandable misperception.
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    robotnic This post has you right in the cross hairs, Penesopheles.
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    robotnic What were you expecting, some kind of Rube Goldberg contraption?
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    robotnic So he really is a politician.
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    robotnic "Without the media, this world would not exist" -- The Media
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    robotnic Nice to see a supportive dad. The internet has ruined me, because I was half expecting this guy to get hit by a car as he crossed an intersection.
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    robotnic I wish that's how tips worked. People would tip way more often.
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    robotnic All the hard problems have been solved, so this is how people in society distinguish themselves now. That, and impressing people at Walmart.
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    robotnic That duster at the top really completes the outfit. Armani really knows his craft.
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    robotnic I think his ego is broken.
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    robotnic I thought I recognized his performance as the older brother after Kelly LeBrocke cast a spell on him in "Weird Science". Talk about type casting.
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    robotnic Yeah, because nobody laughs the same way every time.
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    robotnic This inspired me to take a vacation.
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    robotnic Somebody had a lot of balls to make that display.
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    robotnic In theory this idea not only keeps vehicles a safe distance away but also forces him to act like a vehicle (stay off sidewalks and not cut between cars).
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    robotnic Sort of reminds me of that quote from Jaws: "You're going to need a bigger bike". Keep it up.
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    robotnic "On one side of this planet, this is absolutely normal"... WRONG! On one side of this planet, this is acceptable, but not normal.
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    robotnic Just looks like a bunch of kids having fun. A little dangerous, but way better than guns, knives, or bricks.
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    robotnic Second to the last one only has one sentence. I feel cheated.
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    robotnic Maybe if he got a prediction instead of a predicition, he'd be better off.
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    robotnic In my experience, they usually get off within 5 minutes. I think they are bothered by all the pictures I'm taking.
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    robotnic If these really are things he has said, he's even dumber than I thought, and that's saying a lot.
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    robotnic Just wondering when gladiator competition is going to start up again. That seems to be where these fighting competitions are headed.
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    robotnic I like the way she thinks, but to be honest, she really needs to consider cross training in case she can't fire a weapon or he can't fly. Think Aubrey, think!
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    robotnic Looks pretty much the same to me.
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    robotnic That sign is for those people at the shallow end of the gene pool.
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    robotnic This event must have happened while punctuation was being taught in school.
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    robotnic Somebody give this guy a thumbs up so he'll shut up.
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    robotnic Thug, soon to be known as the t-word. Only 24 letters of the alphabet left. Hurry up and be offended while there are still letters left in stock.
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    robotnic Looks like one of the characters Damon Wayan played on "In Living Color"
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    robotnic To whom was she talking? Looks like the vast majority was white. Wish I knew the back story, because her Spanish announcement seems out of place.
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    robotnic This guy really gets around. This is the third or fourth time he's done this as far as uber humor is concerned.
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    robotnic Now THAT's how you start your work day!
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    robotnic "Happy baby"? Who thinks up these titles? I'm sure they were thinking about a baby that's grabbing it's own feet, but my initial impression was a woman giving birth; definitely NOT a happy baby time.
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    robotnic On the bright side, graffiti will be easier to clean off.
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    robotnic She wasn't that hard to understand.
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    robotnic That's a great perpetual practical joke to all the male customers. I wonder if the women's bathroom has the opposite.
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    robotnic Carrot Top's son?
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    robotnic Polar bear: "Huh, funny looking Coke bottle, but I'll bite. Oh, I see, it's red on the inside!"
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    robotnic Totally fucking awesome. Good to see RDJ using his celebrity to help improve a kid's life.
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    robotnic Gamestop is a ripoff and this doesn't surprise me one bit. Good thing this guy knows "electrical engineering".
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    robotnic Said the blind man to the deaf man.
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    robotnic The truth eludes us.
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    robotnic I wonder if the Saudi mentality of having zero tolerance for such petty things is what creates so many extremists from their country.
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    robotnic Five shots and he's still alive? What a waste of good bullets.
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    robotnic What part of "quarters" causes that to happen?
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    robotnic Must be a pretty rough neighborhood. Kudos to him because if my day had gone the way his did I probably wouldn't have been so lenient.
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    robotnic Clever. Would work on me.
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    robotnic Her "friend in the mirror" finally shows herself.
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    robotnic Existentialism on a Monday morning? Noooooo!
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    robotnic I guessing mother's day is going to be a little awkward this year.
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    robotnic Uh oh, she probably just offended her family's honor with this post.
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    robotnic If only it were around Halloween and not Valentines day. Then again, Valentines is probably a lot more scary, at least for guys.
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    robotnic I thought gluten was something you take to make your butt bigger, so you've basically got 18000 fat asses who don't like people making fun of them.
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    robotnic A surprise for you too Yoda has.
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    robotnic That's telling them! Your secret is safe on facebook.
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    robotnic What you have is a bored cat. Some cats just don't have the temperament to be cooped up 24/7.
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    robotnic I could wash my car with a wet cat, but it would still be stupid.
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    robotnic I actually remember this guy. Shows my age.
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    robotnic About time Anonymous did something useful.
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    robotnic This pope is the most level-headed I've ever heard, but his position on freedom of speech is pretty ignorant. If a religion can't tolerate criticism, then the only way it can survive is by becoming a government that enforces its existence through violence.
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    robotnic A true professional.
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    robotnic Wow, that can't be good.
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    robotnic Is this real? That water has to be 500 feet high.
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    robotnic I know some people become police officers because the like the power it gives them, but I've never heard that variation. It's like somebody eating cookies just so they can feed ants.
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    robotnic If that's the difference between a medium and a large, the price shouldn't be much different. Then again, maybe they're changing their pizza sizes slightly and hope the customers won't notice.
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    robotnic Just a dust devil sans dust.
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    robotnic Eh, I could do that in my sleep. Of course, I can do a lot of things in my dreams that I can't do when awake.
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    robotnic Boring and dumb. Long story short, guy likes girl, girl marries other, family killed by " son", all done in a vernacular that makes me care even less.
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    robotnic Makes me wonder why they got divorced.
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    robotnic I've had the Reese's trees. That's exactly how they all look. Still tastes great though.
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    robotnic That's a hilarious bug. I'm guessing your phone was developed in a place where freckles are not common.
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    robotnic It's an ent.
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    robotnic Looks like another winner.
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    robotnic Seems more like a grandparent than parent. Grandparents are the best! I miss mine.
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    robotnic The cat's probably thinking "I could get used to this if he doesn't get carried away and bite my head off."
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    robotnic And it's only going to get bigger over the next 3 3/4 billion years on its collision course with us. This picture is an awesome teaser trailer.
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    robotnic Well done! I tried planning a surprise trip to Hawaii for my wife's 50th birthday. Theme was "Hawaii 5-0". Unfortunately, she's impossible to surprise and, when she found out about it, basically said "meh". Took the steam right out of the effort.
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    robotnic Looks like a lens artifact to me.
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    robotnic Money buys silence. Huh, the picture is only worth three words to me.
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    robotnic I don't quite grasp the time span. If the light from the most distant object is roughly 13 billion years old (presumed age of the universe), then that means these distant galaxies were already formed at the beginning of the universe. Surely it takes some significant amount of time for galaxies to form, e.g., a billion years. What am I missing here?
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    robotnic Looks like Amazon's "one item per box" policy is spilling over into the airline industry.
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    robotnic Excellent parody. Pure gold!
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    robotnic People may initially notice if you behavior is different than usual, but if you're always "down" then those that see it every day just get used to it. Are you expecting those around you to solve your depression? Probably not. But if you don't get help from a professional, you can't expect others to get dragged down with you, so they become desensitized to it. As most others have suggested here, you need to take care of yourself.
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    robotnic First rule of the Oreo Club: 1) Nobody talks about the Oreo Club.
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    robotnic Especially if they're made with white bread.
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    robotnic Granted this is supposed to be a humor site, but I appreciate the wisdom quotes just as much as the humor. Maybe some day I'll have the wisdom not to need advice, but then maybe some day I'll win the lottery too.
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    robotnic If the driver/passenger had any intelligence they stopped just out of sight and called 911.
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    robotnic Nickelodeon-level humor.
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    robotnic Looks like Ken is just trying to get away from Barbie. She's always been a bit clingy.
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    robotnic Raw talent there. And with such a straight face.
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    robotnic This must be tough to deal with. I've never passed out, so have trouble even imagining what this is like.
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    robotnic The containers take the same amount of space, so not really sure what the advantage is here.
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    robotnic It the fact that a person known to have direct contact with a patient having ebola being allowed to fly that concerns me. She's a nurse and still felt it was worth the risk. At what point do you decide an infected person is showing symptoms? Sniffles, headache, upset stomach?
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    robotnic It sure sounds like a lot more notes than what his fingers are doing. What am I missing here?
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    robotnic Just as entertaining as some of the less civilized arguments I've seen on the net.
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    robotnic I have an Android device that has plenty of unwanted and undeleteable (sp?) apps from Verizon, so I wonder what you get when you get an Apple phone from Verizon.
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    robotnic Interesting how they use English "Oh my god!" to express their surprise. Much better with the cc turned on. Thanks Tony.
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    robotnic Used to find this stuff on Galveston beaches. Stuck to anything it touched and would only come off with gasoline. Now we just have mounds of rotting kelp that smells like dead bodies. Think I prefer the oil globs.
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    robotnic And here I was thinking it was because they thought wearing scrubs cheapened the experience.
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    robotnic Is that Augustus Gloop practicing for his trip to the chocolate factory?
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    robotnic I knew there were trolls on the internet, but I assumed they never went out in public.
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    robotnic The boss said to put her in the trunk, but I don't think she's gonna fit.
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    robotnic What you talkin' 'bout Willis?
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    robotnic "by mistake". Who hasn't done this? It's funny, especially when there's a turd in there, the cloud wafts that smell everywhere.
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    robotnic (channeling Mike Tyson): That's methed up.
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    robotnic Or "r*pe" could mean ripe, so in that vein... Q: How did the unripe banana feel about the ripe banana? A: It was green with envy.
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    robotnic You should sell this idea to blind people.
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    robotnic Delusions of grandeur.
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    robotnic Did she come to school without pants on? Does taking a test in the lab specifically call for sweat pants? I don't get it.
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    robotnic Their bark is worse than their bite.
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    robotnic Looks like a scene from Star Wars.
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    robotnic Sauron taking a more low-profile approach.
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    robotnic "id here"... there's the pot calling the kettle black.
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    robotnic That's an early 1950s model, so even more impressive. It's probably worth some serious dough.
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    robotnic What's this, no daily morning epic piss (as of 6:45CST)? Maybe uberhumor is getting a head start on their new year resolutions.
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    robotnic I ain't gonna lie... I grinned and farted. It IS a funny joke.
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    robotnic Uh, that's a facade on the tail gate.
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    robotnic I read the caption as "Freddie Mercury and his euthanized cat".
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    robotnic Just unplug it. Problem solved.
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    robotnic She's got the look on her face that says "I know what everybody's thinking... and they're right!"
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    robotnic I was expecting the story to end with "and then Sports Authority went out of business".
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    robotnic Bah, that's nothing. In the back of the library there's a girl being a cam whore.
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    robotnic It's those damn Chinese building another military base in disputed waters.
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    robotnic And the Olympians that poured their milk over a bowl of Wheaties every morning grew up being cereal killers.
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    robotnic The way you aligned the moon with this sign.
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    robotnic Hood rapper trash? Everybody knows hood rappers can be recycled. It's the content "music" that's trash.
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    robotnic Just some ginger's finger.
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    robotnic Glad somebody else went through this so I don't have to.
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    robotnic I seem to remember seeing this in a Loony Tunes episode.
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    robotnic Husband: I've got my Harley, now I just need to look the part. Wife: No! Husband (out of earshot from the wife) You're not the boss of me.
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    robotnic Most malls fail because they're expensive to maintain and depend on a couple anchor stores to cover costs. A homeless shelter would spend most of their budget on utilities.
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    robotnic I understand the sentiment of this statement, but the cynic in me reads this as "don't share what you know". Sounds backwards to me. How does a society move forward when everybody defers to someone more revered? You end up with a a culture that stagnates in dogma.
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    robotnic Before I read the caption I thought I was seeing a wax museum figure of some astronaut.
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    robotnic This is what happens when pop gets too cold since water expands when it freezes. You'd have to throw them in a fire to get them to burst from overheating.
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    robotnic A wave of what, sewage?
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    robotnic Probably learned this in basket weaving 101.
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    robotnic I have some white underwear that reveals whether I've farted too hard while wearing them.
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    robotnic Godzilla!
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    robotnic Kristen's art is what it's cracked up to be.
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    robotnic It wasn't just "stacked". The pieces were deliberately cut to fit together. Why would that impress anybody?
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    robotnic It's a Chia pet!
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    robotnic Funny part is, he's pronouncing her name correctly.
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    robotnic I expect that by the year 3000 Miller Lite will not be a product and that wearing glasses will no longer be necessary.
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    robotnic Well, la-dee-frickin-da!
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    robotnic "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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    robotnic The same technique works with politicians except you replace the fork with cash.
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    robotnic Big whoop. I heard about some kid that had three sixes on his head.
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    robotnic Grandma knows how to keep her equipment clean and in good working order.
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    robotnic This knife can turn any cheese into Swiss cheese.
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    robotnic He's a big fish in a small pond of popularity and that pond is just about dried up.
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    robotnic "20 hands an 23 of an inch"? What nonsense measure is this?
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    robotnic Hey AlienVisitor, is this a shot across our bow?
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    robotnic Those two that were late taking off at the beginning were looking at their cell phones when the light turned green.
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    robotnic How is this NSFW? Did UH add the bra? BTW, beautiful face.
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    robotnic Best performance of his career.
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    robotnic So many puns wrapped up in a Tabasco sauce label. My kinda girl.
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    robotnic From a pure survivalist viewpoint, you would transfer more body heat if you were naked.
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    robotnic If GILF isn't a thing, it should be.
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    robotnic Just eat your damn soup.
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    robotnic The idea of building a chain link fence that also serves as plumbing is a pipe dream.
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    robotnic The "I" to which the post title refers is a guy I would assume, but then, you can't assume anything these days, at least not gender.
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    robotnic Two wrongs do make a right!
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    robotnic Kinda looks like Red Skelton's hobo character reincarnated as a cat.
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    robotnic His date never misses an opportunity to count the ceiling tiles.
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    robotnic The clay must be cold.
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    robotnic Definitely worth the effort to return the favor.
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    robotnic This shit is still hard to watch.
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    robotnic Bet this guy ends up suing his parents for being ugly.
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    robotnic On a scale of 1 to 10, you're about 240 ma'am.
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    robotnic Reminds me of that character on The Fifth Element that's wearing a picture of the hallway on his head to trick Corbin Dallas into opening the door after looking through the peep hole. "Gimme dah cash!"
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    robotnic You didn't try very hard.
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    robotnic I don't think the sounds are the highlight of this video. Looking up the nostrils of various animals is the real selling point.
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    robotnic With this water ring, I thee wed.
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    robotnic Every day for 40 years? I'm guessing a 40 year old virgin.
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    robotnic Jack the Chipper, that's who.
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    robotnic It's about time!
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    robotnic Pathetic. A guy using a backhoe would be more interesting. I can't believe how long (years) they've dragged out this "fight"with the Japanese contender and this is all they have to show for it.
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    robotnic What, your face got air brushed?
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    robotnic Those ribbed drain tubes retain water, so unless you pour clean water down the tube after pissing, it's gonna stink. Better to use clear vinyl tubing you can get at any hardware store.
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    robotnic "I'am" not impressing anybody with my English skills.
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    robotnic Sadly, I understand the motivation for this. You can't print from an ipad, so unless you want to visit the same site on a real computer, this is a workable yet absurd solution.
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    robotnic For that first pair of images, even if the mouse was connected to the right computer, it's still upside down.
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    robotnic This skill was developed out of necessity, but it has nothing to do with swimming. He had an older brother who, after eating milk fish and rice, would let loose with some of the nastiest farts on the planet. They would linger for up to five minutes, so you either held your breath or you suffered the inevitable gagging fits that would threaten to rip your lungs out of your chest.
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    robotnic That was some funny shit right there.
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    robotnic She only looks short because she's not wearing shoes.
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    robotnic There is a similar mechanism for bank accounts, guys. Instead of an 'M' shape straw, you just get 'M'arried, and *poof* the funds start flowing out. Works first time, every time. Only difference is, taking the 'M' out doesn't stop the flow. Once it starts, it never stops.
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    robotnic Is this the new age version of these three walking into a bar?
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    robotnic Guy needs a new wife that comes with the type C USB port.
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    robotnic Great for conjoined twins.
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    robotnic That, Kevin, is why you're not wearing the fancy hat.
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    robotnic Now try an experiment to see if you can change peoples behavior by putting spikes in the fake animals to cause a flat tire when they try to deliberately run over animals.
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    robotnic And if he stayed there much longer, he would have been arrested for theft, because he would have had to take a P.
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    robotnic Would like to see the tattoo face-swapped with the guy. Suspect it'll be a much better match than that one of the baby tattoo face swap that's been floating around for ages.
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    robotnic I suspect smell has a far greater effect than appearance. If it smells like shit, I don't care what it looks like. If it looks like shit, I'm at least going to smell it first.
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    robotnic These will be half priced tomorrow (Wednesday). By Thursday, only thing left will be those chalky candy hearts that nobody likes.
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    robotnic Woman's "hat" kinda looks like the outline of Admiral Akbar's head.
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    robotnic The snow and its shape had a solid relationship, but it was purely platonic.
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    robotnic Shit this is harsh. All of her pleasant personality with no familial context. I imagine it's like a dream to her (waking up and not quite being able to remember the details), but to him, it's a nightmare.
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    robotnic Torso part makes it look like he's wearing full-body adult diaper, but maybe it just Depends on who's wearing it.
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    robotnic I may have just wasted 12 seconds of my life, but this guy wasted hours of his.
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    robotnic Just looks like four shades of gray to me.
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    robotnic That escalated quickly.
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    robotnic So what? Who doesn't have a metal toilet plunger in their barn?
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    robotnic Holy cow!
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    robotnic Third one is stupid. If you only have friends who are better than you, then that person who you befriend must not be better than you because he is friends with someone who is lesser.
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    robotnic What is it with people's hatred of raisins? Putting chocolate on many things makes them better and raisins are the best example of that. Raisins=meh. Chocolate covered raisins=delicious.
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    robotnic If you lose at this game, it's probably rigged.
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    robotnic The answer is 42. Everybody should know this.
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    robotnic As pizzas go, that looks like terrible pizza.
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    robotnic Uber for insects.
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    robotnic Mmmm, pigeon pie.
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    robotnic It's called "incompetent site management".
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    robotnic Guarantee you Apple is going to claim "you're using it wrong" and then offer a solution which is a lanyard to keep these things attached to your neck/body, just like all other Bluetooth earbuds already have.
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    robotnic This video should be required viewing by all posters on this site. People just aren't taking their comment posting jobs seriously and it would be nice to see some real banter instead of the redundant penesfleas vs CEA love fest.
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    robotnic 21) Shit happens. Wipe, flush, wash your hands, and get on with life.
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    robotnic Is the before or after the cigar?
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    robotnic "insane woman goes crazy", how ironic.
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    robotnic They cut off the best part where all the vitamins are?
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    robotnic In theory, school give you tools to earn money, not spend it or save it.
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    robotnic I'm sure there are lighter/lower quality 223 rifles that you wouldn't want to do that with, but, yeah, the 223 is not a high recoil caliber in general. I've got a 7mm mag that'll bruise after a couple rounds without padding.
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    robotnic When you have 30 years of material to pull from, it's not surprising to find their humor overlaps with the sometimes bizarre real world events. Sorry, no Nostradamus.
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    robotnic In Russia no less.
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    robotnic What the hack is hackle?
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    robotnic Missed one category -- Internet etiquette: 1) Don't make self-help images, and 2) If you do, use proper English.
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    robotnic That property owner got the shaft.
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    robotnic This must be a gag.
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    robotnic Is the title of this image "taco belles"?
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    robotnic I'm guessing that as a Disney employee, she's not going to be able to afford $14000 for her hobby anymore.
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    robotnic Sounds like paradise. What am I missing?
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    robotnic I'd guess a lot of these are the result of some asshole in town that was a nuisance. However, I suspect that most of these are not the whole law if at all. For example, can't refuse to give a person a glass of water in AZ? What happens if you don't have any (glass or water)? What if the water is contaminated? If there's any truth to it, it's got to be more complicated than that one sentence implies.
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    robotnic I am your mother, Luke.
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    robotnic Translation: "no matter who you love, you can find the gift from us"
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    robotnic Just think of all the trees that will be growing in a landfill.
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    robotnic This is how you die during an earthquake.
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    robotnic Most likely she was expecting the snow to gradually blow off but the entire load slid onto her windshield so she had no choice but to get out and remove it on the roadway. Hindsight is 20/20, er, uh, not useful when you're driving a car.
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    robotnic What's the deal with the image cell time stamps being out of order? Is this "artist" trying to make the art more artsy by jumbling things up? It's kind of like poetry where it's obvious the writing is meant to convey a message eloquently but ends up just being obtuse.
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    robotnic Because tipping the can is soooo complicated.
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    robotnic Can somebody watch this whole 30min video and describe the highlights? I was bored 30 seconds in and gave up.
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    robotnic I'd like to add "Break into a zoo and have sex in front of the primate exhibits"
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    robotnic "The speed of a clock's hand is exactly 1 RPM" Unless it's the minute or hour hand, or the clock is running slow or fast. This whole list should have stayed in the shower where it belongs.
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    robotnic Why would anybody keep 15 years of data on a cell phone without any kind of backup? Not a fan of Apple, but I hope the lawsuit gets thrown out.
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    robotnic I think a better question is "How the fuck is this even desirable?"
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    robotnic Obviously never heard of "light rail".
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    robotnic Looks great, but you know it's going to look like shit in about eight hours.
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    robotnic He had a book about courtship and yet he is your grandfather? Either your grandma died first, they got divorced, or grandpa was trying to have an affair.
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    robotnic This is a picture of somebody with a mental problem. Look at the cut marks on the arm.
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    robotnic Probably had it in carry on and security deem it a weapon. Amazed it made it through baggage handling.
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    robotnic Her zippity is showing her doo dah.
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    robotnic With that attitude he's going to be waiting longer than that.
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    robotnic Costco stores are huge, so this is an excellent way to make sure you are able to hit all the sample booths and still have energy left to lift the contents of the Costco-sized mayo jar out of your basket.
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    robotnic Nicely done how-to, but I don't understand why this is on uberhumor. Wonder what qualifiers are used to get content posted here. Are we going to start seeing posts for cooking next?
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    robotnic I think this is one time that I would have wanted the autopilot to fail. That other driver is an asshole.
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    robotnic Petty Crocker has a screw loose.
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    robotnic Just wait until the Internet of Things (IoT) takes off. We'll have appliances wanting to hook up all over the house. Vacuums and washers living together, mass hysteria.
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    robotnic Oddly satisfying.
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    robotnic Was the puppy being harmed by the homeless person or were these people just being mean? No context and I don't do French.
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    robotnic The question was "how have you changed", not "how have you stayed the same"
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    robotnic "Where's the beach?" -- Wendy's patron near Waikiki
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    robotnic Wonder why the photographer has trust issues? Maybe it's because he pulls this crap on unsuspecting birds and thinks someone else might do something similar to him.
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    robotnic I found that speech offensive. Well done.
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    robotnic Frog legs... the other white meat.
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    robotnic Talk about being oblivious.
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    robotnic Don't know who the "Charter guy" is, but this blurry picture probably ruins the joke even if I did know.
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    robotnic Or maybe it's a facade and hollow inside for smuggling.
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    robotnic Given that the house has marble base boards, ti's probably pretty well built, so I find it hard to believe it would sustain much damage from a zucchini.
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    robotnic Actually pretty cool. Well done!
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    robotnic Never seen electrical wires run exposed out of a service panel without conduit. Someone definitely satisfied their OCD needs on this job.
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    robotnic So the ol' "I was just blocking the sun from my face" excuse won't cut it 'cause he totally missed.
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    robotnic I hate it when people over water their lawn and just let the run off go down the street. What a waste!
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    robotnic I suspect that there were more people laughing at this in the picture than will laugh at this now.
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    robotnic A very plausible theory that I'd never seen before. Seems more likely than the massive dirt ramp theory.
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    robotnic Gotta see the flip side.
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    robotnic I've probably already seen most of the skit/movie scenes many times over, but I'm still looking forward to the back story.
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    robotnic Some people have to pay for that and some get it for free.
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    robotnic Haven't seen anything from dawg in a month. Kinda miss his political bias. NOT.
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    robotnic Interesting coincidence, but I just read an article on LinkedIn about how Apple is going to squash Google by providing an alternative search engine that supposedly won't be loaded with ads. Given that Apple is obsessed with controlling the user experience, I can only imagine that they will do the same with their search results, that is, show you what they think you should see. No thanks.
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    robotnic If this is real, this is a major breakthrough.
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    robotnic Violators get the D. It's a subliminal message.
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    robotnic Not too shabby.
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    robotnic If only the Irish had this technology in the mid 1800's.
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    robotnic Cute kid, but mom's entertaining some behavior that's going to haunt her as the girl grows up.
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    robotnic Looks like the kid slid over one of those boost strips in Mario Cart.
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    robotnic May the 4th be with you.
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    robotnic Actually, mama yelled "duck" and that one didn't listen, so she made him comply.
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    robotnic Nice explanation. I recently talked to a local flee-market baker selling home-made breads and, out of curiosity, asked if he made a gluten-free version. His response: I can't sell bricks.
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    robotnic That was pretty funny. She got that calm confidence that reminds me of a tiger watching prey with it's tail slowly flipping back and forth, thinking "I can kill you at any moment."
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    robotnic I'm kinda curious about what the judge's thoughts were after this guy's confession. "Hmm, we got any more child molesters we can bunk him with?"
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    robotnic Who hasn't done this with their baby?
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    robotnic Sorry buddy, your cover is blown. I can't believe you stole the identity of a dead gay teen. Bet you didn't expect anybody to figure it out, huh? Shame on you.
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    robotnic That is Max... Max Headroom.
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    robotnic This is the third PCT story I've seen in a week. I love hiking, but couldn't imagine investing 4-5 months solid. Hope they get something more from it than pictures and a "I did it too" badge. With 2660 miles to the trail, I suspect you don't see many people (a plus), but with all these recent posts, I imagine this line of people stretched end to end.
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    robotnic I don't want to know what she's missing either.
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    robotnic I think the clock would be interesting for less time than this video ran.
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    robotnic Given that the vast majority of people are stupid, she's severely limiting her job options.
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    robotnic Maybe she's a lesbian that likes big boobs. That, and facial hair.
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    robotnic When you say "it's safe to drink a quart" and then refuse to drink even the smallest amount, that makes you a hypocrite AND and idiot.
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    robotnic I haven't seen a cabinet that bare since... I was a bachelor living in an apartment.
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    robotnic Some of the UberHumor commenters should take note.
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    robotnic uberhumor is definitely on autopilot today. Same post with only one other between them.
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    robotnic Even decades after appearing in their magazine, Playboy guarantees their former bunnies employment.
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    robotnic I'm guessing she didn't have any fake guns based on the lime green cable ties over the triggers. My kinda girl.
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    robotnic That's an Apple keyboard, and since Apple users tend to be religious about their product ownership, he follows the teachings of this "bible" without question.
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    robotnic She's being a good sport about this. Surprised she didn't kick him in the knickers.
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    robotnic Pure gold... and white.
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    robotnic Not a dry eye in that group. Love how the dog is carrying the trainer's arm protector.
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    robotnic That's pathetic. I hope 911 in the USA is better than this. I never had a need to use it, so have no experience to go by.
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    robotnic Amazing. Wonder if this is the one near Japan. There's a video of it on National Geographic at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/11/131121-japan-volcano-new-island-eruption-science/
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    robotnic Some people will go to great lengths to reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
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    robotnic If it smells better, then I say don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
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    robotnic I assume this also means she's never been vaccinated. The parents must be religious nut jobs. If this is true, I hope she resolves this and disowns her parents at the earliest opportunity. Wouldn't want to raise a family with that kind of influence nearby.
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    robotnic I think I would have just rounded up to $60.
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    robotnic Trilobite heaven?
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    robotnic I think this joke lost something without his performance. Not that funny here.
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    robotnic Filipino's are truly amazing when it comes to fixing things, but they tend to put more emphasis on appearance than reliability. Nice looking car, but I think I'll wait for Motorweek's review.
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    robotnic Speak for yourself. I love 'em.
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    robotnic I know that face, but I usually make it before the fart.
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    robotnic Maybe it's always been this much, you just don't remember (Bacopa is a memory enhancement supplement).
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    robotnic Immortality sounds good to me, unless it means I have to spend eternity in ER, which it seems like when you're made to wait.
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    robotnic Now THAT'S entertainment! It's funny how the dog seems to be totally put off by that but would gladly sniff another dog's crap.
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    robotnic I get buzzed by humming birds all the time where I live. I want to stay still so they come closer, but my reflexes say "large wasp" if I'm not ready for it.
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    robotnic Conversation precedes sex; they don't go together. It's like oil and water; if they're mixed up, you probably blew a head gasket.
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    robotnic In the Marines, he is in command of Privates, but at home, she commands his privates!
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    robotnic My wife keeps asking me what I'm doing when I do this. I just smile and keep walking.
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    robotnic They're following Chick Fillet's lead on this. A worthwhile change, but I always thought their happy meal toys were pretty cool. Still have the whole Tarzan series scuttled away somewhere from back when my kids were little.
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    robotnic I prefer to only put down the half empty glasses and hold on to the half full ones.
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    robotnic If I wanted to know this kind of stuff, I'd just google it! Jokes aside, there's some good info there.
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    robotnic Now that's a worthless cause I can support. Pretty funny.
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    robotnic Looks like a good idea. Not clear how the ring movement makes the contents move up and I don't believe it will work as well as advertised for more viscous contents like caulk, but I'm willing to give it a try. Of course, where would the mfg put all those fancy labels?
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    robotnic Not inebriated, just dumb. She couldn't get past the concept that she needed to turn the car around AND stay on the same side of the pump. Good thing the other car showed up or she'd run out of gas going around in circles.
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    robotnic This is a picture he took a couple years ago. He made the joke, not UberHumor. I think it's funny.
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    robotnic Indoctrination of trailer trash starts at a young age.
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    robotnic That's actually pretty funny.
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    robotnic If only those were cherries.
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    robotnic An engine with a seat strapped to it.
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    robotnic Looks like something straight out of don Quixote.
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    robotnic Clear evidence that the internet has so much to offer.
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    robotnic Now I know what Ken saw in her. Secret's out, Ken.
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    robotnic Impressive. Hope she inspires other "elderly" to exercise. Wish I was as lean as her.
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    robotnic The fedora more than makes up for it.
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    robotnic The error in Jacks solution is after subtracting the three 100 bumps, he subtracted 20 instead of 10 on the next bump. The technique is supposed to visually show how subtracting each significant digit from it's corresponding digit in the other number reduces its value correspondingly. This visualization method has to be directed towards first graders, but the wording is too complex for that age group, so it's a pretty stupid question IMO.
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    robotnic I've heard alcoholics sometimes stoop to drinking cough syrup in desperation, so she must be a vegetarian.
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    robotnic This looks way more convincing than those images of Jesus on a piece of toast. Pretty cool.
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    robotnic Wow, sounds like being in love is exhausting!
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    robotnic It'll be interesting to see how this holds up. The article says it's 230 feet and will power up to three homes at a cost of $3.7 million. Still got a long way to go before this is economical.
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    robotnic It's kinda sad when these "experts" pronounce it "nucular". Pronuciation aside, I must have missed the part where George Lucas has anything to do with this video.
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    robotnic Just further anecdotal evidence that supports Aziz Ansari's assertion that blacks are blown away by magic. Search for "black dudes are blown away" on youtube if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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    robotnic Yo that boy got street cred.
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    robotnic AI doesn't have to reach Terminator level to start messing with humanity!
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    robotnic "Straight talk with Matt Damon". Certainly would beat Pierce Morgan in, well, anything!
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    robotnic Hope it was worth it. It was for me.
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    robotnic I suspect her "date" is the one taking the picture and he probably said something like "hey babe, look sexy" right before taking the picture.
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    robotnic Took me a second to get it. Clever!
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    robotnic Still pretty. Nothing a little clearasil and makeup won't fix.
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    robotnic Fear Evokes Animalistic Retreat
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    robotnic When you get a doctorate, you basically become the world's expert on your thesis topic. This usually results in you losing skills in other areas and somewhat reprograms your brain to being okay with that, especially if you want to remain the expert.
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    robotnic I think the prairie dog was following Bugs Bunny and made the same a wrong turn at Alburquerque.
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    robotnic I think her middle name is Notso. I'm sure she was joking with this post.
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    robotnic Looks like a carbide cannon. Used to make these as a kid, although not that big. Can't get calcium carbide any more, so it's a lost art.
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    robotnic To what end? Okay, you're aware of your breath. Now what?
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    robotnic That's a really small lake, so the sword is kinda hard to miss.
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    robotnic So I have to learn eight languages to understand the instructions? That's harsh!
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    robotnic Huh, I never realized that snails extrude their shells as they grew and progressively move into the bigger section. You can actually see the "baby" shell attached to the tail end of the larger shell. Yeah, yeah, now that I see this, it's obvious. Just never thought about it.
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    robotnic No, but I've heard of them.
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    robotnic Behind every crappy meme is a person who failed to make you smile...
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    robotnic "Meine Freundin sagt, dass ich zu viele Videospiele besitze. Ich habe ihr das geschickt." There, I fixed the title for you.
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    robotnic Why the fuck would you spend $90 on mail order bread? Does their entire diet consist of bread. That stuff must have some serious preservatives in it to last long enough to get through the entire box. Hell, unless I refrigerate it, a loaf hardly lasts two weeks.
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    robotnic Some clown stole this idea and tried it with a car.
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    robotnic Dat sum funny shit rite dare.
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    robotnic A Hebrew license. Hmm, wonder where this photo was taken.
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    robotnic Reconstructive surgery and they didn't bother to give her nipples? Even a well placed mole would suffice.
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    robotnic That's the wife of the Muppets character Howard Handupme.
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    robotnic No I wasn't wondering and now I can't unsee it.
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    robotnic It's just moody.
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    robotnic Don't forget the equally common "Works for me" comment.
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    robotnic What is it good for? War, good god!
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    robotnic For fuck's sake this was only funny the first time. What is this, the 4th or 5th posting?
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    robotnic And pretty easy to do. Just shoot a laser line projector from the viewpoint for each box edge and paint everything within.
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    robotnic Need one more for porn with a picture of a traffic cone.
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    robotnic You know you're gay if a prostate exam arouses you in any way.
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    robotnic So if these were Elon Musk's pets, would this be muskrat love? Now try to get that stupid song out of your head.
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    robotnic I suppose the mural was also painted with ripples to undo the ripples in the water? Those "reflected" images look perfect whereas every other reflection is distorted.
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    robotnic Stripe up the wall is a good idea, but people getting in and out have to push this "pontoon" out of the way when they're getting in/out, which is going to be a PITA if they have their hands full. I guarantee you people who ding my car are swinging it open fast enough to get past the squishiness of this barrier.
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    robotnic Could have been worse. You could have spilled freshly brewed coffee on the ground... and all over your child.
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    robotnic Now that was funny!
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    robotnic You can't handle the truth.
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    robotnic "Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs. " - Alfred Hitchcock. The guy did have a sense of humor.
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    robotnic "Missed it by that much" - Maxwell Smart
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    robotnic Look more like a jiffy-pop popcorn cooker.
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    robotnic This sign would probably have a bigger impact if it was in Arabic. Of course, maybe the sign author wants to reach as few as possible yet still say they did their job.
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    robotnic Eyefish lence? Anon is a fucking idiot.
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    robotnic Because just beyond the trees is a topless bar with a pink neon sign spelling out "girls, girls, girls"
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    robotnic Glad the poster didn't take the concept of "a picture's worth a thousand words" and literally describe everything in the image.
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    robotnic That other dog is like "Shit Hank! If anybody asks, I wasn't here"
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    robotnic It's the same way in the Philippines. Stayed at a beach house across the bay from Manila and spent two hours picking up the trash on that house's section of the beach. Next morning it looked like I hadn't done a thing.
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    robotnic No, I have never wondered and yet I now know what 42 St Bernards walking through a forest sounds like. I have on several occasions thought about 13, and one time seven, but never 42. Anyway, this video seems suspiciously like the premise to Hitchhiker's Guide.
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    robotnic You mean "a slice of a Meteorite that fell in China". Either that or it's a piece of AlienVisitor's craft.
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    robotnic I see you have a rabbit's foot around your neck; the most powerful luck charm in the world. You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?
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    robotnic Looks like they got about the right reaction from the audience. "Hmm, that repeating guitar riff sounds good, yet somehow familiar. Why are these idiots talking over it? And those two women dancing in front... what's their contribution to the song? Oh, they're eye candy, only they're the kind people dump in the trash after all the other good candy is gone."
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    robotnic Eh, shit happens.
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    robotnic Why do men propose on one knee instead of both? Because it's a proposal, not a blow job.
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    robotnic Parents will always give their kids advice, particularly of the unsolicited type.
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    robotnic Made it China, guaranteed.
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    robotnic Not to nitpick, but I believe a better choice of word would be spook, not ghost.
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    robotnic Good think it wasn't a programming test because everybody's answer would have a bug in it.
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    robotnic Female computer engineers exist? I thought it was an urban legend.
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    robotnic Thought this guy was in Hawaii fighting back the lava.
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    robotnic This would be way more interesting (and funny) if she had broke out a can of paint and started throwing it on him.
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    robotnic That rhino looks old and has clearly done this before. I'd say it's retired.
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    robotnic That's what grandmas do. Everyone under the age of 20 should have one. Highly recommend.
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    robotnic Looks like a post mortem Chris Farley.
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    robotnic Looks like you did it five times.
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    robotnic If the US succeeds in making college free for all, this is probably the quality of material they'll be teaching.
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    robotnic Tell that to the person running on a treadmill for an hour. "Yay, I'm celebrating! What fun."
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    robotnic Insert joke here about how your cactus is bone dry.
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    robotnic You can tell that Martin isn't in control of the story line anymore because none of the major characters die, ever.
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    robotnic Some sunglasses and a baseball cap and you'd both look like hipsters.
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    robotnic They've had to, to keep up with the hearing loss of kids listening to loud music.
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    robotnic Maybe this is their way of getting customers.
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    robotnic Good think he didn't replace that windshield first, because that would have just been a waste of money.
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    robotnic An unintended result of agent orange use. Nature finds a way to adapt.
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    robotnic 500lbs - 350lbs = 150lbs There, fixed it.
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    robotnic A bug, er uh, glitch in the matrix?
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    robotnic Responds to the name Valentino.
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    robotnic Shit happens.
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    robotnic A solid laugh from uberhumor content. Well done!
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    robotnic But he doesn't have time to clean the kitchen?
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    robotnic Nocturnal, which is why it's having trouble staying awake.
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    robotnic All these "skills" are good for what? This is the kind of shit that created the millennial mentality. "Everybody's a winner". Bullshit!
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    robotnic In my experience, the kidney stone is a Balrog, the ureter (tube between kidney and bladder) is that narrow stone bridge, and the pain is Galdalf yelling "you shall not pass!"
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    robotnic Possible inspiration for Matryoshka (nesting) dolls?
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    robotnic Now that's commitment to a hobby.
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    robotnic You sure it's not the raggedy Ann character that's having the seizure?
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    robotnic Not really "going nowhere fast", but more likely just going in the wrong direction fast. Oh, but that doesn't sound inspirational.
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    robotnic He's been carrying that same fridge up the mountain for so long they call him Sisyphus
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    robotnic Did this as a kid. Would go on a watch list in the US if I tried it now.
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    robotnic The gaybors.
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    robotnic It depends on your perspective. If you were a college student, you'd have breakfast food for weeks.
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    robotnic Because an order of 13 onion rings is $9 and 9/13 = 0.6923, on average.
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    robotnic It's like the US/Mexico border fence.
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    robotnic Nice graphics but that made no sense.
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    robotnic Clean train + majority blonde population = Sweden, Finland, or Norway.
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    robotnic To be fair, different breeds of dog actually look different.
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    robotnic Kinda got that "Starry Night" look.
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    robotnic What does a healthy obsession look like?
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    robotnic Her face looks better in the before picture, but that may just be the makeup.
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    robotnic Waiting for the fat actors to decry the weight equivalent of white washing for this part.
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    robotnic Missed opportunity if he didn't name it Beetlejuice.
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    robotnic After stealing that last phone, he felt a little apprehension.
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    robotnic She seems thrilled that he'll be thinking about her while he masturbates.
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    robotnic Story should have been "Texas restaurant slammed for using photos of Bruce Jenner before and after his transition on bathroom doors"
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    robotnic What kind of piece of shit camera do you have that can't hold focus on a TV screen? Samsung perhaps?
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    robotnic I predict marimbas are trending and we're about to see way more of these vids that we care to. The internet spoils everything with excess. Except for porn. It hasn't spoiled that yet.
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    robotnic You got your picture taken by an old geyser then.
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    robotnic "They" is the pronoun you use when you want to refer to somebody who doesn't really have an identity, such as in this sentence: "They say gender is a social construct".
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    robotnic Lose the weight, gain a chin.
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    robotnic "Umm Adam" sounds like an unfinished question. For example, "Umm Adam, can I let go of the dead man switch on my suicide vest now?"
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    robotnic Should have bad enough alone.
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    robotnic Japanese people.
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    robotnic I think I saw this on the wall in one of the Bob's Burgers episodes.
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    robotnic It may be a 1080p video, but it's still 480p content. Looks just as blurry as the original to me.
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    robotnic A shit-for-brains prison escape plan that was.
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    robotnic At least she got it on the hot side of the outlet.
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    robotnic "you tell me to past by"? How about some reasonably proper English in the story too.
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    robotnic How is this different from when women put on makeup?
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    robotnic That's a gay New Yorker from '99.
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    robotnic Bocce ball anyone?
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    robotnic Looks like Edward Jame Olmos. You sure this isn't a movie?
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    robotnic A little dish soap in the water and they'll all drown.
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    robotnic Don't see how the picture has anything to do with Trump. Maybe uberhumor is trolling us.
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    robotnic It's a bird, it's a pla..., no it's just a bird. Shit video. Don't watch.
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    robotnic In case anybody is interested, this is a drone video from my town. Yes, those are vehicles driving down the same side of the freeway (I-45) https://www.youtube.com/embed/6xmV7YfeQds
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    robotnic Those boys have a lot of balls being so close together in the pool.
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    robotnic I think I saw his owner on an episode of Star Trek.
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    robotnic How deseatful.
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    robotnic I'd have to see a recent picture to know if that's a blunder or just genetics.
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    robotnic He may be a good person (who doesn't like kittens?), but if your guitar playing attracts cats, you're probably not that good.
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    robotnic You know that obese, haven't got a job look? Say no more, "fam".
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    robotnic Better than looking like Uranus.
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    robotnic A peacock in the hand is better than a cock peeing in corner.
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    robotnic And he writes "Miley Cyrus". Yep, that sounds like Bill Murray.
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    robotnic Funniest thing I've seen on here in a long time.
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    robotnic I have a mustard bottle that doesn't show how much is used, but does show how much is left. Isn't technology great?
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    robotnic Ironic how it says "but never if he/she is a person". So right in your complaint you refer to the unborn as a male or female. The proper phrasing would be "but never if it is a person", because, if it isn't a he or she, it's an it.
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    robotnic Way to enforce the stereotype, cone head! You make us all look bad.
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    robotnic Dat his bitch.
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    robotnic Looks like the plate is already cracked in half, so I'm calling bullshit.
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    robotnic Bottom center looks like a guy in drag, so not only not all black and also not all women.
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    robotnic It's just a different kind of muscle... table muscle.
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    robotnic So I'm going to guess that this engine is just being pushed by the diesel behind it. Maybe it's converted to a diesel, but shouldn't there still be some smoke?
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    robotnic I suggest you get a new girlfriend. This is just a sign of things to come if you stay with her.
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    robotnic But you still have to be pretentious enough to know what rope-dyed selvedge denim is.
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    robotnic The shit that happens in Cupertino stays in Cupertino.
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    robotnic It is pronounced it, not gif.
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    robotnic It's the matrix, except the residents need batteries instead of being batteries.
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    robotnic Daughter: "Papa, why you lettin' my bubbles go?" Dad: "Capitalism has enslaved them in this bottle. I'm settin' 'em free. Go bubbles, be with the wind!"
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    robotnic With FIST in all caps, maybe she just wants to be fisted. It's tinder after all.
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    robotnic Almost choked on my lunch watching this. Pretty funny.
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    robotnic It's just being chaste, saving itself for the right bee.
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    robotnic Put some guns on that thing and he could be a Portuguese man-o-war.
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    robotnic Looks like an angry bird to me. May be the inspiration for the game.
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    robotnic You do that and he's just going cheat on you with his mistress Rosy Palm.
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    robotnic Damn that's a huge cuff! You sure you aren't one of Snow White's dwarfs wearing a Walmart's one-size-fits-all dress shirts?
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    robotnic "I got him, George. I got me a little mouse for my very own, George. And I will love him and pet him and squeeze him and hug him, George." - Benny
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    robotnic Do cat tongues really get that long?
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    robotnic Hah! I've stood in four different states at the same time. Top that!
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    robotnic My outdoor cat run is way simpler than that, but far more effective. It starts with a cat door to the outside, and the rest is up to mother nature.
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    robotnic These are not the pronouns you're looking for.
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    robotnic Most people manage without the right-most circle. Unfortunately, for many people, these circles don't intersect at all. Just look into the eyes of a typical cashier at a quickie mart and you'll see it.
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    robotnic This "artist' clearly doesn't have any kids, because a toddler could accomplish this in about 5 minutes.
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    robotnic Most of these dogs look to be under 50lbs (23kg for you non Americans), so easy to carry. It's doubtful that lady with the dog in the blue "carrier" could actually carry her dog.
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    robotnic Just around the corner there's some deer and antelope playing.
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    robotnic Q: Why did the stream cross the stream? A: To get to the other side.
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    robotnic Well, so much for moving to Canada. I wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini.
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    robotnic Looks like someone "forced" him into this. Jedi my ass.
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    robotnic Gervais "just" became unlikable.
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    robotnic Maybe this is the Second Coming.
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    robotnic That was pretty funny.
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    robotnic That's what happens when you convert time to the metric system.
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    robotnic It's a dog-wear-dog world.
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    robotnic Looks the the birth mark has been transformed into a caricature of a turd with a christmas hat.
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    robotnic Cool. Too bad it has a hard crease in the middle.
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    robotnic Kind of like an upside down version of that lake that was partially drained to reveal hidden buddha carvings.
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    robotnic I was expecting the Mexican music like the tortilla record post from yesterday. Disappointed.
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    robotnic What century is this chart from? This might have been true in the 1980's when banks were open 10am-3pm, but is irrelevant now with ebanking and ATMs.
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    robotnic Maybe that's how Jesus did it.
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    robotnic That was some shit video editing there.
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    robotnic Huh, thought Radio Shack went bankrupt.
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    robotnic Pete and Repeat with their wives Gina and Regina are on Target with their outfits today.
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    robotnic That kid on the right seems a little confused by this kid's accomplishment. He's impressed, but he's desperately trying to not look too impressed.
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    robotnic I always get the insurance at Discount Tire so I don't have to deal with this.
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    robotnic Looks like it's going to be a Charlie Brown christmas.
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    robotnic TL;DR I'm sure it is a funny story though.
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    robotnic Looks like some carefully considered, thoughtfully crafted artwork to me.
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    robotnic This is just the next technological step up from an audio book.
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    robotnic I can.
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    robotnic Excellent!
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    robotnic Misread the last word of the title as "water" and watched the whole video expecting him to go amphibious, thinking the whole time "that's going to sink".
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    robotnic She's sporting the Guernsey look.
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    robotnic Other than his parts in Doogie Howser and Starship Troopers, this guy is annoying.
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    robotnic Willy Nelson did this song 40+ years ago.
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    robotnic At least the driver stopped before the crosswalk so he didn't end up with a skateboard through his windshield.
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    robotnic He's both apologizing and expecting something to eat when he gets home.
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    robotnic Men in uberhumor land, you're being duped. It doesn't work like this, although that's what women want you to think. I'd say "read the fine print", but there is none. It's a crap shoot, and the odds are not in your favor of getting what this conversation suggests.
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    robotnic Photogenic, sure, but with a name like Ned, she's going to have trouble finding a date.
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    robotnic Kinda symbolic with the framing on this. The peace sign she's flashing could be interpreted as a subversive message to North Korea where the fingers represent two legs sticking up in the air and the NK flag is conveniently right between them. I'm sure that's how Kim Jong will see this.
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    robotnic Let's see how many clowns pour out of it when it comes to a stop.
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    robotnic This is really stupid, even for uberhumor.
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    robotnic He got loose, got down, and got funky.
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    robotnic So that's what they wear under those things. I was half expecting them to be naked.
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    robotnic What is it with vaping that makes people think it should be the focus of their lives and that everybody else should take note? Their world is going to fall apart when it is discovered that prolonged exposure to glycerine vapor is hazardous to your health.
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    robotnic Walks on water but not land? That's gotta suck.
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    robotnic Mary Poppins was 50+ years ago, not ~30.
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    robotnic Kinda looks like someone photoshopped the Bikini Island a-bomb test on Phoenix. It's hot enough there that the residents probably wouldn't notice a nuke going off anyway. "It's a dry heat"
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    robotnic I want to believe, but honestly, that is some pretty shit quality video, so I'm going to hand this over to Mulder and Skully to file along with the rest of those blurry, shaky UFO videos.
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    robotnic Good to see she grew into those ears.
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    robotnic aka Sheltie
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    robotnic I'm sure Beavis and Butthead posted the image, because only someone of their mental caliber would notice such a thing. Never mind the fact that it had to be cropped to make it work.
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    robotnic Read between the lines: we don't want you driving in NYC.
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    robotnic No fireflies were harmed during the making of this picture.
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    robotnic More than a third of Americans would have to take the stairs.
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    robotnic TED talks are formulaic? Say it isn't so!
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    robotnic That beard comb is looking particularly nasty.
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    robotnic Love how the other car slowly backs away and leaves so he doesn't have to deal with this idiot.
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    robotnic Waiting for Shirely to post something like "This isn't funny. Why would somebody do this? I don't get it."
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    robotnic What the hell did I just watch?
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    robotnic Sweet!
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    robotnic Usually with online customer service you don't have a prayer.
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    robotnic Polly wants a cracker.
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    robotnic Straw man fallacy. These restrictions are to inhibit piracy, not discriminate.
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    robotnic The kid's clearly trained for yard work, not house work.
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    robotnic Dammit Ken M, get off the internets. I'm tired of your shit.
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    robotnic Ended too soon. Can we get the video evidence from his perspective? For the archives, of course.
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    robotnic Video link didn't work for me, so here's the youtube version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-avakrRUaU This woman they're interviewing is an idiot. Just make a stupid dismissive facial expression every time someone says something you disagree with and it'll all go away.
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    robotnic Didn't one of these ships just get sunk by an Argentina patrol boat?
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    robotnic Buffalo Bill's, a subsidiary of Gollum-Smeagul LLC.
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    robotnic It's not a humming bird, it's a horse fly.
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    robotnic Probably uglier than you too, given the fact that you don't show your whole face.
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    robotnic What's worse that dressing like your teacher? Dressing like your opposite gender teacher.
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    robotnic He went out with a bang.
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    robotnic Apparently I am not as colorblind as I thought, because I can "see" the joke. The pie chart doesn't even match any of the legend's colors.
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    robotnic Might as well have been muted with all the bleeping going on. This is on youtube, not NBC.
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    robotnic Is the guy's name Ender?
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    robotnic Brilliant!
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    robotnic Is it really graffiti if the containers are permanently staged and the art is commissioned?
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    robotnic So many questions, but I'll stick with one. What is that thing in the Indian girl's room?
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    robotnic He probably needed to clean out his car anyway, but I wouldn't have had the patience to watch that happen to my stuff.
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    robotnic Congratulations, you just upgraded to a free range litter box.
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    robotnic Pitchers are made to hold water, so I can see the logic in this mistake.
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    robotnic Never heard of hobophobic, but I believe it exists.
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    robotnic He suffers from affluenza.
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    robotnic Apply some lipstick and you have the makings of another tinder post. Caption would be like "I just want to hump you leg"
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    robotnic 4K@60fps is probably not gonna happen on my laptop, but that video is impressive. I stopped playing video games because I found shooter to be monotonous and don't have the time for strategy games. What shooters really need is augmented reality goggles to overlay CG characters on real terrain. Then it could be like a more interesting version of paint ball without the pain and smelly mess.
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    robotnic Admiral Ackbar would have seen these a mile away.
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    robotnic Like every other day, I was watching my favorite show on TV where, as I feared, the stupid network execs decided to change the air time for that show. I mean, where else am I supposed to get my celebrity gossip to start the day? I deserve better from the network and if I didn't have more important things to do I could tell them how to run things. If this ruins my day, it's their fault.
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    robotnic Let me just keep this list with me so when we have nothing to talk about, we can talk about something we don't care about.
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    robotnic Tempted to post a comment about how, stereotypically, this is an unusual occurrence, so your mind just substitutes in what it thinks it's seeing, but I won't.
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    robotnic Do these two not even understand how the mile high club works?
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    robotnic Looks fake.
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    robotnic Didn't see that coming. Actually laughed out loud.
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    robotnic My question would be: Who takes their popcorn to the bathroom? I imagine someone found out the hard way... popcorn everywhere!
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    robotnic Strange how a can of artificial ingredients will do that to a kid.
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    robotnic Someone just sucked off the outer layer of coloring.
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    robotnic Is that supposed to help me narrow down my choices?
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    robotnic That's actually pretty impressive.
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    robotnic Just watching this video increased my knowledge by 30 degrees and at least a couple clicks out. Sign me up.
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    robotnic I wish Noah Webster had taken English to this next step instead of only getting rid of some of the bizarre spellings the Brits use.
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    robotnic That's not insane. That's what flooding is supposed to look like.
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    robotnic Maybe this is what's causing the demise of the polar ice caps. It's the damn polar bears trashing their own neighborhood.
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    robotnic I guess I'm going to have to disconnect my internet and turn off the TV and radio. What am I going to do with all that time, solve world hunger? Hmm, just need a connection to the internet... Doh!
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    robotnic It's all downhill from here.
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    robotnic If Jon saw this he'd have a cow.
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    robotnic The girl is so convinced by her state of mind she practically had me feeling sorry for the moose. I'm definitely not hungry for moose-flavored ice cream any more.
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    robotnic Imperial units (non-metric) and tipping... welcome to the USA.
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    robotnic Probably just got tired of hearing it cry. I suspect that, to a non-predator, the sound is sort of a universal language for "help me". Kinda cool.
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    robotnic Sams Club started selling halloween, thanksgiving, and christmas items a couple weeks ago. I think I can confidently monitor their sales as an indicator for the end of the world. When every price in the store ends in a one (indicates a closeout item), the end is nigh, or at least within the next 6 months.
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    robotnic Should have walked up to her and asked if she'd like to sit with you since nobody at her table was interested in her company.
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    robotnic He needs to have a message on there saying "in case of emergency, break glass"
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    robotnic The least expensive one, of course.
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    robotnic That takes a lot of balls (of yarn).
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    robotnic I didn't know this existed and now I can't forget it, no matter how hard I try.
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    robotnic Spare tire blowout? No need for coffee today!
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    robotnic Mow 'em down!
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    robotnic I don't know what happened to Mike, but I bet you it sucked big time.
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    robotnic Maybe he's a security guard who, deep, down, thinks he's really a hunter and he's in transition, commonly known as a trans-vest-ite.
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    robotnic I think these solicitors found a way to prevent this kind of reverse spamming. Got 5 missed calls the other day from an unrecognized #, and when I tried calling back I got a message saying the # has been disconnected. Did a reverse lookup online and found it was from a known local robo caller.
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    robotnic Did the poster actually ask her first or did he/she just see an opportunity to be an asshole and upload it?
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    robotnic So if I understand the graphic correctly, Gillette's is modeled after the guy who does the voice for Krieger?
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    robotnic Bad construction. The cabinets should be able to hold a person's weight when done correctly.
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    robotnic What is this, some kind of Uber humor?
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    robotnic Don't think anybody would have identified this picture with Daniel Radcliffe without the glasses.
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    robotnic So now your neighbor has two?
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    robotnic And it didn't make the national news? Thank FIFA and Texas rain for that.
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    robotnic Wish we could vote on the worthiness of an uberhumor video so I could skip the ones that are stupid, like this one.
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    robotnic Something about chicken and egg comes to mind.
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    robotnic Good think he started shaving his head. That doo don't.
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    robotnic Pics or it didn't happen.
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    robotnic Something doesn't add up here. She's an elite runner who is just catching up to this guy, so he was ahead of her for enough of the race to be dehydrated? Looks like another random pic with a made up story.
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    robotnic Her husband doesn't seem to have much shit.
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    robotnic Now THAT was funny.
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    robotnic Ignorance is bliss? Huh, never heard that one before.
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    robotnic To keep questions like this from happening.
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    robotnic Pretty funny. Perhaps you should become an OP to uberhumor with this content.
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    robotnic GasBuddy said this station had the best prices. For a vehicle that size, every cent counts.
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    robotnic Duck dynasty candidate or what?
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    robotnic Pure gold!
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic They're going to put that fire out, come hell or high water.
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    robotnic Roundup the likely suspects. Someone probably didn't get paid on time.
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    robotnic That's actually pretty amazing.
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    robotnic Fucking popovers on the video trumped any humorous content this post might have had.
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    robotnic I see they turned their daughter into dogs, but who are the two other people in the picture?
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    robotnic Ace lets their employees wear their pants like that?
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    robotnic Shaq, you are NOT the father.
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    robotnic No photoshop there.
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    robotnic those are some tight parking skills.
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    robotnic Can't stop watching this.
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    robotnic Wonder what the motivation was for an artist to think "yeah, I'm going to paint a picture of somebody vomiting"? Is this part of a bigger painting?
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    robotnic Steve Harvey is a religious bigot.
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    robotnic Just don't let the Skipper sleep in the top hammock.
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    robotnic Erection level: expert. Keeping it up while navigating traffic on a motorcycle.
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    robotnic They have institutions for this.
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    robotnic Secret to memorization: repeat it three times. Just need one more of this one to lock it in.
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    robotnic Who, the Cheshire cat?
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    robotnic Still poor English skills.
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    robotnic A fool and their money are soon parted.
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    robotnic People tend to make bold statements when they think nobody's listening. In Yoko's case, this happens to be true.
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    robotnic The genes are dominate with this one.
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    robotnic You better wipe that smile off your shirt boy!
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Connections. It's all about connections.
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    robotnic While this is technically true, I'm not really sure what the point of this is.
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    robotnic Battlestar Galactica
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    robotnic Looks like mother nature woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
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    robotnic Wait, I need to see that again.
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    robotnic Has he tried this with Angela Merkel yet? Maybe it'll go better for him than it did for Bush.
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    robotnic I've posted this before, but perhaps it bears repeating. In firefox, you can right mouse->view image to see the uncropped pic. Likewise, in chrome you'd right mouse->open image in new tab. On the whole, though, UH needs to up their webpage game. This is pretty simple stuff.
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    robotnic It's just a large capacity outdoor freezer. Big whoop.
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    robotnic Is this the new clothing store for ISIS captives?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic He really didn't want to take their picture so he gave them the finger.
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    robotnic Did he take the red train or the blue train?
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    robotnic Q: What did the umbrella say to the fat man? A: You really crack me up.
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    robotnic He got way more enjoyment out of this than I did.
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    robotnic Maybe she's Swiss and this is what the cheese looks like before she puts some holes in it.
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    robotnic That last one has piqued my interest. Do tell!
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    robotnic A bus with a flip-top lid.
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    robotnic I would like to see their privates.
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    robotnic Bruce Almighty strikes again!
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    robotnic Interesting how the coloring matches the 1963 movie (The Birds) so well.
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    robotnic Our local credit union does the same shit. Unfortunately, the alternatives charge fees for everything and still give negligible interest rates.
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    robotnic So do the security tags set off an alarm when they're removed? I figure someone who's willing to shoplift wouldn't hesitate to tear this off.
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    robotnic I think if she wore the dress backwards I'd be fine with it.
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    robotnic I need her to move her arms out of the way before I can make a decision.
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    robotnic The cat wears it better.
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    robotnic Used to have one of these when I was a kid.
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    robotnic Putin on the Blitz?
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    robotnic Your mama must be proud.
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    robotnic was there something wrong with it, like a disease?
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    robotnic The first video I saw from this guy made me think he was an idiot, but it turns out he might actually know what he's doing. You get to learn from his "mistakes", which are sometimes quite comical.
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    robotnic Twice, apparently.
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    robotnic This is a collection of his crowning achievements? Pretty sad.
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    robotnic I think that's the gymnast's version of a thumbs-up signalling "I'm okay."
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    robotnic Nope! As much as I like hiking and climbing, this is beyond me.
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    robotnic Vive le Roi!
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    robotnic Beware of the Blob.
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    robotnic To the original question "what's the laziest thing you've ever done" I'd reply "not bother answering this question" but that would be too much work.
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    robotnic It took a lot of balls to make that prediction.
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    robotnic Have a neighbor who spent nearly $100K on his son's education at USC for a degree in economics. Kid graduates and decides he would rather be in a band. Fails at that and becomes a painter. Gets angry at his parents for not supporting his ambitions to be a painter on Venice Beach because they won't pay the $2500/month rent. I'm all for pursuing your ambitions, but I'm amazed at today's younger culture that expects someone else to foot the bill. Definitely not the greatest generation.
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    robotnic Looks like the creator of this video and the two idiots it whines about got weaned too early.
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    robotnic This'll bring a whole new dimension to the phrases "bite me" and "you're toast".
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    robotnic The small part is actually traveling in the opposite direction relative to the objects on the ground, so it didn't just fall off. I'd expect an explosion strong enough to move a sizable chunk in the opposite direction to affect the original mass' trajectory, but it doesn't appear to do so.
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    robotnic I guess we won't be getting along.
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    robotnic Some good ol' fashion humor. Refreshing.
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    robotnic I guess the mfg is taking the middle ground on the concept of the "reduce, reuse, recycle" mantra.
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    robotnic Unfortunately, so many sports are about defining the rules and then finding ways to circumvent them. Maybe if they made the basket height change based on who was shooting, kinda like a pinata at a birthday party, then height wouldn't be so important. Not practical, but it would make the game way more fun to watch.
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    robotnic I wish I had an attention span long enough to comprehend this comic. What just happened?
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    robotnic Some of these should apply to anyone with intelligence, not just adults. Case in point, number 24; why the hell would anybody pay bar prices for watered down alcoholic drinks when you can make them as strong as you want at home or at a friend's house?
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    robotnic Feeling the knead to get out of the bakery as the hours dragon, he knew is days in bread making were toast.
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    robotnic Well said, if a bit monotonic. Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid, meaning, the people who understand this don't need to hear it and the people that don't understand this probably never could.
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    robotnic The playboy bunny logo in the upper right corner tells me that maybe they are rabbits, or at least reproduce that way.
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    robotnic I think I get it.
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    robotnic The Fractal Geometry of Nature.
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    robotnic The planets have aligned. Perfect timing.
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    robotnic I'm guessing he slept on the couch that night... and didn't get breakfast either.
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    robotnic I think we've been punished enough.
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    robotnic This is a trick no patient sees but still never asks for a repeat performance.
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    robotnic I think she's being impatient. He'll get to the clutter on the coffee table eventually.
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    robotnic Bad antler day?
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    robotnic When you leave out the details, life can sound pretty boring. The details are what make it worthwhile.
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    robotnic Christmas gift detected.
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    robotnic Looks like a younger Kim Cattrall... the woman, not the cat. Hmm, there's a joke to be made here.
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    robotnic Spray on tans. A sin of the times and so irrational.
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    robotnic Yeah, I thought it was some angry guy strangling someone on the floor, but my son said, "It's somebody laying a roll of carpet!" Oh, now I see it.
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    robotnic Well done, although I suspect it took way longer to set up than just carrying the couch down the stairs.
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    robotnic It's all downhill from here.
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    robotnic Bill Gates was a ruthless competitor and it made him the richest man in the world at one time, at which point I suspect he realized he didn't need any more money so switched to spending that money to help people. Steve Jobs was extremely successful, but was also a control freak and thought he knew everything. That arrogance eventually killed him.
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    robotnic Almost looks like a photoshopped picture. Guess he's going to be playing a different type of character now. Look forward to it.
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    robotnic You fell... and landed on your head?
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    robotnic You sure that's not her buttcrack? Certainly big enough.
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    robotnic Sounds like the woman filming is jealous.
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    robotnic Good costume. Not too flabby, er, uh, shabby.
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    robotnic Does this qualify as an improvised explosive device (IED)?
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    robotnic The caption could have just as easily said "Waiting for new iPhone"
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    robotnic Gonna have to try that so I can "one up" my neighbor with his Harley.
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    robotnic Fun to watch, but I have to say, if the ferrets are this out of shape I have to wonder what the owners are like.
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    robotnic If I stick my finger in my nose like this it causes black hair to pop out on the opposite side of my head.
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    robotnic So does a guy have to stand up to pee/ If so, I'm guessing he's obligated to put the seat down when he's done.
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    robotnic Wonder if this inspired him? http://us.whales.org/sites/default/files/styles/flexslider_full/public/species/orcinus_orca-ferop_4.jpg?itok=kxFU_Y2y
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    robotnic Recently came back from a trip to Alaska where I hiked on a glacier. Found a hole just like this, sans the clear ice over the top. Could not see the bottom of the hole. Presumably the hole went all the way through the glacier to the ground below, which, in my particular location, was 1000 feet below. Pretty awesome view.
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    robotnic Did any of you commenters even read the words above the picture? It said "perfect face" and then qualifies that term by saying perfect proportion. Didn't say anything about beauty, just proportion. She could have severe acne or nasty piercings and still have a perfect face by their definition.
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    robotnic Jon Stewart used to be relevant and entertaining. Now he's just the opposite end of the spectrum from Fox News. Steven Colbert has him beat hands down.
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    robotnic Don't know why, but this image makes me think of underwear. Can't quite put my finger on it.
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    robotnic I'm a fan! Hear me make wind noise.
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    robotnic At least his conscience was still sober, even if his bill recognition skills were over their limit.
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    robotnic I love how annoying this quote is. It's a small quote with a big idea, so I'm not sure how I feel.
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    robotnic My understanding is that this is not a button, but a circuit breaker. So, like your car or house, you can pull fuses (flip breakers) to turn off power to various parts of your vehicle/house.
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    robotnic Talk about a massage with a happy ending.
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    robotnic Da, ya odobryayu!
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    robotnic If you want to get somebody's attention, whisper.
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    robotnic Minimum wage thrills.
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    robotnic I think one word is sufficient caption for this image: Fuck!
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    robotnic Farside revival? I want to know why Jim has a lamp coming out of his newspaper.
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    robotnic Sounds like too much of a good thing. Not that I do drugs. Just sayin'.
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    robotnic You also have acne.
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    robotnic Yeah, because no other glue can do that.
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    robotnic People from Arizona are crazy that way.
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    robotnic Looks like she gets boned a lot.
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    robotnic A crochety old woman.
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    robotnic This would not look out of place in a Korean home.
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    robotnic So is the person who made and stacked all these a goldbricker?
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    robotnic Q: Why was the cat chillin' on glass? A: Because there was a pheasant under it.
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    robotnic A perfect example of "too good to be true"
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    robotnic Pussy whipped!
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    robotnic "drove 4 hours away". Maybe if you had driven 4 hours toward the Grand Canyon the view might have been better.
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    robotnic So Otis hired a naked man under a bridge? Otis... contemptible!
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    robotnic They're great until you need one that goes to the other side and they're always on the wrong side.
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    robotnic "No matter where you go, there you are" - Buckaroo Bonzai
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    robotnic I guess the dildo cell phone case was just too outlandish, so she went for this?
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    robotnic NON-HUMOR ALERT: My dad died in August from this (COPD, not riding a rollercoaster). Can't imagine he would have made it through the ride without gasping for air. From what I understand, it's like perpetually drowning. Shitty way to go.
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    robotnic He's been playing video games in person with this guy for 7 years and he just now met him? That's what I call serious focus on your game.
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    robotnic Nice costume, but who from what?
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    robotnic What an epic ending: "Go get the truck keys and my wallet". The suspense is killing me.
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    robotnic Is the ice cream freezer imported from an English speaking country or is the freezer manufactured in Taiwan and the manufacturer doesn't feel it's worth it to make a Chinese label for the "Push" instructions?
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    robotnic I can't see the forest for the tree.
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    robotnic That' what she said.
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    robotnic Celebrate with a big bowl of ice cream!
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    robotnic The locals refer to it as the origami pigeon.
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    robotnic A long time ago on a gal's knee far far away.
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    robotnic When she starts making them with one or more limbs missing...
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    robotnic Did anybody else see "an Unhistoric handshake" in that title?
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    robotnic Nice story if it is true, but could equally well be that this was just an older brother being made to take his younger brother to school because he missed the bus and his mother wanted proof that he took him there.
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    robotnic I've got a spare neural net if you need it. May need a little supervised training though. Our hashes and caches are with you.
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    robotnic Maybe she has one in the oven.
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    robotnic Guy runs around with boxers on his head, saying "Look, I'm a nut!"
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    robotnic He's just horsing around.
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    robotnic Welcome to the real world, kid. You chose to game the system to win the valedictorian crown. Hopefully you'll learn from this experience and realize that being "the best" is all about focusing on one goal to the detriment of everything else. Kinda goes with the old adage, "Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one"
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    robotnic Had me right up until "an authority higher than us". Would have been a perfectly good message without that. So I'll take that twenty even though it has been used to push religion.
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    robotnic Looks like an artistic response to "roast me".
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    robotnic Probably bought at the same time by one person.
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    robotnic Could have hit a home run if the kid had dressed as a fart with a surprise.
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    robotnic There's a group of thugs beside the cameraman threatening to pull the arms off of his prized Marvel comic figurines if he doesn't make a convincing story.
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    robotnic Charlie was Richard Gere's nickname as a child. Eventually he ended up getting poop on his hamster all by himself.
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    robotnic Guy didn't even notice that the fark.com site had a dog advert on it.
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    robotnic Watching StealthGamerBR play video games is like watching paint dry
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    robotnic That's what she said.
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    robotnic She can handle the biggest tool.
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    robotnic Damn Cruz is getting fat. Too many lunches with Trump, I'd guess.
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    robotnic This is Darth's wife, Dorthy Vader and is the real reason Luke screamed "Noooo" when Darth said "I am your father".
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    robotnic Trust me, engineers are not as happy as you have been led to believe.
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    robotnic Got my Bachelors from UofA. Optics facility there is amazing. It's a monument to patience and minutiae.
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    robotnic I thought it meant the absolute value of 'o'
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    robotnic Hey baby, does that leg go all the way up?
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    robotnic I always thought skating on thin ice was a bad thing, although, at 5cm, "thin" is obviously a subjective term.
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    robotnic "Olympic Bronze medal is", telltale sign the caption was written on a cell phone.
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    robotnic Hard to tell scale. Is that block 20cm or 2m across? Still, pretty cool.
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    robotnic Why is this news? Does the guy not go to church that often?
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    robotnic Those are some weird looking hands. Doesn't look like there are any bones and the hands are oversized for the wrists.
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    robotnic This guy would have fit right in during the crusades.
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    robotnic Hey "Dad", don't you think that's an inappropriate joke to be sending to your daughter?
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    robotnic More like her blubber years.
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    robotnic wort - the sweet infusion of ground malt or other grain before fermentation, used to produce beer and distilled malt liquors. wart - something to worry about.
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    robotnic Applies equally to driving.
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    robotnic Song seems just as relevant now as it did then. Same story, different different characters.
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    robotnic Are those the two guys who posted yesterday about their father-son diet?
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    robotnic Reminds me that I need to buy more underwear because the elastic is failing.
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    robotnic Thought the cat was in a Jacuzzi with bubbles at first glance.
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    robotnic On the bright side, he can multitask.
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    robotnic Isn't that the approach Lenny had in Of Mice and Men? He loved and hugged things to death, literally.
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    robotnic When yer likin' the lichen, yer in fer some serious hikin'.
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    robotnic Finally, art that makes cents.
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    robotnic "Gets over 113 deg"? Since you're being so specific, why don't you just come right to the point and say "Gets up to 114 deg"?
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    robotnic Lequa? Lakwah? Laqwhathefuck?
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    robotnic Suggest you stick with iceberg lettuce then.
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    robotnic Slow down any sound and it's going to sound "bigger". For example, I slowed down the sound of me farting and it smelled like an old fart.
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    robotnic You room with Gillian Anderson and Benji?
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    robotnic Must be one hell of a city to have a hall like that.
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    robotnic Why is Joy wearing a Tinkerbell outfit and who removed her bridle?
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    robotnic Because using a strong magnet would be too much work.
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    robotnic I know if you put a bottle of tequila in front of me, it fixes my urge to drink.
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    robotnic Definitely something that would happen on Southwest Airlines. Some truly wacky attendants on their staff. Seems like they're always just a little bit high.
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    robotnic Mr Rogers of the cement world.
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    robotnic Is it "self rape" because a kid can't legally consent to pleasuring himself? And if he did, could he be incarcerated? And by strapping him down, isn't that also a form of incarceration? Talk about damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
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    robotnic Looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of the womb.
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    robotnic Looks like he's got an ample supply of the blood of Christ.
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    robotnic you'd think after all that running he'd have less of a gut.
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    robotnic Why is this 30 year old video on here? How is this uber anything?
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    robotnic "It’s a big ocean, it’s a very big ocean."
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    robotnic That's the spirit!
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    robotnic Duck, duck, GOOSE!
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    robotnic These are Kate's shoes. She used them for a modelling gig.
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    robotnic Shocking! (Me: It had to be said. You: no it didn't. Me: Yes it did...)
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    robotnic I present to you, the next Darwin award recipient.
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    robotnic That really sucks, but I still laughed. Bloody hell.
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    robotnic Wonder if the condom company is his sponsor.
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    robotnic That's when his parents told him "We're throwing you out when you turn 18".
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    robotnic I grabbed a Milky Way on my way out of the grocery last weekend. Tasted good, but definitely not as pretty.
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    robotnic Did something similar with a used car dealership. Wrote a bad review for some deceptive financial behavior on their part and they asked me to change the review in exchange for money. I updated the review to reflect their bribe. They were not happy.
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    robotnic Cringe worthy: Poster uses improper English to describe post.
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    robotnic When everybody is expected to be in the military, occasionally you're gonna get a looker.
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    robotnic Damn that guy casts a big shadow.
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    robotnic A gamer's version of Ratatouille.
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    robotnic How odd.
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    robotnic A steedadoodle?
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    robotnic Ripe bananas; it's what's for dinner.
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    robotnic I didn't see this movie when it came out. I made the right choice.
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    robotnic Google translate of story accompanying video : Dominican is hammering her husband's car, the worst is what happens with her children. A woman of Dominican nationality lost the stirrups and hammered all the crystals of the vehicle of its husband in a fact happened in the city of New Jersey. The woman, whose name is unknown until now, committed the fact motivated by jealousy. The scene was captured on video by the same husband of her who was inside the vehicle. The worst of all is that her children were also inside the vehicle next to the father and were cut by small pieces of flying glass when the woman hits him with the hammer. She was expected to be handed over to the authorities yesterday, but she did not. Currently there is a fugue from justice. My translation of story: drug dealer can afford a new car and make more babies.
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    robotnic Proof that the people at uberhumor really don't read what is posted on their own site.
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    robotnic What a basket case. Yeah, somebody had to say it.
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    robotnic It means "blessed" in Vietnamese, but you know the owners are giggling about their name choice. The picture on the sign confirms it.
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    robotnic Judging from the puddle around that hole, I'm guessing this is a pretty common "clever" activity. Of course, the humans are too stupid to clear away the debris from their side of the hole so more liquid gets through.
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    robotnic Panda? Pffff, that's a ring-tailed panda.
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    robotnic Give 'em a squeeze.
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    robotnic Porn is right. Nothing like a good chamfer to give me a steel-hard boner.
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    robotnic Seriously, this is posted twice with only three posts separating them. Two if you discount the one that has no content. I realize it's father's day and all, but how hard could this be?
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    robotnic Much ado about nothing.
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    robotnic Schwartzenegger is a mediocre narrator.
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    robotnic Didn't they used to have a similar test for witches? If she does not burn, she is a witch. If she does, she is not.
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    robotnic If this was at walmart, someone would have taken the pamphlet holder.
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    robotnic This is one of those "I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue" moments.
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    robotnic Purple.
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    robotnic Your wife has a vibrator? Having trouble keeping her satisfied? Maybe Fido is trying to cut out the competition. You're next.
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    robotnic Wouldn't it be easier to just pick the artificial femur out of the ashes after cremation? May be a little dusty, but it would be totally sanitized.
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    robotnic Always thought the song phrase "where the deer and the antelope play" was talking about wide-open grassland, not the aisles of Walmart.
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    robotnic Not a prank. About as unfunny as most of the humor on here though.
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    robotnic ROFL! Seriously though, interesting use of a NN.
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    robotnic More likely to get a job offer.
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    robotnic Never seen someone that good throw the ball with both hands. Weird, but effective.
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    robotnic I'm looking over a four leaded clover... wait a minute, that doesn't sound right.
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    robotnic Wonder how they handle touretts customers.
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    robotnic He is solely responsible for his team's loss.
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    robotnic Never seen one of those animals before. Too bad the video's closed caption (CC) wasn't a translation into a language I understand.
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    robotnic The way things are going, there will be no winner.
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    robotnic Doesn't sound like they were "wandering"; except for Rowling they were gainfully employed. Wandering, in this sense, is living with your parents, not having a job, and surfing youtube and playing video games while you wait for the right opportunity to drop in your lap. Actually, that's not even wandering, it's pretty much sitting still.
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    robotnic How is this news to anybody? My wife used to be in the business and, to this day, she refuses to go into any jewelry store because of the markups. Your best bet is is to go to a gem & jewelry show. Even then, you're still likely to get ripped off if you're not careful. I think guys selling watches hanging from their jacket liners are on par with jewelry sales for honesty. They're just selling rocks, albeit pretty rocks with serial numbers.
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    robotnic Looks like the Superstition mountains to me, especially given the Saguaro in the foreground.
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    robotnic Works for me.
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    robotnic I thought you were crazy, but now I can see your legumes.
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    robotnic Or he's a perv. I remember while in college going with some girls to the movies. This guy was sitting in the row in front of us, several seats to one side. One of the girls put her foot up on the seat two seats down from the guy in front. He put his arm on the back of the chair between him and her foot, but was too far away to touch her foot. Guy got up, disappeared for a minute or so, and came back to sit in a seat closer to her foot, followed by him putting his arm up again and actually leaning over to reach her foot. She said something to the effect of "if you touch my foot, I'll kill you", after which the guy promptly got up and left.
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    robotnic The book titles are more interesting than the cat in the box. "How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You" and "The Zombie Survival Guide"
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    robotnic Success sounds like a lot of work.
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    robotnic Looking forward to the comments on this one.
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    robotnic This is what happens when your oven tells you to stop and you don't listen.
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    robotnic Did this with a strong magnet and a 4 foot 3/4" diameter copper plumbing pipe at home. Pretty cool effect, even with an understanding of the physics behind it.
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    robotnic Whoopdeedoo.
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    robotnic He even gave them the shirt off his back.
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    robotnic Nice posture, husky.
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    robotnic Let's not jump to conclusions.
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    robotnic An ancient puzzle that we solved as kids except the one we had had three wooden rings to get past.
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    robotnic He used to do this on car windshields stopped at the intersection except back then he used spit and wasn't dressed as well. Hope he doesn't move into life insurance sales, because he'll stab you first to show you just how much you need life insurance.
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    robotnic Has the poster not seen the movie? Caption should be "Heeeere's Doggy!".
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    robotnic Brilliant! It's going to be like watching the current season of The Walking Dead, where viewers actually dread the next episode and find that the zombies aren't as scary as the leader of the living.
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    robotnic Based on the comment section of UH, this guy should relax. Saying white power would probably boost his karma.
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    robotnic About 7 seconds too long.
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    robotnic Looks like the dog from The Mask.
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    robotnic The glass kind of muffled his question. He actually said, "...wanna to buy some pugs?".
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    robotnic Man, those wolves make him look short.
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    robotnic d
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    robotnic I prefer rum or vodka, but any hard liquor works.
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    robotnic She looks better with her hair down (see follow-on video), even if it is full of pumpkin chunks.
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    robotnic This video is at least 10 years old.
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    robotnic Nice and flashy, but pretty tame as rollercoasters go.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic That shark bait perfume really works.
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    robotnic Definitely a better gift than the Axe deodorant, but I'd be just as excited about getting the Nothing Bundt cake.
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    robotnic Definitely a troll post.
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    robotnic Something about this picture doesn't add up. The angle of the photo says the snake is more like 10 feet up a tree.
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    robotnic Simply striking furniture.
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    robotnic That blue iron reminds me more of the shark poster from Jaws than the Titanic poster.
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    robotnic TL;DW
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    robotnic Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
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    robotnic Looks like two of the signs are just fine. Why do you always exaggerate?
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    robotnic I know I live in Texas when...
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    robotnic If they were protesting against climate change, wouldn't it be better if the eyes, noses, and eyebrows were floating in water?
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    robotnic Obviously teleoperated, but nice mechanism nonetheless.
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    robotnic Technique must be flawed because he's tried this same thing several time on here and it doesn't seem to be working.
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    robotnic Who would hook up a fridge to water and turn it on but not put any food in it? Looks brand new.
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    robotnic I see a vase.
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    robotnic Just don't go shooting your mouth off and you'll be fine.
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    robotnic Given that that is a girls bike locked to a guy's, maybe she's trying to give him a hint.
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    robotnic Hope you named your cat after some famous sword like Excalibur.
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    robotnic This is the world we live in.
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    robotnic Ending is the best part: Him - "We have to grant unlimited wishes from now until the day he dies" Her - "Well, we hope that's coming soon"
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    robotnic My guess is that somebody else put this on her bike to piss her off.
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    robotnic That's just McDonalds special sauce.
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    robotnic "Using special tools, the workers separate the squares, then the circles" Wow, I didn't know I had mirror making tools in my tool box at home.
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    robotnic The top edges are contoured to make it look one way in front of the mirror while hiding other edges that can only be seen in the reflection. Bottom edges are similarly shaped to complete the effect. Effect fails if you get off angle with the camera.
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    robotnic Probably one of those people from Virginia who can't spell, right crazyeastasian?
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    robotnic Disneyland looks much more rustic now than it did when I was a kid.
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    robotnic So you both rented the same car and he swapped the tires between the two? How is that romantic?
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    robotnic Damn, how big is your friend to step on the Eiffel tower?
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    robotnic Can dwarves swim? I dunno, let's ask Tolkien.
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    robotnic Something about life, lemons, and lemonade comes to mind.
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    robotnic I always thought "deer in the headlights" was a metaphor, but with this one, it might actually fit.
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    robotnic Read the caption and thought "the Amazon?" and then realized it was talking about the forest, not the store. The internet has broken my mind.
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    robotnic Security probably declared it a weapon and made the passenger check it.
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    robotnic In Amerika, we shoot you for doing dis.
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    robotnic Nope. Always up for trying new flavors of Pop tarts. Red velvet cake and Smores are particularly good flavors.
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    robotnic Live huh? So the animators were drawing on the fly?
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    robotnic Good thing these pandas don't know Kung Fu yet, or she'd really have her hands full.
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    robotnic Two words: hand cramp.
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    robotnic I feel safer just watching this.
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    robotnic And mixed with a little Nicholas Cage.
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    robotnic Huge waste of time, but I have to admit that I once rearranged the cube walls in our office to turn my boss' office access into a maze.
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    robotnic No, it's just a glitch in the Matrix.
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    robotnic This looks like more the result of parking on the beach instead of driving.
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    robotnic The street is so not flooded that he has to pull his trolling motor part way out of the water to make it work. It's barely over the curb. Many streets were like this for a short time yesterday, but what do you expect when you get north of 20" of rain in one day?
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    robotnic It's videos like this that keep the internet alive. Pure gold.
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    robotnic Funny how there's only one caption, sandwiched between two pictures. Given that she actually looks younger in the lower pic, the caption could apply to either one.
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    robotnic An excellent example of why there's a minimum age to vote.
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    robotnic Makeup is for girls.
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    robotnic This video is depressing.
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    robotnic The trump pinata really completes the ensemble.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic The dog's name is MeMe
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    robotnic They probably had to have a lower price on the juice to ensure their customer's children grow up to become Walmart customers.
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    robotnic May be in poor taste, but I'd risk my soul for a bite.
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    robotnic Some mostly stupid shit.
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    robotnic Guy sounds like Count von Count from Sesame Street.
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    robotnic Mr Colt and I are both 45. Care to disagree?
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    robotnic Get a Jobba.
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    robotnic How is $4000 expensive? The stone on my wife's wedding ring cost more than that and with these dolls, I get to win at least some of the arguments.
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    robotnic Those green screen effects are amazing.
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    robotnic Wow, something actually new on the internet. Pretty impressive.
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    robotnic "It makes the stone jump up and down". Yay!
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    robotnic I'd say the person who made the original trailer needs to be shown this and then fired.
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    robotnic Duct tape can be used to fix anything.
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    robotnic My dog does an excellent impersonation. Also does a pretty good Tauntaun. Wonder if he qualifies.
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    robotnic Heard about this on the news last night. This is either a design flaw or a maintenance problem. Get better tires, change them more often, and make the ride fee something north of a $1.
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    robotnic Why can't beautiful women protest airport security? Why?
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    robotnic It's like a bridge over troubled drivers.
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    robotnic Looks like the "green" made it out. Congratulations on your freedom!
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    robotnic Finally a repost that improves on the original.
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    robotnic Russia's version of Preparation H
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    robotnic If you're lucky kid, you'll be learning the rest of your life. Make it an opportunity, not a burden. P.S., your parents are stupid because they've set you up to resent school on your first day. Go find someone more intelligent to admire.
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    robotnic This'll be great right up until the US gov't arrests you for not having line-of-site on your drone. Stupid laws.
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    robotnic Dogs don't like getting their nails trimmed. I think every dog would do this if they were that big.
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    robotnic Is that Sarah Connor? If so, why is she smiling when she knows what's coming?
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    robotnic Having been there, this picture is really overselling it. My reaction was more like the dad's reaction to the Grand Canyon in National Lampoon's Vacation movie.
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    robotnic Huh, guess we won't be seeing any more posts from Penesoplease for a while.
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    robotnic Gemma's a keeper!
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    robotnic Don't exactly know how to interpret this profile, but at least it doesn't sound like a guy wrote it.
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    robotnic So pick a better name, e.g., a personal, coaxial, two-wheel, independently-motoriized, gyroscopically-stabilized transportation device.
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    robotnic Receding hair line, facial hair, unkempt long hair... looks like career success to me. As James Cameron put it "they have their fuck off money".
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    robotnic Greek name with roman numerals. Someone thought they were being clever, but 99% of people aren't even going to try to decipher this.
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    robotnic Instant karma and a punchline. Sweet!
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    robotnic She was not fired for the photo, it was because her classroom was using an excessive amount of school supplies, specifically kleenex and hand lotion.
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    robotnic Stop your complaining, get a good lawyer, and sue them. If you can coordinate with others who have been wronged, make it a class action suit that gets into the hundreds of millions in punitive damages.
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    robotnic Is that the holy spirit or are you just happy to see me? All too easy.
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    robotnic He clearly understands some language but just doesn't seem to realize that occasionally the words he's saying don't match what he means. Kinda reminds me of that recent Xfinity commercial (in USA) where this guy can't understand a word anybody else is saying because he doesn't have their latest gadget.
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    robotnic I think this is Pepe Le Pew's house.
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    robotnic Looks like it's in the street to me.
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    robotnic As much as I like the philanthropy of this, it seems fraught with problems such as the lunchless person not liking what this person provides, embarrassment of being identified as the lunch thief, and the inevitable expectation/dependency this creates.
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    robotnic Good thing he was able to park that way or he would have had to back out, and that would have just ruined the whole joke.
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    robotnic So, being in Australia, they're upside down relative to the "rest of the world"? Pretty weak joke.
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    robotnic Last year I lived there it got up to 122 Fahrenheit. Looks like I got out in time.
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    robotnic The the the... that's all folks!
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    robotnic Your boss grew up in an era when you could spell boobs with numbers on your calculator, so this is a logical extension of that upbringing.
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    robotnic Guy looks like Lewis (Robert Carradine) from "Revenge of the Nerds"
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    robotnic What kind of weak-assed poison is that? Looks like he/she used the whole can. The wasp spray I use debilitates them and eventually kills them with just a tiny drop.
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    robotnic This is just a copy cat of the original "pretty rocks that are the same age" post from back in the stone age.
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    robotnic So it's essentially two slices of cheese pizza with a lot of extra crust. I'll stick with pepperoni topping.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Except Sara McKenzie didn't come with a freshness seal.
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    robotnic Usually die young, not always.Either somebody survives to pass on their knowledge or the profession dies.
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    robotnic A confabulous explanation. It's not rocket science, it's Rockwell science.
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    robotnic Surf's up, way up.
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    robotnic What did the homeowner expect? I'm guessing this is the solution to "I don't want to be bothered with trick-or-treaters so I'll put the bowl of cheap candy out to keep them from ringing the doorbell". The homeowner's lucky the "father" didn't steal the chair too.
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    robotnic I hear it gets better with age.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Damn that was stupid.
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    robotnic Sounds like someone's finally growing up to the point where he won't tolerate shit that he used to do.
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    robotnic Guy's pretty obnoxious, but I have to say, "well played ol' chap!"
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    robotnic That's probably funnier in Japanese. The subtitles just didn't translate into humor. Incidentally, are all Japanese hard of hearing or is yelling just part of the culture?
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    robotnic How much did the parrot have to pay to get those two to pose with him?
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    robotnic Bill Cosby would put the D in front, i.e., Drosie.
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    robotnic That was some Uber Humor.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic No more streaks in the toilet bowl.
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    robotnic These are just bricks in the wall, Milo. Just bricks in the wall.
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    robotnic That's not good advice, it's just a pun. Now if somebody calls you trash, that's more of a "One man's trash is another man's treasure" kind of argument.
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    robotnic More like you left a tow hook in the gas fill port. I thought these hoses were supposed to break off easily so it doesn't damage the pump.
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    robotnic Time to start a religion based on it then.
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    robotnic You have to read the back story on this for context. The stomping guy knew the homeless guy dug the cake out of the trash and didn't want him to eat it. He thought it would be funny to film the stomping, which, out of context seems pretty mean. The homeless guy got several hundred dollars at the same time.
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    robotnic Looks exactly the same in Houston. Worth the week of buildup on the news. Can't wait for the next one.
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    robotnic The guy's input really put the conversation over the top. You should figure out where he works and send it to his boss. I'll give you a hint: it's part of a fast food chain.
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    robotnic I want to feel like a little kid again.
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    robotnic That's a big pinata. Somebody get me a bat!
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    robotnic Did somebody chop off a few inches after between years three and four?
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    robotnic "she can buy her own stuff. Pardon my French". Hmm, wonder where she gets it from?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic So that's where the term "sunshine out of your ass" comes from.
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    robotnic They would have finished, but they were in a rush, more so than usual.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic I've heard of cross-dressing, but not cross-shopping. Ick!
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    robotnic Is there accure for spelling errors?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Someone's gonna be late for class.
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    robotnic The Onion is always pushing the envelope. Not PC, but I still got a chuckle out of it.
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    robotnic It just wants the camera to get it from its good side.
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    robotnic It's because his name is Muhommed (after the prophet), not because of vanity or pride. Could have just named it Casius Clay.
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    robotnic Let me guess, Alabama?
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    robotnic Looks like she's having fun. Cool idea.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Shit happens, even in my freezer.
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    robotnic You must be easily impressed.
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    robotnic Why does the term "motorboat" seem less appealing now?
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    robotnic And your selfie skills suck!
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    robotnic Hard to judge size from the video. I'm guessing walrus-sized. Anybody know?
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    robotnic It's a recursive snack.
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    robotnic Don't understand why Armstrong would think only NASA can do this kind of job. Is it arrogance (given that he was part of the original moon shot) or a political move? NASA can't do the job anymore (too much caution and politics) and Lockheed/Boeing are too expensive. Why not SpaceX?
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    robotnic Get it at Harbor Freight for $1.99. Have a couple of these myself, but if I used it like this guy, I think I'd be sleeping on the couch.
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    robotnic Moritz is a girls name? Good job, by the way.
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    robotnic Glare from any angle. Brilliant!
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    robotnic That was painful to listen to. Hard to believe somebody actually likes her music.
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    robotnic Sounds like he just wants classes on things that are important to him or that affect him adversely. Expand your horizons and stop thinking small, twopack.
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    robotnic Sounds like the ending to the Roseanne TV show.
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    robotnic $1 million/week? Where did that stat come from. Last I saw it was just north of $300000.
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    robotnic Opportunity missed, I'd say.
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    robotnic That was really good. Looking forward to seeing the premier, although I have to admit that I never watched Letterman or the Colbert Report, so probably won't see the premier either.
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    robotnic Bet you the spider was listening to the Mission Impossible theme music while performing this heist.
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    robotnic I've never seen a bottle of super glue that was completely full. I call BS on this.
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    robotnic Makes me want to see the movies again, for all the wrong reasons.
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    robotnic Some good advice here, but clothing advice is dated. As for 26, I'd never get any sex with that approach!
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    robotnic I think he's a police officer, i.e., the long arm of the law.
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    robotnic Bored 18 seconds in.
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    robotnic So much more exciting the second time it's posted.
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    robotnic I didn't know your friends area could strike lightning.
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    robotnic Damn this is old. How many times are we going to see this "hood" version of Harry Potter?
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    robotnic I assume this is someone I "should" know, given that he says he gave a TEDx talk. Otherwise, a pointless video.
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    robotnic Don't understand the guy's comment "this is gonna help us". Were they in worse shape before this happened?
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    robotnic I thought the real value was in the salt; at least it used to be.
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    robotnic I scored about 50% on this. As for number 7, just wait it out man!
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    robotnic Arizona seems to have become a magnet for stupidity. Was not this way when I was growing up there as a kid.
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    robotnic My daughter's friend is a JW so I don't know how accurate all this is, specifically in regards to not associating outside of the religion. Forwarding video to her for a possibly biased response. If I get a worthwhile answer, I'll post it here.
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    robotnic That dog has an amazing sense of smell. I assume that's how it "knew".
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    robotnic Wow, that actually works, but rice cakes, really?
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    robotnic Nice idea, but I'm pretty sure my dog would just chew up the bottle.
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    robotnic Looks like teaching is the lesser of his two jobs. That's one brave dad.
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    robotnic I assume "green peppers" means "bell peppers", which makes me wonder why anyone would want "whole green peppers" on a pizza.
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    robotnic I think for most of these genetics plays the bigger role and the hair is just a side effect.
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    robotnic I'm guess the GF doesn't shave.
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    robotnic Wonder how much makeup that guy is wearing. Pretty bizarre looking.
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    robotnic I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! That was hilarious.
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    robotnic What a load of bull!
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    robotnic He's preaching to the choir. The people who do this violence are using the protests as an excuse to destroy with impunity. The people who "organize" these protests need to make it clear to any participants that behavior that isn't on topic must be squashed as it happens. Those few troublemakers wouldn't stand a chance if the rest of them really didn't condone the violence.
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    robotnic Actual video here (train falls off at 1:20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihjcs4srka0
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    robotnic Spot on assessment of GQ. Guy's pretty annoying (you'd have to be to not hold on to Katy Perry), but he has his moments.
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    robotnic Nice gesture. Those are some amazing looking roses, and really cheap. I'll take a purple one.
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    robotnic Pronouncing that horses name was pretty arrrrrduous for the announcer.
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    robotnic Actually, it's not that hard to take braces off. You just need to find an orthodontist office and get the right tools.
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    robotnic Fibonacci is everywhere.
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    robotnic In Robin Williams' voice "It's in a pose like this that makes you realize that knees don't have nipples too"
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    robotnic If the school needs metal detectors and x-ray machines at the entrance then it is obviously dealing with some seriously bad students. If keeping phones off campus helps, I'm all for it. Sounds like the student was warned not to bring her phone and did so anyway. If there's an emergency, call the school, they have phones.
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    robotnic The innuendo is strong with this one.
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    robotnic Dennis, set an example for your younger brother Randy. He looks up to you. In all seriousness though, I wonder if this is unusual for him or if he is always this... haughty.
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    robotnic Party animal.
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    robotnic Talk with your tips, not with your lips. Keep the whining to yourself because, with that small of a restaurant, I'm sure all the other patrons (and the wait staff) can hear you and it just makes everybody miserable.
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    robotnic She already has is heart, so why not? Kudos.
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    robotnic Is that a fat person wheel chair or are your grandparents just really small?
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    robotnic Galaxy far far away my ass. Jaba's right here in my back yard.
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    robotnic He is his father's son.
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    robotnic Sure! I've watched worse.
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    robotnic This kid is going places. Well played!
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    robotnic This wisdom is right up there with "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
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    robotnic I predict there will be another post just like this three posts from now.
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    robotnic Being that I work in robotics, this made my day! Love the "engineering" commentary in the background.
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    robotnic Gotta be a Japanese product. They're always thinking up these weird product ideas.
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    robotnic Judging from the bright colors, maybe that's just a parrot repeating what it's heard. Good bird. Throw it a cracker.
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    robotnic No running away from that logic.
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    robotnic Unless you hopes and dreams were to have a baby with two tiny feet that will step on your hopes and dreams.
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    robotnic Is she going to have a belay when she's in the treehouse? If not, your critics might be right.
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    robotnic I think the poster forgot the punch line frame, because that wasn't even remotely funny.
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    robotnic Shouldn't be too hard to find the owner of that car. Looks pretty old school and thus unique.
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    robotnic Of all the things this image could have brought to my mind, it had to be the song from Fleetwood Mac.
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    robotnic This is better than watching a baby taste lemon.
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    robotnic The chihuahua is thinking "That dog makes even me look good".
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    robotnic Replacement parts for Toyotas are pretty expensive, so I can kind of understand the logic in this.
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    robotnic Have to be a Looney Tunes fan to appreciate this one.
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    robotnic Meetings like this often coincide with an urgent need to use the bathroom for an exceedingly long time. Kind of the corollary to the phone ringing every time I'm on the crapper.
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    robotnic If you had a house there would it qualify as beach-front property?
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    robotnic Wonder where these other kids learned this. Great parenting there.
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    robotnic I actually really enjoyed this. Very punny.
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    robotnic Why does it say "this just happened" when it happened more than 24 hours ago? UH must really just be gleaning data from other sites without looking at the content in any way.
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    robotnic Confucius say man who climb mountain in blizzard stay on mountain forever.
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    robotnic If you want to enjoy the scenery up close you first have to make out with marshmallow face.
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    robotnic Oldies but goodies.
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    robotnic If they made e-readers using this concept, it would be a really simple, low cost, one-line display. Maybe even fit on your wrist.
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    robotnic Saw this episode yesterday. The guy was amazing, but he didn't win. I think the blonde did. Sorry, didn't see the end.
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    robotnic We just adopted a husky and she's got a thick coat. Not looking forward to the spring shed.
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    robotnic If this is really from an accident, then the wearer's body must have been shredded.
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    robotnic That's news to me.
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    robotnic You gotta be kidding me (so he says).
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    robotnic How ironic that the thief mailed it to their address.
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    robotnic Kinda reminds me of that scene where Austin Powers is standing on Mini Me's shoulders during a physical.
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    robotnic In regards to cropping, it's the website that's messed up due to the right column of page. In Firefox, you can just right-click and choose "view image" to see the whole thing. UH needs better web developers.
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    robotnic Why is the girl crying in the other car?
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    robotnic What a strange coincidence. I just forwarded this story to my coworkers this morning (I work in the robotics industry) and said "that's what happens when Cyberdyne competes with iRobot".
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    robotnic Well played Radio Shack employee.
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    robotnic Let the "this isn't humor" comments commence.
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    robotnic Some of these are pretty clever, but I have to admit I don't understand the first one.
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    robotnic I don't know, Mike. You seem to have an awful lot of mirrors for a psychopath. Don't psychopaths usually break their mirrors?
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    robotnic Must be a master Tetris player.
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    robotnic I'm amazed the Google street view drivers captured this. "Yeah, I feel comfortable turning down this street. I got a job to do."
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    robotnic This post comes to you from the Department of Redundancy Department.
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    robotnic Not humor, but I can actually use this at my house. Maybe I should just use UH as a one-stop shop for humor, news, DIY, inspiration, and soft porn.
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    robotnic Have a coworker who complained about having to pay school taxes while not having any kids. I told him not to guilt everybody else at Disneyland because he paid admission but is afraid of the rides. If you don't like the rules, go somewhere else.
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    robotnic A well prepared crowd.
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    robotnic I have a doubt.
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    robotnic There are worse things than being in the middle, Malcolm.
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    robotnic I know how you feel kid. Ugh!
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    robotnic Yikes! Overstate your case much? Doritos is singlehandedly wiping out rain forests? Perhaps the ad could have offered an reasonable alternative to palm oil, like whale blubber.
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    robotnic Because Paris is a place we can relate to, whereas we know little about Nigeria. Same thing happened with the Bosnia genocide. We heard about it but, for whatever reason (media?), it didn't capture our attention like it should have.
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    robotnic Was not expecting that paradigm shift. Pretty funny.
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    robotnic If I were shown this screen caps and asked to say who this one, I think I'd only recognize her in the 6th one.
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    robotnic At least he's being honest about it. It's like having a news story about something you were a part of only to find the aired version totally misrepresent the whole thing. It's nice to see your work being appreciated, but when it turns out not to be yours, it's embarrassing.
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    robotnic Thought this looked kinda dumb at first, but by half way through, I was hooked.
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    robotnic I'd never get out of my neighborhood with #4. These are all pretty tedious.
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    robotnic Run Luke, run!
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    robotnic The Jewish magician's club membership is growing. They can all pull a Rabi out of their hat.
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    robotnic The genes are strong with this one.
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    robotnic "If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike." A little unintentional sexual innuendo there?
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    robotnic Can Yan cook?
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    robotnic That's one way to keep the train on track.
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    robotnic The problem with the system is the legislation that tried to ensure that everybody got a good education, admittedly a noble cause. However, the implementation puts the responsibility on the teachers and holds their funding hostage. Not sure what the right answer is, but at least in Texas, they've cut back on testing (5 tests over 4 years instead of 11) and no longer tie it to funding. The result is that nobody "teaches to the test" anymore.
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    robotnic This is way simpler than the way they used to do it where there was a wall that all comm to a secure facility had to go through. We had to physically pull every connection. Some walls had hundreds of plugs. Of course, a physical disconnect is far more definitive than any switch.
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    robotnic This was easier to pull off than, say, Vanilla Ice. He'd be represented as what, a milkshake? Not sure how that would work.
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    robotnic One of Batman's more flamboyant costumes. Works great for Halloween. "Hey, look everybody, I'm Arnold!".
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    robotnic Okay, then what is this sport? I can't tell from the limited context (and my even more limited appreciation of sports).
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    robotnic Great music, but her dancing has to go. It looks... awkward.
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    robotnic Rapunzel, what a big nose you have.
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    robotnic The suspense is pretty scary.
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    robotnic Too much makeup on the left, but gorgeous either way.
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    robotnic That's what I'd refer to as a brain fart.
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    robotnic A slice of heaven?
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    robotnic This kid definitely has a future in entertainment. Impressive.
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    robotnic There's a guy at my gym that's just like this, physically and mentally. He talks to himself loudly at random times and sings to his music with his headphones on. Gut hangs out because his shirt doesn't quite reach all the way over his pot belly. He clearly has a mental disorder, but, other than being annoying, appears to be harmless. Nobody messes with crazy.
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    robotnic I'd prefer bigger...um, wings. Yeah, bigger wings.
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    robotnic And here I was expecting the origins of the universe to be discovered before this proof.
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    robotnic This is more of an advertisement to people who already play EVE. I've never played the game and only know about the one super battle that happened some years ago, but the jargon they were using and the context were totally lost on me.
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    robotnic Fond memories of sibling rivalry. Barbie dolls were such an easy mark.
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    robotnic I'm really looking forward to the day when I can take a worn or broken part, scan it and produce a working part, or, better yet, get the part design from the manufacturer (for a price, no doubt) and print a new one.
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    robotnic That's a big rattle snake. Can rattlers be tamed?
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    robotnic I can't decide whether "misery loves company" or "the more the merrier" is more fitting.
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    robotnic When I saw the title I was expecting pictures of petrified poop.
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    robotnic Better brush up on your Estonian if you consider moving there.
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    robotnic Shouldn't it be "this sweet heart of a potato"?
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    robotnic So I get that there's a group call "Autism Speaks" and they're serving spaghetti, but they could have started it with "Have" and cleared up the confusion. Of course, then it wouldn't be humorous enough for UberHumor.
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    robotnic Too many things changed to tell. Could be a sister, but, if it's real, well done.
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    robotnic Taken right from the movie.
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    robotnic Same here. I was expecting something like 21 dollar bills when he counted.
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    robotnic I take it Barry isn't a coffee drinker.
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    robotnic Now that's advertising! Likely to be more entertaining than the TV program it interrupts.
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    robotnic I'll kick off my shoes and remove other outer wear (e.g., coat) to get comfortable, but underwear? Hmm, she may have something there.
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    robotnic What exactly am I looking at? I'm guessing a raised train track or roadway that was converted into a pedestrian walkway, but not sure.
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    robotnic Maybe it is just me, but she seemed nervous during the entire speech. Now I hear she is being threatened, so perhaps she had a reason to be nervous. Not sure what the threat is supposed to accomplish, she already did her presentation. I applaud her message. It seems to have offended both sides equally, so she is sincere in her desire for equality.
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    robotnic 3D printers are the Polaroids of the new century.
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    robotnic Not bananas, not mangos. I believe this is a fruit that, in the Philippines, is called "tits of the caribou" (roughly translated). I'm sure that's not the real name. Never seen it myself, but my source has.
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    robotnic I looked at the sun once until I went blind. I didn't know I was wasting energy. Now I feel bad.
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    robotnic Those people taking a selfie on top of the tallest building in Hong Kong while eating bananas have nothing on this kid.
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    robotnic Obviously being played in reverse.
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    robotnic Maybe the call it Guerrilla Glass because a guerrilla delivers it.
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    robotnic Give the guy a break. He had so much pent up frustration and anger that he didn't want it to subside before he made this video. If he had waited, he would have never posted the video, because he comes across as a frustrated nerd. Ah, the old days, when frustration like this was written in a diary/journal where it was kept private, as opposed to these youtube public displays. At least most of the people who see this won't be able to razz him in person.
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    robotnic Do you mean realest, as in, most real?
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    robotnic My boyfriend is petrified of shopping.
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    robotnic Now I can honestly say I've seen an episode duck dynasty.
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    robotnic Looks better on my dog.
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    robotnic Or the dog is experiencing ice cream headache.
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    robotnic Someone made this argument on NPR the other day. I think the US gov't is trying to simplify the tax hassle by doubling the standard deduction so the IRS can just send them a letter saying "based on the information we have, this is how much you owe or will get as a refund". If you agree with that assessment, send a signed letter to that effect (or log into their site) and send payment. If you disagree with it, just file your taxes by the deadline with supplementary info as taxpayers currently do.
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    robotnic Count Clucksalot.
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    robotnic Googled this thing and I get a collage of various images of which one is pikachu
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    robotnic Prefer the before look. What is it with Mexico and their infatuation with the todler box of crayons?
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    robotnic Pull his finger to hear the soundtrack.
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    robotnic His last name is Bread, so he's kind of predisposed to stupid names.
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    robotnic If it was "perfectly aligned", as in "beam of light shining into room", the beam would be highlighting the dust in the air. So, no, not perfect.
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    robotnic Would have been more interesting if the two sets of twin offspring also looked identical.
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    robotnic Ignore the apostrophe for a moment. "Pocket loving"? You're supposed to put the food in your pocket? Does it crawl in there? I don't get it.
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    robotnic Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Things that make you say "Hmmm".
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    robotnic I think this graph also works for eating something inedible, at least with the milestones.
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    robotnic Probably because you have never developed any socialization skills, ya millennial.
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    robotnic Dated a red head once. The stereotypes are surprisingly accurate. Maybe it's an Irish thing?
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    robotnic The dreaded RJ45 strain. It'll turn your jack into a null modem if you're not careful.
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    robotnic Gotta wonder if the people in Portland are plaid to dress like that.
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    robotnic Frumpy cat?
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    robotnic How about none of the above and none of the times in between?
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    robotnic Just wondering if £10 of pennies weighs 10 pounds.
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    robotnic The rightmost panel is missing. My educated guess is that last panel probably said "roof", in which case it's a really good deal.
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    robotnic That's a very slimming outfit.
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    robotnic Painting all of humanity with a single stroke.
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    robotnic This is Spongebob's origin story.
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    robotnic I'll take the blue pill.
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    robotnic Is your joke supposed to leave her in stitches?
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    robotnic I thought that video some weeks back of Gambino rapping on stage WAS Glover and was thinking "He should stick to acting".
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    robotnic WTF are those wounds on his stomach? Maybe some kind of hard-core drug mule?
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    robotnic Uberhumor is deleting posts that have a URL in them. Fucking assholes.
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    robotnic Meh, I'm kinda middle of the road on this issue.
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    robotnic i.e., carpe diem?
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    robotnic Just what the world needs, an OCD cat.
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    robotnic Makin' bacon.
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    robotnic Cat: "Now stop your pussy footin' around and feed me!" (Paws for effect).
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    robotnic Stamp licking is so last century. Haven't seen a stamp that wasn't self-adhesive in a least a decade.
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    robotnic Left is right and right is wrong.
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    robotnic I have no idea who these people are. Which one's which? Oh, wait, nobody cares.
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    robotnic Saw this and thought "look at that little drummer boy" and now I've got that stupid Christmas song stuck in my head.
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    robotnic Pandora is up to her old tricks again.
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    robotnic What else are you going to do with that box of leftover flooring from the house?
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    robotnic The premise that the purpose of a song is to be performed is wrong. The purpose is to be entertaining. Live performances are rarely as good as the studio version, with Daft Punk being a notable exception.
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    robotnic Wouldn't the non-visually-impaired version of this be eggs with flashing lights on them? I'd think a better idea would be to have a Marco-Polo device that chirps back when the kid makes a certain sound. Hell, have her say "Marco" and it reply "Polo".
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    robotnic That's about how long I remember Windows 95 taking to boot up.
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    robotnic Top two are consistent (roughly 4.5:1). That super mega one though (6:1), is about the time Roy Scheider's character says "We're going to need a bigger toilet paper holder" in the movie "Logs".
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    robotnic At the other end is a proctologist. Helps prepare you for the colonoscopy.
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    robotnic Presumption is that these are phone booths, but I suspect they are just spots to fill out paperwork for airport customs.
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    robotnic For a second there I thought I saw the face of Groot in the reflection.
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    robotnic I enjoy shooting guns and have several, but some people have no business having access to guns. Trouble is figuring out who those people are. Violent criminals? Obviously not. Mentally ill? Well, you can't just say "if you've seen a shrink, you can't own a gun" because people would avoid seeing a shrink altogether. Besides, if somebody goes to a shrink who deems that person "safe" to have a gun and then this person goes off and shoots someone, is the shrink liable? Just seems like a muddy situation.
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    robotnic No, not for a second. Good to see he understands the cartoon, though. Give this guy a gold star sticker for the day.
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    robotnic Not a sonic boom, just the two thrusters firing.
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    robotnic His ass was grass.
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    robotnic Sylar works there.
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    robotnic I was vacationing in California a couple weeks ago. This does not surprise me one bit.
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    robotnic You want a bee in your bonnet, 'cause that's how you get a bee in you bonnet.
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    robotnic I guess they ran out of cucumbers and duct tape
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    robotnic staring confused at the wall, Jared decided to lose 100 pounds by going on the Subway diet and become a pedophile.
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    robotnic "Face melting" isn't the term I would have chosen, but that's some serious skill.
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    robotnic I usually crack a smile after erupting.
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    robotnic TLDR
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    robotnic Paying comcast for TV is a one-problem IQ test. If you do, you're an idiot.
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    robotnic Let me put it in vernacular that the poster will understand "Bruh, He ain choke cuz he dun crakin uh smile".
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    robotnic Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
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    robotnic Oh Jesus, not this again.
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    robotnic That's pretty normal driving if you're in Manila. Just need to drive 5 cars wide on a 3 lane road and honk the horn a lot to round out the driving skills.
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    robotnic There is a threshold above which people think they're smart but then are easily bothered by people below that threshold. And then there is a higher threshold above which people really are smart and are not bothered by people below that threshold.
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    robotnic Milk; it does a body good.
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    robotnic A lump of coal can have dreams I guess. Okay, that was mean. Regardless, good voice.
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    robotnic I don't buy it. What's that blue splotch covering up the white aisle strip? Looks photoshopped to me.
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    robotnic Looks like Sid's (from Ice Age) descendant.
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    robotnic When you make your funnel cakes with buffalo chips instead of chocolate chips, you're gonna turn away at least a few customers.
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    robotnic "songs about the moon and the stars"... but the QVC lady told me the moon was a star, so that's just redundant.
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    robotnic Can't hear a fucking thing she's saying without cranking up the volume and getting deafened by the guy's "jokes". Waste of time. They both lose.
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    robotnic What shoes?
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    robotnic Looks like Chuck didn't even have a chance to take his shoes off before this guy pinned him. Mad skills.
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    robotnic Black is back in style this summer.
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    robotnic Had a soda vending machine fail on me while on the university campus where every time I put in a dollar bill it would reject it but credit me a dollar in change. Put a 5 in and it started dumping change in the return chute. After several more tries it dumped like 20 bucks in the chute. Took what I could carry to the student services desk, pointed out the broken machine, and said "what's a guy got to do to get a drink around here". They actually handed me a can of soda.
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    robotnic Noted.
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    robotnic Damn, turning on closed caption for the video only give the same thing in written Russian. Don't know enough Russian other than to know that the big metal box over the cashier's head is cigarettes (tabak), but don't need to know any Russian to figure that out.
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    robotnic Nice bush.
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    robotnic Presumably people are friends because they like each other; the issue is just the degree of friendship. I wonder what this same question put to gay and trans people would be like.
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    robotnic The perfect date wouldn't have dashes; they're superfluous.
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    robotnic There's no way that first picture shows you 105 lbs less than the others.
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    robotnic Is the ball signed? No? So how is it worth anything to anybody? Like people screaming for beads at Mardi Gras.
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    robotnic Unable to parse first sentence. Does LOOOOL mean Laugh Out Out Out Out Loud?
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    robotnic Love how it looks like there's a trail of waste running from her foot out the door. Bad bird!
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    robotnic Looks like the martini glass is equally impressed.
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    robotnic There's an actor that looks almost exactly like this. Can't think of his name. Kind of a squeaky voice, always a character actor, typically plays some kind of hill billy/hick in a comedy.
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    robotnic Went through this when my kids were younger with an orphaned squirrel. Once they're used to you, squirrels are very friendly. We let the squirrel go and it lived in our large back yard tree, right up until it came down to say hi to our dog that it had be climbing on in the weeks before we let the squirrel loose and the dog killed it. Damn dogs and their infatuation with squirrels.
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    robotnic Looks like ET after a bukkake party.
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    robotnic My farts are funnier than that. Maybe I'll make a video.
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    robotnic Stuck between a hawk and a car place.
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    robotnic "His lips look like my pussy after a good washing."
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    robotnic Used to be like that in Los Angeles in the 80's. Climb to the top of Cucamonga peak and all you saw was the top of the smog.
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    robotnic Reminds me of the old Burger King jingle.
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    robotnic Should have called him Moatie after the aliens in "The Moat in God's Eye"
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    robotnic What's with the lower case vowels in "SaNDWiCH SLiCeS"? It's so not cheese that even the vowels can't get enthusiastic about it.
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    robotnic Sharp me?
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    robotnic Venison on Ice, coming to a ice rink near you.
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    robotnic Could have predicted that. Penguins are vicious.
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    robotnic And if the staff finds someone walking around with the bottom basket (the one secured to the rack), it doesn't matter what color it is, they need help.
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    robotnic Why is there a gas line going up into the cabinet?
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    robotnic Somebody I know bought a 2TB USB3 stick recently for $6.99 and I just laughed at them. It looks like 2TB when you check properties under Windows, so I tried copying 10GB of data to it, and anything beyond 2GB shows up with a file tag but has a size of zero bytes. I keep it as an argument closer when this person argues with me about technical shit.
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    robotnic "You can hurt my feelings with insults, but you can't hurt me with a spear" -- A. Nerd
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    robotnic Looks like a lot of effort, but cable ties break down quickly in the sun. I'm lucky to get 6 months out of one that isn't bouncing around like it would on a car.
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    robotnic Definitely from California. I've met too many adults while visiting/living there who think everything they'll ever need to experience exists inside it's borders.
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    robotnic This causes the syndrome you keep hearing about.
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    robotnic This owner hated all his neighbors, so when they all sold their properties, he decided the neighborhood was now a perfect paradise and didn't want to leave.
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    robotnic Nobody is going to get his goat because the crocs are feeling sheepish.
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    robotnic Kinda looks like Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies.
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    robotnic Not worth the read. Hopefully save some of you the time, cause I just lost 5 mins of my day that could have been spent looking at weak jokes and scantily clad women.
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    robotnic Surprised there wasn't a king snake down there. They love canals and drainage areas.
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    robotnic Like how it's right next to his bed. Looks like he doesn't get out much.
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    robotnic Why is Patrick Stewart threatening illness on the child? I thought he liked Vulcans.
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    robotnic She wanted cornrows, but she's allergic to corn.
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    robotnic How can somebody be 7 kids? Is that like some kind of multiple personality disorder?
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    robotnic This is what happens to a cow that was accidentally won in an auction.
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    robotnic Marganit is a woman's name?
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    robotnic It's either a hat, a boat, or a pterodactyl.
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    robotnic The guy was buzzed when he got the woody.
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    robotnic If that's not a proctologist's office, it's a waste.
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    robotnic Where's crazyeastasian to correct the grammar/spelling in this post's title?
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    robotnic Oh, I Si what you did there.
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    robotnic Nice albatross-like ending.
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    robotnic As much as I laugh at Trump's hair, that guy behind him trumps Trump.
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    robotnic Are all cops this long-winded?
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    robotnic I'm gonna guess twins.
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    robotnic yo queiro cheetos.
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    robotnic Stop your blathering and et to the point man!
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    robotnic I'll never look at neapolitan the same way again.
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    robotnic "Who you calling wood pecker? Wood ain't nothin'. What else you got?"
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    robotnic Coooool!
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    robotnic This was exactly the same issue 30 years ago when I went to college, except then the internet didn't exist so the only source of course material was the textbook. Now textbooks are practically irrelevant. If the concept of allowing everybody to get their first two years of college for free ever happens in the US, this is where they'll get you; it'll be free plus taxes (textbooks).
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    robotnic Since the damage is already done, I'd say "sure, $50/hour, $100 minumum, payment up front"
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    robotnic Viagra for hammers. I usually just put another nail in the handle where the head attaches. Only takes a couple of seconds and lasts more than 4 hours.
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    robotnic La Tache Romanee is second rate mouth wash. Wonder when someone is going to start bottling the Pope's piss and selling it to the rich. "Le Pope de Feb 27, 2014 was a particularly good batch."
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    robotnic And I don't want to be responsible for making it purr.
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    robotnic Ohio, as in round at both ends and hi in the middle?
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    robotnic Fly fornication seems to be a new meme.
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    robotnic Needs a scantilly-clad woman on the tank licking his shoes to complete the picture.
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    robotnic What? That's a picture of a trans-gender woman. If they can go into any bathroom, they can treat my mom.
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    robotnic The answer to 2 is that she should say the croc won't eat the child, but the rest are nonsense to my 6AM mind.
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    robotnic Looks like he just got stuck in the kiddie swing.
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    robotnic Looks like a cyclopsian canary with an underbite.
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    robotnic Kid's solution works for kids, but not adults. I would have just wrapped a rope or wire around the left (from camera's vantage point) bar and the support post near the middle and twisted it with a stick like a tourniquet.
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    robotnic If it had been his sister instead of his wife's, it would have been hisisterectomy.
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    robotnic Looks like the cat version of a pirate. Argh ffft!
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    robotnic "She's eating them one bite at a time" Isn't that how everybody eats?
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    robotnic Looks like the phrase "you are what you eat" is true in this case.
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    robotnic Hence the cards with EMV chips. Would never use my credit card in a quickie mart anyway.
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    robotnic That's some shit advice.
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    robotnic I always thought capybaras were the size of a nutria, not a large dog.
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    robotnic She's a basket case.
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    robotnic He's too busy looking in the mirror to notice much of anything.
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    robotnic Wow, I didn't recognize this actress (Diana Rigg from The Avengers) in her present role. Always thought she was hot as a kid.
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    robotnic Is that a python on the cabinet behind the tiger? "Welcome to the jungle" -- Guns N' Roses
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    robotnic Finally an entertaining face swap.
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    robotnic What a difference a year makes. If we had this during last years DARPA robotics challenge it would have been a much different competition and we wouldn't have that falling down highlights video.
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    robotnic So this is why Canadians are so polite; they let their birds do the trash talking.
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    robotnic The brother has it right. Those black disks are just a way to ship the filling.
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    robotnic @AlienVisitor, was that you?
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    robotnic Hope he never has to cross a busy road at night.
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    robotnic Profit, it's that simple.
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    robotnic A new slogan for the jewelry store chain: "If you want it from Jared's, you're gonna need the D"
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    robotnic Wonder how you clean the tank. Does the kitchen always smell like an aquarium?
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    robotnic Was somebody expecting them to snuggle? If a guy was bumping up against me, I'd think they were weird or trying to rob me and tell them to back off. If it was a female, especially an attractive one, I'd still think they were weird but wouldn't complain.
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    robotnic Now that took both patience and skill. Most impressive.
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    robotnic Kilroy was here (and his wife)
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    robotnic More like dumb thoughts. Man these are bad.
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    robotnic What, no picture?
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    robotnic The term "runner up" is confusing. Why not "winner", "second place", and "third place"? Granted, these cards are made up on-the-fly, but a simple Microsoft Word doc template with three slots to fill in and print would be pretty trivial. This looks like they just used a label printer for the contestant names.
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    robotnic Whatever floats your boat.
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    robotnic Blade Runner is written for the year 2019. Looks like polution's on schedule, but the robotics/cyborg tech is lagging.
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    robotnic Great place to visit, but you wouldn't want to spend eternity there.
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    robotnic Winter is coming!
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    robotnic Maybe the job he offered them sucks, if you catch my drift.
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    robotnic Diabetes, here I come!
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    robotnic Do you live on Pandora?
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    robotnic The free part of pornhub is good enough for my needs.
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    robotnic Being an elf requires a lot of manual labor, so this is not surprising.
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    robotnic Or, as my dad always asks, "What's the latest in xxx" for any tech-related industry. He's almost always disappointed when I don't have an immediate informative answer. "Dad, my name is robotnic, not robotnicpedia"
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    robotnic Hey, AlienVisitor, is this how we modern humans first reacted when you arrived?
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    robotnic Incest, "it tastes kinda good"? Hmm, can't quite wrap my head around that concept.
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    robotnic Can't wait to see how the porn industry uses this tech.
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    robotnic This part of the fish was tried as a saw on Gilligan's Island. It didn't work well, so I'm skeptical about it's performance as a sword. Sword looks like it belongs in one of those Japanese video games like Final Fantasy.
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    robotnic I feel sorry for this guy, sorry that he's so irritating that I actually applaud the municipal workers for parking on his land. If he wasn't such a condescending prick he probably would have resolved this issue long ago. Does he really read at least a book a day? What a dullard.
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    robotnic Easy Street is definitely not on this kid's GPS.
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    robotnic Your grandma's choice of swimwear is seriously outdated.
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    robotnic "This is the world we live in" -- Genesis "Land of confusion"
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    robotnic I suspect this week's events are the tipping point for political correctness and it's going to backfire in a big way.
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    robotnic Is it my imagination or does this video loop?
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    robotnic I think it's more interesting on April 11.
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    robotnic Where would you rescue a sheep from, and don't say "your bedroom"?
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    robotnic I stick with Laura Scudders; just peanuts and salt.
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    robotnic They don't teach that in medical school? To be honest, I didn't know the answer either.
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    robotnic Teamwork - it's what marriage is all about.
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    robotnic You want me to get off you back? Do whatever it is you "planned" to do before I ask. Worst case, you'll get a thanks from me, best case, you'll earn my respect.
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    robotnic May the course be with you.
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    robotnic Appears the kitten fell out from under one of the passing cars. Tough start to its day, the the few lives it has remaining should be smooth sailing by comparison.
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    robotnic Just finished this book yesterday. A good read.
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    robotnic Is this some kind of commentary on the current political parties in the USA? Red or blue, they're the same under the skin.
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    robotnic You've been signing like a dick your whole life, but that doesn't look like a dick to me, more like a cigar.
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    robotnic And in today's world, we have Viagra. "Thanks Iron Man, but I don't need to stay in wonderland so you can show me how deep the rabbit hole goes. I'll take the blue pill."
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    robotnic Wasn't this on an episode of South Park?
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    robotnic There's got to be something more to this story than is being told here.
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    robotnic Never seen anything like this before. Mr Toad's Wild Ride.
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    robotnic Now that's what I call a gag reflex.
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    robotnic You tell 'em Donny!
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    robotnic Pretty disgusting, but not surprising given all the bizarre fetishes the Japanese have. This is what happens when you have an uptight social structure.
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    robotnic Maybe nobody likes your because you're annoying and unfunny.
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    robotnic The people at the top of the polls on both sides leave me with no good choices. Hopefully the independents will offer up somebody worthwhile.
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    robotnic You would think a woman saying vagina that often would be a turn-on. I've never been so disappointed.
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    robotnic There was a buy two, get one free sale.
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    robotnic That's some seriously bad writing.
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    robotnic Musta been a cheese pizza.
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    robotnic Show me a show that doesn't have a laugh track but is still just as funny and I'll believe that this proves something.
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    robotnic Celebrity is definitely changing her.
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    robotnic I thought the moon was made out of cheese, not the earth.
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    robotnic At first I read PDA as Personal Digital Assistant and was thinking "huh?". Damn I'm getting old.
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    robotnic In this case I hope that what happens in Japan stays in Japan.
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    robotnic This is just a technical glitch in which the MPEG stream only switched half of the feed from one camera to the other. The can fade from one to the other in a hundred different ways an someone hit the wrong button for the context switch. No big deal.
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    robotnic Well, I know what I'm going to be dreaming about tonight.
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    robotnic I thought Rhea Perlman was taller than that, but I have to admit, she looks good in yellow. What's with the leash though?
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    robotnic No dessert for you, now go to your death bed.
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    robotnic This Donkey at Schrek's house. He's about to make waffles.
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    robotnic Finally something truly funny on uberhumor.
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    robotnic It looks like the dressing is the creamy kind.
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    robotnic H think a Wookie is riding piggy back.
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    robotnic Check IMDB for "Altered States", the 1980 movie.
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    robotnic In spite of her cat-like reflexes.
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    robotnic Is this how far genetic modification has come?
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    robotnic Once you've been to space, you never want to go back.
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    robotnic I'd like to tap that.
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    robotnic Must have anti-bleach in the water. She went in blonde and came out brunette.
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    robotnic Seeing this list, it sounds like Americans are really good tourists. In general, I don't see a lot of these behaviors "in country".
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    robotnic Let me fix it: thru tuff thuro thawt tho
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    robotnic You tell a 4 year old to call somebody and they're gonna do just that. Why 911? Because it's the only number he knows. This is priceless.
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    robotnic And the number of the beast is 666...6?
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    robotnic Hope the patient in the back was strapped in 'cause otherwise he/she is going to sustain additional injuries from that ride.
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    robotnic Still not sure what time it is.
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    robotnic Hey, if you're going to use "learnt" in your problem statement, you deserve what you get. Yeah, I know it's a common British English variation but it just looks weird to us cross-Atlantic folk.
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    robotnic Fodder for a story he'll be telling his grandchildren. "... and then your great grandmother came out and started beating us with a stick".
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    robotnic If a palindrome is spelled the same forwards as backwards, what it this called where it has a meaning both ways?
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    robotnic Doesn't make sense. If you're going to stare at a wall for 4 hours, why not just sleep?
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    robotnic A step in the wrong direction.
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    robotnic "But I'm so tasty" - Homer Simpson
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    robotnic If you want to look like a lady, commit man! Your appearance is confusing to everybody. Just complete your ensemble with some lipstick and they'll let you in without asking to check your purse.
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    robotnic This was actually really funny. I knew there had to be a logical explanation for some of the noises I heard from my downstairs apartment.
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    robotnic Q: What do you get when two horny guys pull up to a red light? A: A honky-tonk rhythm beat-off.
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    robotnic When he grows up, will his poop face become his shit face?
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    robotnic So is this stupidity "trending", that is, rapper riffs compared to incoherent ramblings and called plagiarism? I'm already bored with it.
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    robotnic This reminds me of Chris Farley in drag on an SNL skit. "Lay off me, I'm starving!"
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    robotnic With my eye's closed, that sure sounded like a guy. With my eye's open, I'm even more sure.
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    robotnic And here I was rubbing the outside of my eyelid to scratch that itch. Stupid me.
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    robotnic Way too much makeup, but the cockney accents, attitude, and comments all make up for it. Pretty funny.
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    robotnic Who is the "she" in this post?
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    robotnic The questions clearly states that the equation can be as simple as possible. It doesn't get any simpler than that answer.
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    robotnic UH cut off the punchline just so it can put their stupid logo on the bottom. Why not add to the picture instead of covering part of it?
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    robotnic Obviously the dog shit is helping keep the dog owner's grass green. Maybe the dog owner is trying to do you a favor.
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    robotnic This is Michael J Fox in costume during the shooting of "Teen Wolf"
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    robotnic Looks like Luke just wet himself.
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    robotnic Logo company probably got a hefty bonus for coming up with this. Our company hired someone to create a new logo for us and all we got was two diamonds with a vertical line through one. Pretty pathetic.
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    robotnic She'd make any political party seem like a party!
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    robotnic Assuming that's not a funeral home's vehicle, that's pretty funny, I suspect it's gonna raise a lot of red flags for anybody this guy's gonna date. If it does belong to a funeral home...
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    robotnic Or did they?
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    robotnic I don't use snapchat, or any of those other social media fads, but if I was the hiring agent at snapchat, I'd give this guy a call. Well done.
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    robotnic If these where his priorities, no wonder he didn't live very long.
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    robotnic This skit from SNL 40 had me laughing pretty hard. Best part of the show IMO.
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    robotnic Does it run on green energy?
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    robotnic Now he's the doting father? Wonder what the real story is.
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    robotnic Sounds all cool, but his would only show the temperature on the side of the food that is facing the camera. The inside/bottom can still be cold. Also, do people really have so little time that they have to stream the video to their smartphone so they can do other things?
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    robotnic You definitely have to be in the right mindset to answer that fast. The math is trivial.
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    robotnic So that's what that post earlier today was about. That website it pretty handy. My spouse works in healthcare and she got free lunch daily from the drug reps. Wonder how much cheaper drugs would be if this weren't going on.
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    robotnic She obviously got a great education at Hogwarts. Smart woman.
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    robotnic Where have I seen this before? Hmmm.
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    robotnic That final banking maneuver looked deliberate.
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    robotnic Sloppy but effective spin kick. Had he done it right (with his heel instead of the bottom of his foot), he probably would have seriously injured the other guy. I thought these kicks were not permitted in competition.
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    robotnic I remember when adults used to say "sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes". So I'm just wondering which came first, the bad eyesight or sitting too close? Kind of a chicken or egg question.
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    robotnic That is Agatetha Christie, post mortem.
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    robotnic And he thought this was going to be a respectable career.
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    robotnic I'd have to say that handshake was downright gay.
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    robotnic Did she lose something in the trashcan, like her lunch?
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    robotnic The world is his oyster. I'm sure this is important to at least 5 people, maybe 6.
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    robotnic I don't get it.
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    robotnic Here cum the puns.
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    robotnic Might as well be posting something about the novelty of somebody drinking "diet" soda. Worst post of the day (so far).
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    robotnic This makes no sense. If someone else is there, you're not having orgasms alone; however, If I were just eating cheese and watching Netflix, I'd probably be pretty depressed, although the orgasm might negate the effect of the cheese, so it's a toss up.
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    robotnic I would have titled this "Support space exploration". NASA has become a collection of fiefdoms only interested in protecting their interests. The community spirit it once had is just a whisper now.
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    robotnic He just needs to stay on topic to support her argument. What an ungrateful guest. Sarcasm aside, her voice is so grating that I would have had trouble not yelling at her if I were him. Her agenda is always to berate others and harp on isolated incidences based on some broken moral compass. The female equivalent of Rush Limbaugh.
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    robotnic Looks good to me. It's funny to read blogs that go to a lot of effort to show how she had work done on her nose. I'm not convinced by them, but I figure if the differences are so subtle that makeup can have the same effect then it really doesn't matter.
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    robotnic Normally you renew a drivers license every 10 years. Since there's no way this guy is 70-80 years old, I'm guessing he's deliberately renewing his license.
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    robotnic Heh, I thought the road in front of the house was a shark fin. Maybe it's a sea cucumber?
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    robotnic I'm guessing cut and paste literally won't work in this instance.
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    robotnic Reminds me of my first date: on unfamiliar ground and eventually fell on my face.
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    robotnic A commercial I'd look forward to seeing. Bravo!
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    robotnic Where have I seen this before. Oh yeah, on this site about two weeks ago.
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    robotnic An eco-friendly elephant. That's a lot of bull. :)
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    robotnic Impressive athletes. Amazed by how young the females are.
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    robotnic I've never seen so many black Jews in one place. Kwanzukkah!
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    robotnic Keeping the job interesting.
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    robotnic I assume the person is talking about the love of their life being the dog and not the pile of leaves that need to be raked.
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    robotnic Anything above the bottom line is preferable to me, but there's way more important things to consider than weight, e.g., intellect, humor, personality, hygiene, face.
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    robotnic I'm really looking forward to the day when this tech will be good enough to take a worn or broken part, scan it and produce a working part, or, better yet, get the part design from the manufacturer (for a price, no doubt) and print a new one.
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    robotnic So I want to know what WD stands for. Based on the post, the most likely conclusion would be "wet dick", but, seriously, what is it short for?
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    robotnic This product won't work until Apple introduces there iLaser product line.
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    robotnic Since this wouldn't fit in any mailbox I've ever seen, you'd have to take it to the post office and I find it hard to believe the post office will accept this. If they do accept it, boo yah!
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    robotnic Mushrooms are the butt of many a dirty joke.
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    robotnic Who says paragliding is boring?
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    robotnic Will my brain explode after reading both of these? I feel a headache coming on.
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    robotnic Speed bumps have nothing on this driver.
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    robotnic Of course, this is just three guys that look like they could be related: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Dennis Leary, Willem Dafoe
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    robotnic Huh, looks just like what cable offers for TV service. It's a trap!
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    robotnic I enjoy target shooting immensely, but I'm always amazed at how stupid/careless others are, even highly trained professionals that "know what they're doing". Being from New Jersey, the parents probably aren't exposed to guns and assumed the instructor was in complete control. Just wonder if the instructor had to be coerced (extra money) to let the girl shoot an automatic weapon. Feel really sorry for the girl.
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    robotnic Huh, just noticed this... what's wrong with her king? Looks melted (leaning to her left).
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    robotnic In the voice of Ralph Wiggums (Simpsons) "I like chess now"
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    robotnic As big as the guard was, he could have probably just jumped on the skate board and broken it in half. I like how the skaters were acting like they were innocent. Not their property.
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    robotnic meh, it was only a house Fire, which is worse than a house fire but not nearly as bad as a house FIRE.
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    robotnic or speak a single language well.
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    robotnic There's a Nestle bottling plant several miles from my lake house in East Texas. The tap water tastes just like their bottled water.
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    robotnic The Vitruvian man in modern form.
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    robotnic If that pussy is wet, nobody wins.
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    robotnic Racism and misogyny in one sign. Well done, but he really should have used white ink to be consistent.
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    robotnic So do you include the bag size info for that extra bit of unfunny?
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    robotnic They ended at this meeting because AAA refused to charge them but towed them here instead.
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    robotnic Wasn't it Perry White (Clark Kent's boss) who said "A good reporter doesn't get great stories. A good reporter makes them great."
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    robotnic Apple is probably going to slap this guy with a copyright infringement lawsuit.
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    robotnic That's annoying.
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    robotnic You're drunk hawk, go home.
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    robotnic An elementary education indeed.
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    robotnic When your cats are too good for toilet water.
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    robotnic They did. Uberhumor is an aggregator site.
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    robotnic God luck with that.
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    robotnic Talk about excessive tattoos. Sheesh!
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    robotnic Why the glasses without lenses?
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    robotnic Nice story, but I can't believe this exists. It's like driving through Texas where you always see signs saying "historical marker" ahead. If you're ever gullible enough to actually visit one, you're likely to find one of these little stones with a plaque that says something like "Daniel Boon shit here".
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    robotnic Remember, this is in China, where everything is upside down.
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    robotnic Or goatse, for those unfortunate enough to have been duped into clicking on *that* link. Can't be unseen. Don't, just don't.
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    robotnic She would be tickled pink.
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    robotnic Should have made the latch a basketball hoop.
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    robotnic A value added reseller (VAR) on the cheap.
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    robotnic Destroys? Hardly. The played the notes correctly, but it was about as dull as the national anthem can be.
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    robotnic What kind of snow storm piles up cars like that?
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    robotnic So that's what "Sixteen Candles" was all about. Now that movie makes complete sense.
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    robotnic I'm partially color blind, so maybe that is why I can't tell of what color she is. She looks awfully Anglo to me.
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    robotnic Stop your bitchin'.
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    robotnic I can see why "barefoot and pregnant" was not just misogynistic, but also practical.
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    robotnic Thunder, lightning, we get the picture.
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    robotnic Thew caulking above the door in the corner is what's ridiculous.
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    robotnic The ending to this stunt is a real clincher.
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    robotnic Kind of like when children cover their eyes when their scared. Boo!
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    robotnic I think it's a joke, i.e., he's pulling your lego.
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    robotnic Better check his browser history for "minimum legal age for marriage".
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    robotnic I remember when this happened last August, so what's the breaking news? Sounds like it's just a sensationalism story.
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    robotnic When there's an empty bottle of Fireball on the counter next to the cake, you can bet it's not about him.
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    robotnic I thought Jesus' middle name started with an "H".
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    robotnic I want a memorable video, but can we get it with a big smudge on the lens?
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    robotnic Okay internet, that's enough. Not funny any more.
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    robotnic It's one of those Thai hot peppers.
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    robotnic You can spell Coyote but can't his first name right? It's Wile E, not Wild E, as in wily, meaning crafty.
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    robotnic It's just a flesh wound.
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    robotnic These two are clearly very close. She probably got up at the end of the video to ensure her son didn't end up with blue balls before she tucks him in to bed.
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    robotnic What's worse than painting yourself into a corner? Doing so on a roof
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    robotnic "Best iphone yet"? Was anybody really expecting Cook to say "this new model is shit, but you guys demand a new model every year, so this is what we came up with".
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    robotnic Hell, I wish I had someone who made my lunch daily.
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    robotnic And yet her parents bothered to have her. Too bad this "wisdom" didn't start with them.
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    robotnic Nothing to see here. Move along.
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    robotnic Admittedly, the accent sounds nice, but it renders her explanations virtually indecipherable to us Yanks. Hey, it's a foreign video, so maybe I should have turned on subtitles.
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    robotnic Don't know what the top pic has to do with the bottom one. It really doesn't take that much time to "make" that kind of mistake. However, it takes a hell of a lot of time to ensure that they don't turn into a mistake you regret making.
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    robotnic Correction: Amazon needs to get your shit together. Bought two pen refill cartridges from them once. They each came in their own box on the same day. Didn't cost me any more for shipping, so wonder what the reasoning is for this.
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    robotnic Definitely penesopleas.
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    robotnic I'm willing to bet the maker of this video is penesopheles. It would explain a lot.
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    robotnic An uber humor worthy post.
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    robotnic Kind of a "The Thing" version of chick biscuits.
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    robotnic Look honey, I packed your lunch!
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    robotnic When life gives you lemons, make fire, not lemonade.
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    robotnic Now that's what I call internet entertainment. I'd put this up against any cat video.
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    robotnic Get a patent man! Oops, too late, you've already published to the world. ShopVac will sell it as an accessory in a month.
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    robotnic Wonder if this is real. Only a small-time operator could get away with this and not for very long, I'd think.
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    robotnic Hey, they shorted me. I ordered a sixpack-o-pups.
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    robotnic So Hillary getting the D is biased?
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    robotnic Picture looks more like it's from the great depression.
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    robotnic That's 7 seconds of my life I'll never get back.
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    robotnic Sorry to spoil the joke, but that's just to keep the brick facade contained until someone can repair it. It has a steel post so it's not going to collapse.
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    robotnic Ah, come on! Where's the time lapse video? I'm sure it'll show the plants diing a slow death too.
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    robotnic Don't have a cow (in a blizzard) man!
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    robotnic He may have made a good first impression, but his second one is so impressionistic.
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    robotnic Just throw in some Oxyclean and it'll all go away. I know; I've seen the commercials.
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    robotnic Excluding the pictures that have a guy and girl, I'm pretty sure some of the others have guys in them as well, particularly the one in green and the other in the tub holding a wine glass.
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    robotnic Guy on the right looks like the "smart" character Eugene from The Walking Dead.
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    robotnic I don't recall Fruit of the Loom having a banana on the team. Where's the apple and leaf when you need them?
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    robotnic We all know who this was meant for on uberhumor.
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    robotnic This is Inception, a suburb of London.
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    robotnic This is the same guy who's wife tried to tell him she was pregnant by putting a hamburger bun in the oven but he couldn't make the connection.
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    robotnic Is this the result of pulling your head out of your ass?
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    robotnic I had no idea a highlander did the voice of Mr Krabs or Dauber (from Coach) did Patrick.
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    robotnic "Down by the river?", asks Mat Foley.
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    robotnic Whole lotta BS here. For example, what is an impossible color? Color is one or more wavelengths of light. Is this telling me that there are certain combinations of wavelengths that turn invisible to the eye when combined?
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    robotnic I wanted an empty 747 jumbp for xmas. I don't see it under my tree, so UPS failed to deliver.
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    robotnic Guy's a religious bigot, so I'm enjoying this immensely.
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    robotnic Some of these examples are terrible. For example the sentence "with reference to the last entry in this list" should be replaced with "of, on, for, about the last entry in this list"? That doesn't even make sense.
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    robotnic I think he's compensating for something.
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    robotnic Can't really tell how he's being treated. He's just in a crowd with mostly obscured signs.
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    robotnic This is the funniest think Jonah Hill has to offer.
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    robotnic Hey, they have electricity. How's the cell service?
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    robotnic Dialog wasn't even synch'd with the video and it didn't look like that's what they were saying, so I'm gonna claim FAKE.
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    robotnic Atreyu doesn't look as big without a green screen.
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    robotnic Saw this shtick years ago. Don't recall if this is the same comedian or not. Good story.
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    robotnic I've seen grunge clothing in worse shape.
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    robotnic I hear they have a smaller carbon footprint.
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    robotnic The announcer/ringmaster spoils the whole fight; way too long winded. They really try to make it seem more exciting, but ultimately, a boring fight/sport.
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    robotnic Cool dog, but between the TV and all those toys, how much time does he spend outside? I remember back when I was a pup, we had to make our own entertainment outside like digging holes, playing fetch, etc.
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    robotnic This is mostly true from what I understand about the development of the man/wolf relationship, except Tony had no part in it and this is not why he got that promotion.
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    robotnic You may think you're pretty # wearing this, but if I see you, I'll # you to a pulp.
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    robotnic My friend was taking a picture of Big Ben when... Big Bird flew in.
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    robotnic Looks like your mom got taller too based on the height of the fence post relative to her elbow.
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    robotnic "in the early thirties"... would that be the 1930's or the 1830's 'cause your outfit doesn't appear to be from either era.
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    robotnic What a horse's ass.
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    robotnic "The handcuffs are for his protection". Common sense ain't so common anymore.
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    robotnic Head kinda looks like Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg from The Fifth Element.
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    robotnic This is why I don't go to the movies anymore. Someone's always got their phone out during the movie. Always.
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    robotnic Used to have a room mate in college that put beer on his cereal. If I don't have milk, I'll eat it dry or not at all. Milk + cereal = match made in America.
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    robotnic If they switched the name positions, it would just say his name.
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    robotnic Even funnier the second time, or, in uberhumor's case, the 10th time.
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    robotnic It's physically easier, but mentally it's a wash for me. My will power is proportional to the tightness of my pants. If my pants are loose I have absolutely no guilt when it comes to food.
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    robotnic Women do this for themselves, not men.
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    robotnic Uh, your cat has a leash? (cough) indoor cat (cough).
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    robotnic This makes the "illegals" coming across the Mexican border into the US look downright civilized. Of course, if they tried this near the US border they'd probably be shot by the truck driver.
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    robotnic There can be only one -- "Highlander"
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    robotnic Truly marbelous.
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    robotnic Yeah, I don't have time to watch that whole thing 5 posts ago, so can you just hit the highlights for me and repost it?
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    robotnic Mickey's parents wanted him to be a proctologist, but his techniques ensured that he never had any return customers, so now his skills are strictly for entertainment.
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    robotnic This kid is methlete candidate.
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    robotnic Maybe if she was facing the sunset it would brighten up her day.
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    robotnic If she flew on American Eagle, I can understand why she was in no mood to autograph anything.
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    robotnic Just be glad "golden" wasn't the adjective for showers.
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    robotnic Kinda looks like a Hobbit's house after it grows up.
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    robotnic Winchester isn't going to like this video one bit. He's about to get a large hush money check.
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    robotnic This guy is good. Does he make the most slick videos? No. Don't understand all the negativity surrounding his original video. I was impressed. This guy's basically showing that there is a lot of the archery art that has been lost. As for misanthrope's "impracticality" argument, skateboarding tricks are impractical, but I'm still impressed by many of the stunts.
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    robotnic She must have already ingested a good portion of that salt lick because it sure looks like the same color scheme is being sweat out through her shirt.
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    robotnic Did you give her the bird?
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    robotnic Although I like the sentiment, I figure if a kid needs this he probably shouldn't be taken out in public. However, since they're in Walmart where anything goes, I say, "cut him loose!"
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    robotnic Wish I could read what's on that bottom panel. Image is too low-res.
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    robotnic I just want to know if I'm going to have a successful bowel movement tomorrow morning.
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    robotnic Walking is such a drag.
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    robotnic I thought I was the only one who listened to Darude. That being said, I think Sandstorm done with accordions is blasphemy. Stick to polka, accordion players.
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    robotnic Don't forget the creepy shoulder shake he does. Amazing that that little gesture got through their marketing staff.
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    robotnic Wonder what happened to the pilots. One of the planes burst into flames and broke up on the way down so it's hard to imagine the pilot getting out that quick.
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    robotnic She's a tall drink of... champagne?
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    robotnic Pretty amazing difference. Not one to pass up an opportunity to make a bad pun, let me just say that its a good thing he didn't begin the video with the device off, because I think it would have gotten off to a shaky start.
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    robotnic Post a video of her reaction. This is going to be good.
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    robotnic Awesome design.
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    robotnic I thought the allure of going to Walmart was to watch the customers and antagonize the employees. If I didn't want either of those, I'd just go to Target.
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    robotnic Excellent presentation. This makes me wonder how much of our country's policies are based on faulty conclusions derived from bad science. Then again, maybe the faulty conclusions are deliberate to justify policies/laws that are racially motivated.
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    robotnic I know they're talking about screen size, but with Kelly, I have a doubt.
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    robotnic Either this guy has a really big right hand (picture shows fingers the size of his left arm) or this is just a perspective issue and the frog isn't that big.
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    robotnic Two-tone GMC pickup... yep, sounds about right.
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    robotnic Just down it!
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    robotnic Taking a picture in a fruit field with your parents will give you a better life?
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    robotnic My office space has side windows that are exactly the same dimension and framing as the doors. With the door open, it's hard to tell where the door is unless you're paying attention. I tape an empty cardboard picture frame around the face smear on the glass to commemorate each time someone thinks of taking the red pill.
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    robotnic That's sweet. What's the deal with the hand gesture?
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    robotnic Indians just trying to make use of that education they got but can't get a job for. Youtube to the rescue?
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    robotnic Whoever created this has never been on Netflix. Their categories are mostly shit, such as "drama with strong female lead with mole on left cheek"
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    robotnic That's a lot of kung pow!
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    robotnic Aaannnd?
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    robotnic Guy on the left to guy on the right: "Get in mah belly!"
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    robotnic Damn good thing they didn't have male flight attendants back then.
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    robotnic Birds? Really can't tell.
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    robotnic I didn't know Michael Palin was so interested in math.
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    robotnic The cat is already stressed out by the bath. His rapping is turning it into animal abuse.
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    robotnic Never seen a man get excited over a cucumber.
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    robotnic Probably need to watch this on a 4K monitor to appreciate the improvement, 'cause on my 2560x1440 monitor the improvement was not "wow".
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    robotnic The kids live there for at least an hour? Is there an upper limit? Why not just wait until they leave and save yourself the hassle?
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    robotnic Watched a couple minutes. Obviously the inspector was incompetent or had an agreement with the realtor to sign off on the house (illegal). However, these people are stupid if they didn't notice any of this. Only thing I can figure is this is a step up from the cave they were living in previously. They got what they deserve.
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    robotnic Gotta love the finale music, but they should have splashed "The End" across the screen to really sell it.
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    robotnic Jackass: The Movie for Geeks.
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    robotnic The real shame in this video is that there were too many people in the commercial. She could have taken out both towers herself.
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    robotnic The chicken dance at 3:40 really makes the whole thing worth watching although I have to admit that I still don't know whether she's more upset about her garbage or her car.
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    robotnic I always thought that moving was an opportunity to eliminate some of the clutter. I guess the presumption here is that you have things exactly as you like them and that the place you're moving from/to is simply a box with a door, i.e., no built-in shelves.
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    robotnic Her to some guy she's talking to "Hey, my eyebrows are up here"
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    robotnic Non believers... get's 'em every time.
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    robotnic How about you go back to school, learn some real skills, get a real job, excedra excedra (sic). "I'm a youtuber"; sounds like some kind of plant root.
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    robotnic And now for something completely different: logic from a comedian.
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    robotnic From his facial expression, It looks like he's really considering whether he's chosen the wrong side of this argument.
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    robotnic Did he win the X prize?
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    robotnic Bob Dylan was right, everybody must get stoned (even alien snails).
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    robotnic Dog would have stuck the landing if there wasn't so much crap on the counter. It would be truly sad if the owner just put it all back on the counter.
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    robotnic Wired magazine is much the same. Fortunately, it has great articles.
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    robotnic This story has been around at least since last August. I still don't believe it.
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    robotnic If your room mate doesn't have curly hair, yeah, it's time to move.
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    robotnic Number 3: that's one every 30 seconds, roughly. Number 6: the PGAD equivalent for men is EGAD (Erectile Genital Arousal Disorder), which all males are afflicted with.
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    robotnic In regards to the penguins, you mean he doesn't go to Jared's? As for the pocket watch pocket, why do jeans still have them?
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    robotnic Does "3 times 20/20 vision" mean you can see details at three times the distance than a normal eye would see, so it would be 60/20 vision? Have to assume it's magnifying the view unless the human eye has sufficient acuity (ample photo receptors) at normal magnification.
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    robotnic What is her face up against? I'm hoping it's a shoulder, but It's big enough to be a guy's ass.
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    robotnic Better yet, these organic types should be making their own bread.
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    robotnic So that's what it takes to get Penesopheles off of his mom's teat.
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    robotnic I know plenty of programmers who would have never figured this out.
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    robotnic This technology makes even ISIS seem obsolete and inefficient.
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    robotnic Interesting idea. Wonder what the terms are, 10% of your salary for 10 years? I couldn't find anything on their website and the curriculum is purely computer science, so their overhead is probably pretty low.
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    robotnic How is this a mineral? It's just layers of different colored paint.
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    robotnic Sounds remarkably similar to the music usually accompanying those IED detonation propaganda clips.
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    robotnic I think this is overkill. All you really needed to do was put her in a Walmart.
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    robotnic At least he has her empty Bean-o bottle she dropped on her way out to remember her by.
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    robotnic I remember this as a little kid when we visited Disneyland. You couldn't see any of the buildings from the freeway.
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    robotnic We need AlienVisitor's input on this. Is this your ship?
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    robotnic Fat boy was being an ass with the filming and cutting off, but yikes, what a bitch.
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    robotnic Suppose he has some serious inner thigh rash.
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    robotnic A fitting tribute to the "Deep Throat" anniversary.
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    robotnic I'm surrounded by atheists on this site. Thank God, I thought I was alone.
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    robotnic I was going to watch the whole thing but I had to shave.
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    robotnic Way to go, Ace!
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    robotnic Isn't that precious.
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    robotnic Legolas reborn! Other than the before and after shot poses, this guy is amazing. Some kind of savant?
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    robotnic Kneel before the porcelain god and be mounted, human!
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    robotnic If doubting the authenticity of a slow frame rate GIF makes me cynical, then so be it. That being said, the youtube version shows it to be real. I stand corrected. Impressive feat. I'm sure that skill will come in handy for something, like a world record.
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    robotnic Hernia in 3... 2... 1...
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    robotnic Don't know how old she is, but a bottle of vodka wouldn't last long enough in my house to make it from one birthday to the next. Stolichnaya!
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    robotnic I couldn't get shit done with that kind of distraction.
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    robotnic Unlimited, not unthrottled.
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    robotnic Don't forget to recycle! Save your soul AND the planet.
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    robotnic Knotty girl.
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    robotnic Pussy patrol!
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    robotnic Worthy of a bad nightclub performance maybe, but not even close to the worst. Roseanne Barr's rendition is glass shattering. Just type her name into youtube and her performance is the top of the list.
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    robotnic Him: "I've taken shits bigger than you."
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    robotnic It's like having your mother in the passenger seat.
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    robotnic The crutches really sell the message.
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    robotnic When I study a broad, people call me a letcher.
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    robotnic I count four obese people in the audience. They should rename the store to Muricamart.
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    robotnic Soon to be bride of Frankenstein.
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    robotnic Trick question. These are all the same person with different outfits.
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    robotnic Oh look, artificial gravity.
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    robotnic I nominate this for video of the month.
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    robotnic Could be his version of long underwear.
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    robotnic Glad she didn't do the before and after with the same red dress. The left picture would have looked like one of those biscuit tubes after its seams pop.
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    robotnic What my dad would call a lazy man's load.
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    robotnic I wonder who's name is under the "Obama is ..." overlay. Clearly likes to whine and dine.
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    robotnic You realize that's bad luck, right?
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    robotnic I'm guessing some kind of Canadian show? Never heard of it and don't feel like I've missed out.
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    robotnic She definitely looks better without the latex. Then again, maybe she'd look good in some shiny black latex (whip optional).
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    robotnic Your boyfriend is a bitch to be with.
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    robotnic If a chef doesn't know how to properly cook a steak well done, then he is a lousy cook. Similarly so for rare. Burnt is not well done, it's poorly done. Ramsey didn't want to be defensive on camera, so he went offensive, which is on par for him.
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    robotnic He is trying so hard to be a respectable artist... and failing miserably.
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    robotnic They must all be high to do this.
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    robotnic I don't know Ariana's music so I'm not a fan, but in her defense, it is plausible that the "little" girl is healthier than Ariana and thus has more muscle mass so she weighs more. Just a thought.
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    robotnic Of course, what you didn't hear before this video segment was the woman's feminist rant, finishing with "I don't need anything from men!"
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    robotnic I'm torn between watching NG get dragged over the coals and having to hear her voice. Tough choice.
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    robotnic Seeing those pics took away all the mystique.
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    robotnic Calling a laptop a PC is not PC.
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    robotnic I'm sure "Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation" mean something to somebody, but to most people, it just sounds like menu choices off a Japanese menu.
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    robotnic Oh I get it. The cookie part is "O" and the filling is "RE". Good you had all those examples or nobody would have figured it out.
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    robotnic This story has been around for at least 20 years. Still don't get the hydrogen peroxide part.
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    robotnic Apparently it didn't take two hands to handle his "whopper".
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    robotnic Averaging 2 pounds a day. Sounds about as unhealthy as being obese.
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    robotnic I don't think that beast fits between the lines.
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    robotnic I don't do coffee or prayer. Where's a good atheist soda shop when you need one?
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    robotnic Even though this is fake, they could have tried harder. Self rape? That is only possible if your hand is doing something the rest of you didn't consent to. Unless you're underage, of course, but then, every boy would be registered sex offender.
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    robotnic Maybe stuck in drive and she couldn't figure out how to stop permanently so she bailed.
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    robotnic It's not like it stays together without adhesives, so I don't see what's so special. You only have to set up a jig to route at 120 degree angle from one surface to a certain depth, and each of the three pieces is identical.
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    robotnic After the first 10 seconds it's just torturing the dog. But,hey, we got a youtube video out of it!
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    robotnic Paradigm shift!
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    robotnic "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe." -- Jabberwocky Now that's something I can wrap my head around.
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    robotnic Pompous prick. If your chef doesn't know how to properly cook a steak "well done" then he really has no business calling himself a chef. Just because you don't like it that way doesn't mean others don't. When someone asks for a rare steak, do you set it out in the sun for 10 minutes and slap it on a plate?
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    robotnic Jone's son is probably why Pence was swearing.
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    robotnic This, coming from a comedian who rarely says anything on screen, is ironic.
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    robotnic The do-it-yourself IQ test. Requires no instructions and the subject of the test won't even know they're being tested. It can take a couple weeks to get the results, but they are conclusive.
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    robotnic This is probably the US equivalent of flying a confederate flag on your truck. Offensive to some but most don't care.
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    robotnic Who's stupid enough to say "that took a trillion seconds" unless they're talking about some kind of geological event? And that statement about a galaxy 2.5 million years away not being visible if the time had already passed? That only makes sense if you were around 2.5 million years before the galaxy was formed, otherwise it's just going to look prior to 2.5 million years ago.
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    robotnic Never understood why the wait staff is paid differently than the rest of the crew. If food is exceptional, the waiter gets a tip, if the food is terrible, the waiter doesn't, even though none of this is under his control. Same goes for dirty/clean table/dishes. I have never gone to a restaurant because the wait staff is exceptional, but I have avoided restaurants because any one of these aspects was bad.
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    robotnic If I recall correctly from the last time this picture was posted here, this might be a pregnant woman.
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    robotnic Never heard of bleaching your knees, but she should consider it.
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    robotnic Isn't this what religion has always asked of believers? Don't think about it, just accept it.
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    robotnic She'll live, because, as desperate as this guy sounds, I suspect he would "deliver" the antidote in 30 seconds or less.
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    robotnic Or maybe these men have restricted access to their children because they are mentally unstable in the first place and it is better that they take their own life than endanger their children.
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    robotnic Grandma's a bitch.
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    robotnic That "rock" is probably a piece of tile.
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    robotnic Where's Wally? No idea, but Waldo is right over there.
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    robotnic I think it depends on what you had for lunch.
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    robotnic Timely post. Bravo!
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    robotnic Indianapolis 500th.
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    robotnic Those colors aren't gorgeous, their fabulous!
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    robotnic That's some beautiful parenting right there. Some stupidity is genetic, some stupidity has to be learned.
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    robotnic Was really hoping to see the panda separate the guy's head from his body, because he clearly doesn't use it.
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    robotnic Bah, just have pink and various other girly colored Lego and the boys won't touch them.
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    robotnic Don't forget the dog he ran over getting there.
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    robotnic Is this some new retro TV show in B&W? I've never seen this before. Seriously though, is UH having to go this far back for funny content?
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    robotnic Gotta love the landscaping.
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    robotnic Refreshing reaction. Definitely doesn't live in the USA. Kids here would say "I wanted the black one".
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    robotnic Finally got to the real solution at the end, i.e., don't have men wearing suits to work. However, it's also about metabolism and weight. I usually prefer the temp no lower than 76F (24C), but others in the office always want it lower. Can't make everybody happy.
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    robotnic She wants attention, but only from paying customers.
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    robotnic I live in Texas and I can tell you right now it doesn't matter where he was born, he doesn't have a chance of becoming president. The guy's an obnoxious idiot.
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    robotnic The the sound effects for the pod races on Starwars episode 1.
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    robotnic Kid's not only speaks Russian, he speaks acoustic modem too.
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    robotnic I've seen this magic trick before. At first the woman is wearing a shirt and then it just disappears. I have no idea where she hid it.
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    robotnic Lies, all lies.
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    robotnic Great story. Thanks for the link. I don't drink the diet stuff anymore. Aspartame is really bad for you, especially when it starts breaking down when exposed to heat like in a warehouse (turns into methanol).
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    robotnic Because physics, not science.
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    robotnic So, no tip?
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    robotnic I remember seeing a gymnast wipe a tissue on her face after she blew her nose into it, so just think of it like that.
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    robotnic I would say " now you understand how we feel when somebody says that to us" but you couldn't possibly understand how it feels when someone says that to us because you are not us.
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    robotnic Good think Chinese aren't particularly religious, because this "traditional" soup consumption would reach biblical proportions. Oh, wait, it's China, where tradition IS the religion.
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    robotnic Yeah, love your body, because nobody else will. I knew from the moment the sign was read out loud that she was going to be obese, not just fat.
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    robotnic In 1750 BC, this is what they used to refer to as a "first world problem"
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    robotnic Looks to me like the Japs need another good nuking.
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    robotnic The OP is making a joke. Nobody's making it about themselves except you "our discourse". Lighten up.
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    robotnic I thought this was a tug of Warren.
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    robotnic She looks like she might just kill for a hot pocket.
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    robotnic So many things wrong with this graphic."Fat" should be "obese" and "chubby" should be "fat". Moreover, if these are supposed to be in order "fit" should be before "curvy". Of course, there is a medical definition for the different weight groups, and it only has four entries: underweight, healthy, overweight, obese.
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    robotnic I think they're preparing to do the Led Zeppelin "Houses of the Holy" album cover.
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    robotnic Not gonna watch it. That's just below animal cruelty on my tolerance scale.
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    robotnic The bullets seem to be coming out all wobbly. The AK-47 must be horribly inaccurate. Never shot one, so can't speak from experience.
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    robotnic With the right mindset, anybody can be centimental.
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    robotnic "This is America, not the tiki torches"... huh? Makes as much sense as "Seychelles sea shells by the sea shore".
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    robotnic Worth it!
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    robotnic When I was at the Louvre there were at least 200 people standing in front of that painting trying to get a picture. You got off easy pal.
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    robotnic Nobody likes a successful failure.
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    robotnic Must have taken the photographer weeks to set this up and get it just right. "Okay guys, can you do that for me one more time?"
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    robotnic Yeah, Amazon Prime day was pretty disappointing. Need a watch? No? How about a different kind of watch? Yawn.
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    robotnic Excellent graphic.
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    robotnic I think I'm going to need an extension on my line of credit.
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    robotnic I suspect this pussy isn't going to catch any birds.
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    robotnic What's next? Is he going to tell us the confederate flag isn't a historical icon for the US? What a kill joy.
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    robotnic Kid is apparently Indian or there 'bouts (based on skin color and screen background) but doesn't have any accent I could hear and sounds drunk. Definitely a candidate for Dell tech support.
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    robotnic Elephant: "It's times like this when I wish elephants didn't have such good memories."
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    robotnic "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." Problem solved.
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    robotnic Good to see the US has improved things over there. Where would they be without us?
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    robotnic Your comment is not worth the read.
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    robotnic Look Mr Varicose Vein, the difference is that our culture doesn't condone it.
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    robotnic Way to ruin a perfectly good platitude.
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    robotnic That would be illegal in 11 states, but I like how you're thinking.
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    robotnic Never seen you write thing one against terrorism committed by muslims. You're part of the problem.
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    robotnic Ooh, you own a code book, try reading it. Centex homes are a piece of shit, so that explains "understanding" of electrical code. My 4500sf house was built in 2001. Not a 15A breaker in sight,
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    robotnic Breakers protect the wires from overheating between the panel and the outlet, not the equipment plugged into them. Breaker choice is a balance between how many runs you have to make vs the # of outlets that are affected by a tripped breaker. A 20A breaker allows fewer runs with more outlets but requires more expensive 12AWG wire. A dedicated 20A breaker services appliances that might need that much and has a special outlet to accommodate the special plug (horizontal neutral), but for non-dedicated 20A circuits the outlets are all the standard 15A (parallel neutral and hot) style.
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    robotnic Agreed, but when you've got acres of the stuff, once the infestation starts, it'll all look pretty much like this.
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    robotnic Taking a shit in the hallway of a public health facility is okay, just don't say anything negative about islam or you'll get chopped up, stoned, or beheaded. Got to admit, though, that outfit offers her a portable privacy tent.
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    robotnic You have no idea why this woman started raging and nothing these girls did justifies ramming their car to make a point. You're a fucking idiot.
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    robotnic "I don't know it so it must not be important" -- Every millenial ever
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    robotnic and she only cost him $10. This guy knows how to bargain.
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    robotnic "Living fossil" is a term used to describe something that could be a fossil because it's similar ancestors have been around long enough to be petrified. It also refers to someone who fails to adapt to new ideas, concepts, or terminology.
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    robotnic He's talking about the guy.
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    robotnic Did she win?
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    robotnic A barbarian's parents?
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    robotnic The point is not that QR codes are new, but that a teacher was able to use the technology to improve the learning process. Way better than just a texual URL. This is an excellent idea.
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    robotnic Any religion that fails to condemn and thwart the efforts of extremists acting in the name of said religion is just as guilty as the extremists.
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    robotnic You must have been looking in the mirror when you commented.
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    robotnic I compare the insurance issue to taxes. Not only do those taxes cover things that the majority use, but, if zoom in you see that certain members of the community benefit from expenditures where others won't. For example, the city could put in a park on the other end of town that you will never visit, so you won't see the benefit, whereas you get your street repaved that the other side of town will never use. If you make the cost decision localized, individuals suffer because they can't afford their local costs all at once. So taxes are like a community pool that is fed by a whole lot of hoses. As for Kimmel, his final point was that his child, without the pre-existing condition clause, means his kid may never get insurance.
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    robotnic Because it's bloody hilarious.
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    robotnic They probably converted to avoid having sex with you.
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    robotnic Actually, my understanding is that the first slave owner in the US was a black man.
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    robotnic What part of that outlet says it's a 15A circuit? I haven't seen a 15A breaker in at least 20 years in any modern home. You still work with Edison base fuses? And what's this bullshit about one being a switched outlet? Only switched outlet in my house is for the garbage disposal. You make a bunch of assumptions to make your argument, but fail totally.
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    robotnic The same kind of person who has no sense of humor but frequents a humor site.
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    robotnic He said the prayers did nothing, not the consoling. I think if the people had just offered their sympathies without the prayer, it would have been just as effective. Of course highly religious people seem to draw some comfort from prayer, but, again, it's the gesture, not the prayer itself, that makes it work.
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    robotnic You must have shit for brains. This was the world trade center, not the empire state building. Next thing your gonna tell us is that it wasn't muslims flying the planes.
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    robotnic You don't think some boys have sex at 15 that results in a child? He didn't punch through a concrete wall with his penis, he just had sex. Not hard to fathom.
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    robotnic Not bacteria, just piece of protein floating around in your eye.
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    robotnic True, but it is not accurate (lots of things can affect the PSA reading) unless you get the high sensitivity version which is usually not offered. I have to admit, though, that the "digital" prostate exam is the only reason I hate getting a physical.
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    robotnic It didn't say the burglar found ALL the tapes in your house.
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    robotnic You created this account just to ask a stupid question that you could have answered yourself with a quick google search?
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    robotnic IS(Heart)ED => "I sharted". Now do you understand?
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    robotnic Because it's allowed here, or at least, not discouraged.
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    robotnic Looks like I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.
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    robotnic shit happens
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    robotnic Have you seen the comments posted on this site? Have you?
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    robotnic Post a selfie and we'll have one.
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    robotnic That would be "let alone", not "little lone".
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    robotnic A side effect of seeing a recurring pattern. Kind of like when a bully passes you in the hallway every day and punches you in the arm, you're likely to flinch even when somebody similar in appearance passes by. Hopefully this incident was just a guy who went nuts, but that seems unlikely without somebody having noticed. Of course, he could have had a stroke, but that doesn't explain the aircraft descent.
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    robotnic Goes along with the saying "Men marry women hoping they'll stay the same while women marry men hoping they will change".
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    robotnic This has nothing to do with emergency care. His kid's congenital condition cannot be treated with a visit to ER, but the heart surgery his kid needed is damned expensive.
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    robotnic So now these payment adapters are flopping around on a cord? Brilliant! Admit it, apple either has an ulterior motive or they fucked up.
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    robotnic Occasionally he has some funny posts, but inevitably his immaturity gets the better of him. Since he lives in the richest county in the USA, maybe he suffers from affluenza. Those kids never grow up and spend their days in their mother's basement on the internet. They never amount to much so I don't waste much energy on him unless I'm bored.
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    robotnic Could you repeat that, but this time with more vigor? Your diatribe seemed a little lackluster. Maybe you're coming down with something.
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    robotnic Gender is irrelevant. The goal of these stalls is to provide privacy. That door fails in that regard, so why have a door at all?
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    robotnic Low-life fucks? Is that the politically correct term for "thugs"?
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    robotnic Let's don't and just say you did.
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    robotnic If people can die for others, why can't they live for others? There are lots of reasons for living. Doing it for someone else is the best reason, because otherwise we'd just be a bunch of selfish pricks.
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    robotnic Presumably because it tastes good.
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    robotnic Hair. Some people have it, some people used to.
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    robotnic Jink(s): a sudden, quick change of direction. Jinx: someone who brings bad luck.
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    robotnic not trying too hard though.
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    robotnic That's a stupid family.
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    robotnic Her parents must have had a lisp and said to her at birth "I'd like ta kith ya" and the name stuck.
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    robotnic The same idiot who wasted all their time on these other pics.
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    robotnic Definitely not appropriate content for this site. God damn uberhumor.
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    robotnic I have read the Koran and The Hobbit and would honestly be more irritated if I saw someone destroying a copy of The Hobbit because it actually expands your imagination instead of destroying it.
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    robotnic Add yourself to the list.
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    robotnic Yeah, Drumpf and Shrillery, pretty embarrassing.
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    robotnic And they're in "charge" (sorry, couldn't resist).
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    robotnic She's not wearing a flag, it's a head scarf with flag coloring. I've never seen a flag with tassels on the pole-side of the flag. She's simply making the point that she can be Muslim and be patriotic at the same time. She's got more patriotism than me, because I'd never be caught wearing that head scarf.
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    robotnic Actually, if you have a king-sized bed, the difference is only an inch or two (consequence of a king being two twins put together, it's not an exact square). Thus I declare the labelled edges an excellent idea.
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    robotnic "Exclusive material on this site" Now THAT'S funny!
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    robotnic Also nice to see someone do something that I'm sure he was told he couldn't do.
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    robotnic Ask and you shall receive. To your credit, it does sound slightly like Goldblum.
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    robotnic What does that say about your priorities?
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    robotnic Or maybe the poster is remembering when Lindsay had a pleasant personality and people thought highly of her. Besides, just because someone finds a teenage girl attractive doesn't make them a pervert.
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    robotnic Yeah, but don't we all do that to people we don't like?
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    robotnic Make it into a joke then. For example: the kid smiled because he and grandpa shit their pants at the same time.
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    robotnic You must be pretty thick if you can't see that she's having a surprise party for you. Go to your movie, but come back early so you can turn the tables and surprise her!
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    robotnic Failure resulted in a good tongue lashing.
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    robotnic Babies, slippery when wet.
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    robotnic FICA is the ugly little sister of big brother.
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    robotnic By your logic, there's nothing wrong with "I went with she" or when somebody mixes up "your" and "you're". If someone's asking for the right way, then the answer is "my mother and me" in that sentence.
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    robotnic No smoke detector works without the smoke getting into them, optical or otherwise. It!
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    robotnic This is 2017 and this surprises you?
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    robotnic It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's an insult going right over your head.
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    robotnic No do overs. You're stuck with that spelling now.
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    robotnic "concern for anyone's well-being"? The combined speed of both vehicles was probably 10mph, so it was immediately apparent that nobody was hurt. What Would You Do, John Quiñones?
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    robotnic Not entirely sure, but if it means wrestling with her, I'm in.
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    robotnic Where women wear head-to-toe black dresses and men wear head-to-toe white dresses.
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    robotnic Shirely is seriously has some of the most dense comments. Kinda reminds me of Data from Star Trek TNG without the intelligence.
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    robotnic She makes all the other decisions in the house, so this guy takes his victories where he can.
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    robotnic The politically correct term is broom stick, and some day, these people too will come out of the closet.
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    robotnic Judging by the expressions on all the girls' faces, I'm guessing they all know and just hope the other two guys don't figure it out until the night's over.
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    robotnic An excellent story, nonetheless.
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    robotnic I'd be amazed if you could say one good thing about anybody.
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    robotnic Or shave or their beard. He looks old.
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    robotnic Makes you wonder whether the UH gods even review the posts going on to their site.
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    robotnic Yes, as in "You are free to whine ad nauseum about the lack of humor on this site but the rest of us are stuck seeing it".
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    robotnic That's exactly what someone would say who put air in the bags to cheat you.
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    robotnic That sheep does look satisfied.
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    robotnic My guess is that pierced bullet was never shot, i.e., not moving.
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    robotnic You going to hose down the entire room with bleach? The UV light is highly effective at breaking down bacterial DNA so it doesn't spread. Notice all the surfaces (trashcans too) facing the light. Leaves no residue or smell.
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    robotnic I just tune it out.
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    robotnic More than you can shake a bread stick at.
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    robotnic And some, I assume, are good people.
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    robotnic Except winning the lottery is a good thing (for the most part). You think if you're in a crowd of hundreds of people and a bird flying over shits on you alone that you are WINNING? Think it through, Adam.
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    robotnic Hard to spell when you can't see straight.
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    robotnic Most Californians never leave California, so the rest of us are safe.
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    robotnic Yeah, that's why it's funny. If they only applied this rule to driving...
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    robotnic It's a ceremonial display for veterans. Get a fucking clue.
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    robotnic I'm calling BS on this. There's no way they would allow any weed to go unused.
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    robotnic Pretty sure? I'm going to go with "absolutely sure".
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    robotnic Other than the homeless, everybody lives at home.
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    robotnic Fractal, more like.
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    robotnic I think it is meant as "absolute minimum acceptable standard". Those other things you mention may be rampant but they're not condoned or tolerated by anybody I know.
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    robotnic To be honest, I am far more likely to bring a stray animal into my house than a stray human.
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    robotnic Clearly this exercise device builds the muscles necessary for putting limes on our head. Duh!
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    robotnic You just figured out I live in Texas? Yet another opportunity for you to pull your head out of your ass. I'd assume you do this so often that your sphincter must be getting loose by now, but with all your pea-brain comments, you probably have a suitably small head to match.
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    robotnic Agree with your first sentence. The rest is juvenile blather.
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    robotnic You should see what humans looked like before selective breeding. A picture of Penesofleas will give you a good idea. Warning: you can't unsee it.
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    robotnic The kind of pussy you refer to makes it bestiality and that's illegal.
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    robotnic Cab drivers see the writing on the wall. Their profession is about to go extinct, so they're getting desperate. Maybe it is a huge hassle to become a cabbie, but, based on some of the drivers I've had, the threshold can't be all that high.
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    robotnic America is just trying to create an environment that the Syrian refugees will find familiar, only with a little American culture, e.g. Starbucks, thrown in.
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    robotnic Who cares about your opinion. You're probably one of those Thai cross dressers anyway.
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    robotnic Especially given this poster's name. Kinda conflicted, huh?
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    robotnic Yeah, I really don't understand how people get engrossed in these shows. Occasionally there's something interesting, but the networks milk it ad nauseum.
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    robotnic Are you speaking for him or yourself?
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    robotnic I think what the poster meant is that it's an unmarked police car, but, from what I see, the vehicle doesn't look very "over". I'm calling BS on this post.
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    robotnic You're way off in left field here AV. Unless this guy is driving the garbage truck home every night, somebody at the company is letting him have it that early. It is the company's responsibility, but it doesn't sound like they care about the residents or their employees.
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    robotnic Way to congratulate him/her with that back handed complement, Dave.
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    robotnic Agnostic atheist? Pick one and commit man!
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    robotnic Probably for the inevitable guilt trip you'll get if you tell them you'd rather be alone than spend time with them. Seems pretty obvious to me.
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    robotnic I haven't done my research on his son, Rand Paul, so I don't know if he's similar to his father. If so, maybe he's a good substitute.
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    robotnic but vengence is soooo satisfying, regardless of how petty it is. Of course, this makes him worse than the bully because he's an adult, but still...
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    robotnic Captain Obveeus to the rescue.
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    robotnic Try posting only on things you like. Way less work. Of course, if you're a whiner... proceed.
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    robotnic Spender logic: "I like art, therefore I must be an artist"
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    robotnic There is no such thing as artificial intelligence. An intelligent design does not make a design intelligent. I work with people who are convince they have created AI, but it's just clever programming.
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    robotnic Consistent, as in the same "joke" over and over? Yeah, everybody likes that.
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    robotnic Who doesn't? Got to be better than multiple personality disorder. Pensesopheles: No it isn't. douchebagalow.: Yes it is. Gilluame: Shut up! Penesopheles: balls on your chin
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    robotnic Because a marketing person copied that from a book and has no clue what they're writing.
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    robotnic Was thinking the same thing. I suspect the meme guy is more famous than interesting.
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    robotnic That is the stain left by the dropped pizza that landed upside down. They still ate it, obviously.
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    robotnic Penes seems to have totally stopped commenting since the douche imposter popped up. So sad. Funny thing is, there's somebody occasionally posting as Penesophelles who he complains about hiding behind a "fake" account.
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    robotnic Don't forget the hottest alien on the planet in "V".
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    robotnic The clothing style was inspired by the song "Come on Eileen"
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    robotnic Don't want to over do it.
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    robotnic Let's not forget her masturbation video.
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    robotnic It's called "goosing a gander" and it'll land you in the slammer.
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    robotnic You foolish peasant. Anybody riding in this car would have only rolled down the window for Grey Poupon, not mustard.
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    robotnic I don't know about that. You've got some serious competition on here. I think a little whine-off is in order.
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    robotnic Motorcycle riders are just as guilty of this. I live near enough to a shopping center to drive a golf cart there. I always park at the back of the parking spot for just this reason. You're welcome.
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    robotnic When an (uberhumor) fan hits the shitter?
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    robotnic Lawn dart? Really showing your age there. One of the best toys ever.
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    robotnic And it's only a stones throw from an honor killing.
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    robotnic Aerial = from the air. Arial = a font. Ariel = a little mermaid. Kinda like "their", "there", and "they're", but that's neither here nor there.
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    robotnic Same conclusion when this was posted 3 years ago.
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    robotnic You're starting to fall into the crazyeastasian pit of no return. Remember the old Mark Twain saying "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
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    robotnic And the belly. Serious commitment that is.
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    robotnic Zebras are naturally attracted to cross there because they see the stripes as camouflage. Unfortunately, it works, so cars keep hitting them while they're crossing. This special 3D striping at least slows the cars down so the zebras are less likely to be killed.
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    robotnic UPS doesn't wait. They put the package down, ring the door bell, and, unless a signature is required, leave.
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    robotnic Although ground clearance definitely makes rescues easier in high water, I'm not sure how shitting from that height helps.
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    robotnic Nice! You're on a roll today.
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    robotnic Nice! Unfortunately, she knows what she's doing and would probably enjoy it. Personally, I'd probably go with a sharpie and write a phone # of a garbage collection service. She'll think it's your number and be flattered.
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    robotnic Just to be thorough, LAN = Local Area Network and photo=photograph
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    robotnic First rule of abortion club. Nobody talks about abortion club.
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    robotnic So if you get 1 byte/second, that's still acceptable? What I expect is for my bandwidth to be pretty close to the rate I'm paying for.
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    robotnic Gotta love the argument "you'll never understand islam until you convert" after which leaving is punishable by death. Sorry buddy, not falling for that trap.
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    robotnic KPH is on the digital display. Someone just did the math for us 'Muricans.
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    robotnic Even knowing what we do about the Frank Underwood character, he would be more popular in the real world than he is in the series.
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    robotnic I'm not one to be a fanboy, but I'd enjoy a chance to meet this guy. Seems like a hoot.
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    robotnic You can bring food and water on the plane, it just can't be from outside the security check. It is expensive food, but special needs children are, in general, more expensive.
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    robotnic A lot of marijuana is grown in Columbia, so it could be the highest palm tree.
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    robotnic You assume that they didn't compensate for the feather container. Hell, for all we know, they could take one item off the "scale" and it would stay level because it's locked in position. Let's just agree that it's a stupid video.
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    robotnic I would call this a "facade facade" to mean both senses of the word.
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    robotnic You're being obtuse. They are required to carry their weapon if they are on active duty "plus" everybody is required to be in the military, hence you see this a lot in Israel. Shirely is usually pretty dense, but he makes a valid observation.
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    robotnic Hate to be a grammar Nazi here, but since you do it so often, I'll figure it's safe to proceed. An apostrophe replaces missing letters, so your "l'il" should be "li'l" or "lil'".
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    robotnic The author of this post is smarter than you. Your post clearly demonstrate your shit for brains status,
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    robotnic Because the US has sensible driving rules, not like the free-for-all you have in Thailand where everybody's out for themselves. In theory, this reduces casualties.
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    robotnic You make a good point about political experience; people only acquire it by playing the political game and becoming good at it, which just purpetuates the problem. My concern with Trump is that he is really only in it for himself. He says what he thinks will garner support until he gets what he wants and abandons/attacks anybody who doesn't support him. He does what is in the best interest of Trump. Whether it is in the best interest of the country is irrelevant.
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    robotnic Which tells you hipsters are nothing special, just recycled "fashion", but we already knew that.
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    robotnic I guess your name would have to be TooTooMuchTimeOnMyHands before you'd watch.
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    robotnic I thought being pretentious was half the thrill of going to Starbucks.
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    robotnic And yet here you are posting comments, for which the question "what makes you think the rest of the planet gives a fuck about what you do or what you think?" seems apropos. Pretty hypocritical.
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    robotnic Agreed. Is there a better player? Maybe. Is it worth switching? Probably not.
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    robotnic Where have you been, man? It's been over a year.
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    robotnic Not in the USA it doesn't. I was thinking that maybe it was data cabling, but the two gang 15A 110AC power outlets in the lower right being wired without conduit show that it really is standard US power. "Very nice, Now rip it out and do it right!"
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    robotnic It's a common term like ad infinitum, vise versa, et cetera, etc. However, as you said, it does make things sound more profound.
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    robotnic I work with someone named Jesus, and he has not helped with my love life at all.
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    robotnic Wow, I think you hit the nail on the head.
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    robotnic Yup, some good advice. Programming is just a tool. Find something you want to build and then go get the right tool for the job. Unfortunately, most programming courses don't do this; they provide disconnected examples of syntax usage and there's rarely a cool/interesting/useful "thing" at the end.
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    robotnic You, as an alien visitor, should be able to appreciate this more than any of us. I'm starting to suspect that maybe you aren't really who you say you are...
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    robotnic Shooting blanks.
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    robotnic My cat (14lb Maine Coon) will attack a dog more than 5x its size if that dog is acting aggressively. She got street cred to maintain.
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    robotnic If you can be someone that makes you happy, everything else is just icing on the cake. However, nobody's every truly happy with themselves, so I agree with hedging your bet.
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    robotnic I believe by "skew" you really mean SKU, as in "stock keeping unit".
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    robotnic So does your dad.
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    robotnic For the most part, I have to agree. Presidents nowadays are useless without support staff. They don't think for themselves too well.
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    robotnic Somebody else posted this same "magma" story yesterday.
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    robotnic misanthrope, is that you?
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    robotnic Damn, you beat me to it. Good one.
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    robotnic How do you know the age of the poster? Moreover, you don't think she's attractive in that picture?
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    robotnic Not sure what your point is, but if these people don't protest now for the right to choose who they vote for, they eventually won't have any rights.
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    robotnic Yeah, but which one?
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    robotnic Looks like her to me based on the eyes. Hard work paid off. Wish I could do this. I try to lose 10 lbs, but when I lose the first 5, I celebrate and am back to where I started.
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    robotnic If this were legit I would guess that one of the kids left it there and it's not like it's a burden for the tech to move it three feet to the right. More likely though, this was done by the homeowner for instagram likes.
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    robotnic Jews are living in your head 24/7 rent free.
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    robotnic It's the great circle of life.
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    robotnic Your usual comment about something not being humor is the perfect example showing that, no, you are not supposed to laugh at retards.
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    robotnic Dunno, maybe because women in Iran are not allowed to show their hair in public. This is kind of like an actual nude on uberhumor for any other nationality.
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    robotnic You're not alone.
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    robotnic That's like saying the engineers are responsible for the Boeing Max 8 problems. Oh, wait, bad example.
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    robotnic Stealing a line from peniselfies?
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    robotnic Like Gilligan looking for a lost item by pealing unopened bananas "You never can tell"
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    robotnic When visiting Mexico, that happens surprisingly often.
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    robotnic I wonder if orange-face is offensive to citrus.
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    robotnic I grew up in Arizona and never really thought about race until I moved to Houston, where it's shoved in your face everywhere you go. I judge people by their behavior, not their skin color. That being said, there are a lot of people for which stereotypes are a perfect match.
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    robotnic I've never hear of those rules. Figure as long as the fan is running it's not going to get hot enough to melt. Stoves are UL tested to run full power continuously. Fires arise because some food IS on the burner, dries out, and catches fire.
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    robotnic Me thinks truly accepting Christ would mean you have no interest in doing any of those other things. Of course, that mentality just might explain those people yelling "allahu akbar" and blowing shit up.
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    robotnic How can you tell?
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    robotnic Piggyback maybe, but hitchhike?
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    robotnic He was really popular with the ladies. He'd take two straight girls, put them right against each other in a corner of the bedroom, and find their hypotenuse.
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    robotnic Gordon Ramsey doesn't qualify as a kid and I don't think he was trying to be funny.
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    robotnic You can transmit data over any conductor. You're bit rate may be limited though. Cat3 is the minimum used for phone for the past 25 years, but before that it was cat 1, which still can handle up to 1Mbps.
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    robotnic Actually, that's still Cat-3. A better analogy of it's current state would be telegraph wires.
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    robotnic How ironic that with your name you don't get the reference to some guy who's in the shower gas chamber.
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    robotnic Hah, it was a trick question. The correct answer is "Take a picture and upload it to facebook, where it will eventually get to uberhumor."
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    robotnic Pretty sure the default plan is "graduate, get a job, pay off loan". I don't think it's the plan, but the execution, that usually fails.
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    robotnic By more than 20 degrees from the look of it. Where's that life vest?
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    robotnic Or Houston's 95 and 95% humidity. A pool is useless. At least in AZ when you get out of the pool, you actually get cold, if only for five minutes until you're completely dry from evaporation.
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    robotnic Are you saying it's not Finnished?
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    robotnic "breathe dust"? You're off topic my man.
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    robotnic People name the tree Douglas fir obvious reasons.
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    robotnic I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that If you get hit with an EMP, penmanship is probably not your biggest concern.
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    robotnic The feet are definitely more freakish than the hail stone. Should have put it next to his banjo or rocking chair instead.
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    robotnic You'd think with that title they would have at least held each other closer to make it literal.
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    robotnic Put your hand down, barlow. We all know the answer to this one. It was a rhetorical question.
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    robotnic As a kid I attended a sermon where the pastor said "With your donations, God can work miracles". I never went back.
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    robotnic People typically frame their diplomas, so a crease through it is undesirable. USPS has to go out of their way to bend these things. The diploma is always sandwiched between two a hard pieces of cardboard.
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    robotnic And on the 8th day, he made kimchi.
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    robotnic I'm definitely on the fence for this idea.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Idiots actually don't learn from their mistakes, nor from the mistakes of others.
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    robotnic This horse is so big, you have to mix units to describe it.
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    robotnic Gotta admit, those are some nice sine wave drawing skills.
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    robotnic It's art, just like a dress parade, it illustrates dedication to perfection. It has nothing to do with combat, and nobody intelligent thinks it does.
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    robotnic You've heard the phrase "You can't fix stupid"? Well, this story fits the corollary, "You can't translate stupid".
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    robotnic Shit happens.
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    robotnic Your closed-minded ignorance is stunning, but predictable.
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    robotnic If it had holes, it wouldn't be very inflatable, would it?
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    robotnic Marital law? Isn't there already a tax deduction for that?
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    robotnic And the other one is a ninja.
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    robotnic Better casting on "Frontier", a Netflix original show.
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    robotnic Goes along with the saying "Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed." - H M Harwood
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    robotnic I'd uno.
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    robotnic Does he get bonus points for spelling badminton correctly?
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    robotnic The same argument (lost jobs) was used for gas station attendants. We're really only talking about cashiers here anyway. Besides, that's the worst part of going to the grocery: taking everything out of your basket for scanning just to put it back in, that and having to wait for the idiot in front of you to write a check or fish the 27 cents out of their purse/pocket to pay. Having said that, I'm in total agreement on the overpopulation rant. We need a plague.
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    robotnic For practical purposes, the speed limit is a guideline since most officers are looking for drivers significantly above or below the limit. Generally speaking, if you're driving at the posted limit, some, if not most drivers will be going faster than you, so move over unless you're passing.
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    robotnic Chiropractors exercise a technique for relieving pressure on spinal nerves to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms. Sure there's practitioners out there who try to mix chiropractic treatments with stupid homeopathic remedies, making the whole industry look dubious, but there's no substitute for a proper spinal adjustment.
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    robotnic I know you and Penes have a thing, and I appreciate the drubbing he gets when you, circle70, or Penesophelles reply to him, but don't get stuck in a rut, dude. Honestly, he bores me. His posts are predictable, so he's like a bug splat on the windshield that I can easily ignore.
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    robotnic Most of the recent cartoon posts have been pretty weak. A whole lot of "the point?" from me on them.
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    robotnic Definitely a hamster. I can tell by how moody it is. They're really big on guilt trips.
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    robotnic Obviously, but at first glance, that's what comes to mind.
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    robotnic This is a human pin cushion. I always thought that was a metaphor until now.
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    robotnic Shirely's comments are consistently moronic, so your comment is falling on deaf ear.
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    robotnic Etched in stone.
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    robotnic Your comment makes me laugh. I know someone who insists on using two towels and that is my response. "You ain't washing right if you're worried about one of them being dirty!"
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    robotnic Good thing you have your anonymity to hide behind.
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    robotnic After 30 seconds, I went straight to the comments for a summary. Thanks.
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    robotnic It's what happens when you get too close to the edge of the bed.
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    robotnic And a lousy joke at that.
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    robotnic But commenting on you own comments isn't one of them.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Or just a post from someone who never graduated high school.
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    robotnic Actually, I was expecting a pig to get in the drivers seat. They're way better drivers and are always hanging around with dogs.
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    robotnic I was just hoping it broke his neck so he'd be a vegetable for the rest of his life.
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    robotnic It's amazing how petty some people are. The funny thing is, the military changes there uniforms all the time. The Sikh culture is extremely community-oriented and all they ask is to be able to wear their turban, just like Jews wear their Kippah. I suppose having a different skin color is "out of uniform" as well.
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    robotnic I think UH is having problems. Some avatars are showing up and some aren't. It's also strange that some comments can't be voted on while others above and below them can be, even though I haven't up or down voted them yet. UberHumor is going to shit, but I think we already knew that.
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    robotnic For once we're in total agreement. I had no idea birds could remember that much. A pleasant surprise.
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    robotnic Are you a medium? I think you're channeling misanthrope. BTW, totally agree with your sentiment. Wife couldn't bother with recording for this guy?
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    robotnic So how'd you get the uberhumor folks to add 3000 upvoites to your karma?
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    robotnic Apparently the Chinese haven't seen "The Decendents", where Matt King says "Give your children enough money to do something, but not enough to do nothing"
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    robotnic You're not alone, but, hey, since CNN took down their comments section, you gotta get your laughs somewhere, right?
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    robotnic Why would you be for having Digital Subscriber Lines? That tech is sooo old.
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    robotnic Gas station? Gas station? Buc-ees is way more than just a gas station. It's the be all, end all of roadside pit stops. Any kind of snack you could dream of. Basically, if somebody thought of it for a road trip, they've got it. Great jerky, but I can't afford it.
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    robotnic This is a photoshopped composite of several posts from the last couple weeks. Pretty funny.
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    robotnic Bet she wished she had those "Lucy" powers right about then.
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    robotnic If I had to guess, I'd say penisophile, htr83, and misanthrope are the same person.
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    robotnic A bit TMI, but good for you.
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    robotnic I have to admit, I'm not impressed with my kid's public education. It's better than nothing, but there's plenty of room for improvement. However, I'm pretty sure that if people weren't forced to pay taxes for education, most people would not have any education.
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    robotnic too soon?
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    robotnic Couldn't find an suitable thread to post this to? Go ahead, get it out of your system. There there.
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    robotnic To be fair, we are a product of our environment. Dad needs to set an example. He's letting his indulgence affect his kid for the rest of his short life.
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    robotnic misanthrope, is that you?
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    robotnic "She started it!"
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    robotnic Good thing you have your other 6 logins for your other moods/personalities, because this one is obviously reserved for comments during your PMS. BTW, it's spelled neodymium, dumbass.
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    robotnic Used Amazon prime, so no cost to me, although both boxes came from the same address.
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    robotnic Actually, you shouldn't use a semicolon because it simply introduces a pause in the sentence. The problem with the Oxford comma is that its use does not adequately disambiguate the meaning of the sentence. It is far better to reword the sentence so there is no confusion. If the reader has to decode the syntax of a sentence to understand it's meaning the the writer has failed.
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    robotnic Yup. That's what my grandma called 'em. Seemed okay when I was a kid, but now, not so much.
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    robotnic Shirely you can't be serious.
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    robotnic Don't I feel stupid. Let me rephrase my comment. The first side is never going to see the light of day.
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    robotnic Huh, I can't hear you because I didn't get a cochlear implant at a young enough age to develop the necessary brain pathways for hearing. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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    robotnic You willingly come back to this site daily and whine about the content, so I wouldn't be surprised at how stupid you might be.
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    robotnic Wrong! This is a Krayt Dragon. You can see one in a scene from the original Star Wars (episode IV) movie when C3PO and R2D2 first land on Tatooine and cross the desert.
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    robotnic Pot, meet kettle.
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    robotnic The grass is always greener on the other side. I thought everybody knew this.
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    robotnic The ham you can eat uncooked because it's cured. The only cure for Kim is to cook her and I don't think that would make her any more appetizing.
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    robotnic Man, you don't have to go all medieval on her.
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    robotnic These flowers are everywhere along the road this time of year. Doubt they killed the species with this stunt.
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    robotnic Facebook is dead. Long live Uberhumor!
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    robotnic Mispronounced as "Am I in your shed"?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic I'm gonna citrus one out.
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    robotnic Wondering how far beyond the frame that hat goes.
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    robotnic This guy is screwing her in more ways than one.
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    robotnic Don't forget kangaroos and didgeridoos!
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    robotnic trolls = village idiots.
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    robotnic Isn't tannin where Indiana Jones retrieved the ark of the covenant?
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    robotnic Yup. Doctors keep delaying her diagnosis. She feels like she's being kept in the dark.
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    robotnic Throw a penis in the air and catch it with her mouth? Maybe if Lorena Bobbit had tried this her marriage would have survived.
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    robotnic "If you only knew the power of the dark side" - Darth Vader
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    robotnic Truer words have never been spoken.
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    robotnic Is that what we're supposed to think we're seeing? I thought it was a guy showing his snuggle buddy the booger he just picked.
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    robotnic So you're saying you want to eat her, then.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic It seems like that's the secret ingredient to humor.
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    robotnic "Most common", as in "top 8", not as in "majority of". Come on, Peter, you're being obtuse.
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    robotnic Haven't seen my mom in almost 50 years so I don't know what she looks like, but I do know her name isn't Eileen. Did I say something to hurt your feelings?
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    robotnic the "it" in "it sinks" refers to the boat, not the men.
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    robotnic I think it's funny when someone else stubs their little toe.
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    robotnic Of course, she can just use the other hand, but it sounds like you're volunteering.
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    robotnic Yeah, but after puberty, he's gonna grow a beard and be a hipster.
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    robotnic What's the deal with the down votes today? Someone in a grumpy mood?
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    robotnic Yes, she had to be there, otherwise, this wouldn't have happened.
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    robotnic You've been sippin' the Shell koolaid again. Costco is no different than Shell/Chevron. Check your facts. https://clark.com/cars/top-tier-gas-stations-clean-engine-aaa/
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    robotnic Powdered donuts are a gateway drug to meth.
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    robotnic It depends on who you're doing it for. If it's for a woman (who is not your mother), not gay. For another man, gay. For yourself, you're a dandy, which means you can go either way.
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    robotnic Bah, shorten it to Devo. We are not men! We are Devo, D E V O.
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    robotnic Although I don't agree with penesophelles, he has a point. If a people can be cowered by a message that they don't even understand, then they are already defeated. To me, this is no different than having a sauwastika symbol on a bag. It's meaning is really innocuous, but most uneducated people are going to see a nazi symbol, which it is not.
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    robotnic It's like a tidepod, but without all the controversy.
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    robotnic Maybe this shite should be called ubermildlyinteresting. Actually, that's a fairly accurate description.
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    robotnic I think he meant disappointing. Breast milk is pretty satisfying when consumed directly from the source.
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    robotnic Hell, we don't even know if the story matches the picture, but those two look pretty happy together and they're obviously related.
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    robotnic How DO you see through these stories?
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    robotnic I liked it. Better than Schumer.
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    robotnic A lot of things happen in Mexico that are not allowed. The title 100% accurate, but, as intended, most people will read this as meaning they were deported for no other reason than having not entered the US legally.
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    robotnic A little annoyed by the pixelating of blood in the beginning (seriously?), but interesting result.
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    robotnic You don't recognize it because all of your jokes are flat.
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    robotnic All these cake "mistakes" are done this way. If I was the baker, I'd put every word of the special instructions on the cake and offer to hand deliver it to the party so it would be too late to fix the mistake "mistake".
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    robotnic Saw the same thing at an intersection where the guy's license plate fell off after rear ending another car. The guy who got hit stepped out of his car, picked up the plate, and dialed 911.
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    robotnic I think an absolute ban on automatic weapons and mod kits to make them so is reasonable. I see no use other than fun or crime. I own a lot of guns and would adamantly defend my right to have them, but conversely there are several people I know who I would not be comfortable with having access to guns. I would not have a problem with taking some safety course before being allowed to purchase a gun because I might just learn something. I think if it came with a sanity check, that would be a good thing.
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    robotnic Shirely is uberhumor's Ken M, except shirely doesn't just sound stupid.
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    robotnic Actually, they were there doing a piece on people doing last minute preparations for the storm. They were interviewing her and, while doing so, someone else got the last generator.
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    robotnic Kind of like blowing up a fire ant mound with fireworks. You might kill a few, but you're really just spreading them around to infest new areas.
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    robotnic A possum with a mohawk
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    robotnic This is his reward for putting up that new fence board a few minutes earlier.
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    robotnic I happen to live at the highest location in the area at 23 feet above sea level so am high and... not dry. Think we're up to 40" of rain right now and it's still dumping. Feel sorry for the folks in Dickinson. We've got a makeshift shelter at a nearby school to house the evacuees for now and I've donated a bunch of stuff, but they're being moved out to Dallas and a convention center in Houston. This mess is going to take years to recover from.
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    robotnic Some areas far worse than others. Our neighborhood got 22" last night and there's more to come. Makes hurricane Ike look like a fair weather day.
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    robotnic Have a house just a couple miles from an Ozarka bottling plant. Whole area is spring fed, so, with the inclusion of a simple carbon filter at my house, they're essentially bottling the water I get straight out of the tap.
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    robotnic Modern medicine: keeping the gene pool shallow.
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    robotnic You say "who is he?" and yet you reference GOT, so you obviously know who he is.
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    robotnic He apparently has three hands. Two lefts and a right.
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    robotnic Damn dude, you must be trolling because nobody's that dumb. The picture is more about where they are, not who they are, and anybody who knows them would recognize them from this pic. It's not like they're wearing burkas.
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    robotnic I prefer my danish heavy with pineapple filling.
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    robotnic "should be already above all this kind of shit"... you have met people, right? They're stupid and are usually not comfortable unless they're part of some collective that share the same values. By extension, people of other groups must be the same, so when a significant portion of another group behaves a certain way, it's a fair generalization that they all either explicitly or implicitly condone such behavior.
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    robotnic They definitely got what they deserved.
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    robotnic The people protesting are partly to blame because they were fine as long as Chavez et al were taking property from private companies and giving to "the people". Of course, this is unsustainable, so now there's nobody left to steal from (except for GM plants, apparently), and *poof* the country goes in the toilet.
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    robotnic Don't know the answer to question, but I do know that if they remove the skin that the tattoo is on, the tattoo totally disappears!
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    robotnic It's diamond plate and, yeah, it's aluminum.
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    robotnic That only makes sense if that piece being moved is a king, but it's a queen. See this same post from several weeks ago.
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    robotnic What is (FTG)?
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    robotnic Wonder if the front has the same pattern. You'd think she'd be getting so many WTF looks she'd figure it out pretty quick.
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    robotnic What are you talking about? I see bare trees and wheel tracks in the snow on the ground. What leafs (sic)?
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    robotnic Nice double entendre.
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    robotnic No, that's a checkmate, which is when the king cannot be moved into a position that is not threatened.
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    robotnic Toilet drain standard setback is 12" from the finished wall, not 8".
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    robotnic Given that the rear fender on the truck is already dented, you're probably right.
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    robotnic That's kinda how pictures work. Otherwise, they're called moving pictures, i.e., movies.
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    robotnic You already sound cynical and bitter to me.
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    robotnic I think the main reason people pour the other way is because they believe they can get the spout closer to the oil fill hole than the other way before the oil starts pouring out. In reality, the wrong way is further because the bottle is taller than it is wide. Be that as it may, I just go to Jiffy Lube; it's just not worth the time and hassle of doing it myself anymore.
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    robotnic Apparently cosplay has morphed from being the act of dressing and behaving as a character from a movie or book to just dressing like one. So if I dress as a vampire, it's a costume, but if I dress as Dracula, it's cosplay. I've seen the word cosplay used on animals in costume as well, so clearly it has nothing to do with acting anymore. I agree that the word is overused.
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    robotnic I suspect you meant "heart worm meds" so yeah, it's about $80-$100/year. Treatment to get rid of heartworm is about $750-$1200, so once the dog is infected, if the owner was worried about cost before, they're certainly not going to pay for that.
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    robotnic He got some pussy, so, in a manner of speaking, no, he didn't get laid.
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    robotnic You obviously didn't watch the video, you misanthropic porcupine who shaves bison ball sacks for a living.
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    robotnic You either replied to the wrong comment or you're on drugs. You make-a no sense.
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    robotnic Golf carts are bigger than that.
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    robotnic What gave it away, the Thai letters?
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    robotnic Like Calvin and Hobbs said, if people could catch rainbows they'd put them in a zoo.
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    robotnic You've obviously never been to the USA, where most of us have never even seen a window like this.
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    robotnic Given the complete lack of damage to the garage door, I'm guessing the car was not near the house when this happened.
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    robotnic What, the caption is a complete misrepresentation of the picture to troll the internets? I'm so confused. Internet, tell me what to believe!
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    robotnic If the truck was more intelligent than its driver (I know, not much of a stretch), one could give the other a digital bird.
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    robotnic Why not just charge more in those locales that pay higher salaries? I don't see this being any different than a restaurant at an airport, where they have higher rent rates and pass that cost on to the customer. In contrast, it's interesting that minimum wage, adjusted for inflation, is higher than it's ever been. Seems like just a bunch of whining by people who have little or no marketable skills wanting the same compensation as those who do. Now that's communism.
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    robotnic Don't forget about Japan being the source of all Anime and China selling a lot of tea (has something to do with the price).
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    robotnic Animals don't survive in the wild to this age. Humans prolong their life through a protective environment. You have to be an adult and make the right decision to euthanize your pet when it's quality of life deteriorates. The alternative is letting the pet die alone, somewhere in your house or yard, while you're off at work because you couldn't handle the uncomfortable choice.
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    robotnic And here I was thinking it was some kind of funk dance move.
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    robotnic If you think there's a Star Trek chick in there..., ah, never mind.
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    robotnic Is there a better reason? IQ? Good dowry? People adopt dogs for many reasons. The only bad reason I can think of is for fighting.
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    robotnic Didn't realize this was a joke. That's a rarity on uberhumor these days.
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    robotnic What you're seeing here is simply the programmers failed attempt to put sarcasm into their "AI" to make it seem more human. I don't think software will ever become intelligent by itself. It'll require some suitable hardware architecture that has yet to be created. It's like trying to copy someone more intelligent than you; you only seem more intelligent, but really aren't.
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    robotnic That's okay. You weren't doing anything useful with it anyway.
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    robotnic I don't think your Tennessee analogy works. People from Tennessee find kinship easily. Hell, they even marry their own siblings.
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    robotnic No hate here. Just pointing out the stupidity of your post. Funny how you fail to address the fact that you were wrong and try to just say how hateful I am. Looks like you and Baski are the same person judging from the "english" of your posts. What are the odds of two people mispelling "planes" the same way? If you learned English in school, what does that say for your civil engineering skills?
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    robotnic or buying them.
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    robotnic At first glance I thought you wrote superlaxatives, at which point I wondered "who really does?".
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    robotnic Agreed. Just because I go to the grocery store does not mean I'm on some team of grocery shoppers united. I'm atheist and I don't give a shit about what any other atheist thinks. Just clear me a path so I can get another box of Wheaties.
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    robotnic The metal in your leg is an austenitic stainless steel, which has such low magnetic properties that is not worth worrying about.
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    robotnic Yeah, he was just saying "Sieg, hi!"
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    robotnic Surely you are aware that when someone says "organic food" they mean no pesticides or artificial fertilizers were used.
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    robotnic Wonder if that extends to her taste in men as well.
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    robotnic He's an alien. They don't have mouths.
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    robotnic I actually learned how to sew on a button properly from a youtube video. I've always done it "my" way, but the proper way is far more complex and effective. Like you say, where there's a will, there's a way (to learn).
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    robotnic True, but from what I can tell, the cabinets didn't break but the screws pulled out of the wall. My guess is the screws were not in the studs, so I'm sticking to my "bad construction" assertion.
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    robotnic Never heard of barbeque chicken pizza? The sauce is sweet, and it's pretty damned good. Disclaimer: I like pineapple with canadian bacon just as much as a meat lovers pizza.
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    robotnic see my reply to AlienVisitor for an answer.
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    robotnic Actually, I was thinking it looked more like one of those Jawa sandcrawlers after Tatooine got a drenching.
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    robotnic Maybe you missed the irony of your suggestion when you say that "people don't have the balls to face it", yet you suggest we sterilize society's misfits, thus rendering their balls useless. So society needs to grow some balls so we can take them away from others. Now that's humor!
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    robotnic Glad to help. Hey, if you guys need methane, I've got plenty of that to spare too.
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    robotnic Are you saying "karma is as karma does"? If so, then you can see the Forest from the trees.
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    robotnic Likewise, a bird can be eaten by things other than ants, so this is like a total non sequitur.
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    robotnic That's a shock wave. Thermal radiation (heat) travels at the speed of light, so you're not going to see that edge. A heat wave, to most people, is just a series of contiguous hot weather days.
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    robotnic I think a weekend fix would have just been a bucket under each spot. This is definitely an "at least a month" fix.
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    robotnic Granted that we are both making assumptions about the situation that lead us to our different conclusions. For example, he could have been told to come in earlier because that allows him to do more routes so the company needs fewer trucks. Without further information we'll just agree to disagree.
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    robotnic Probably just trying to explain the odd tip. Granted, it takes all the mystery away from the waitress, but if she's smart, she will remember Wes' birthday and be clamoring to welcome this guy back next year. Guy may be remembered for the wrong reason, but it works. Probably cheaper than a headstone. and it brings joy to somebody else.
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    robotnic Good eye. Thanks for making this funny.
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    robotnic Would a hard penis be any more useful?
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    robotnic Yeah, because it's a peep hole and not a camera.
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    robotnic I hadn't heard it before, so it was funnier than a lot of other stuff on this site.
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    robotnic Someone from Italy?
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    robotnic In Texas it's no longer than 6 years if your renew between 79-84. After that, it's every other year.
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    robotnic What's the braille equivalent for color blindness?
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    robotnic He said prophet, not profit.
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    robotnic yeah, I see the seam, but there are few 3D printer materials that would bend like this. I still want to see it rotated. For all I know, it's a piece of paper that's been cut out, but then, why the seam.
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    robotnic Perhaps "Living in a van down by the river" would have been more respectful.
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    robotnic I hope you don't get you news from this site. As with any social media site, it perpetuates anything that is considered interesting, regardless of accuracy. Unfortunately, whoever runs this site doesn't look at the comments because comments to "correct" posts never result in a change to my knowledge.
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    robotnic A statue with peanut butter on its face.
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    robotnic for what?
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    robotnic Yeah, went to school in Tucson where pilots train on A-10 Warthogs. Kinda noisy, but awesome aircraft to watch nonetheless.
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    robotnic So you think it's more likely that the guy can do this than the other guy can walk backwards? Maybe the other guy helped him get up there and then backed away as he lowered himself down. If the guy were really doing this, his body would have gone up just before his arms went above him.
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    robotnic Been there. Could spend all day just exploring all the narrow alleyways that open up into hidden courtyards.
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    robotnic Kid is definitely smarter than the mom. "I'd rather walk through wet concrete than walk across that tetanus-infused hazard"
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    robotnic You lost me at "Stupider".
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    robotnic So why bother saying it's "enriched" when it doesn't even register a single percentage point?
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    robotnic Perhaps live-streaming abortion procedures would dissuade future abortions? Joking aside (what, on a humor site?) excluding medically necessary abortions, I find abortion disgusting (I'm atheist) but, at the same time, I think that people who would consider it really shouldn't be procreating anyway.
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    robotnic I give a shit in the sense that every time someone gossips about celebrities I feel like taking a shit.
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    robotnic (channelling TooMuchTime) The last thing someone with depression wants to see is that no matter how humorous they think their posts are on UH, they're still going to get downvoted.
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    robotnic Used to work at Motorola SPS in Arizona back in the early 80's. It ain't what it used to be.
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    robotnic They wouldn't have cared to be buried together? Bullshit.
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    robotnic He picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.
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    robotnic But everybody doesn't have body odor the same. Some people have different types of bacteria that breaks down sweat differently, with the result going from mildly unpleasant to rancid.
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    robotnic I seriously doubt body odor was an aphrodisiac.
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    robotnic So then not answering might just speed things up.
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    robotnic I believe Matt Foley said it best: "Well, la dee frickin' da!"
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    robotnic "that man"? Guy must have been pretty powerful to alter climate all by himself, although I have to admit I can alter the local climate after a bowl of black bean soup.
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    robotnic You do realize that uberhumor is an aggregator site, so the people posting this stuff to facebook won't see your comments?
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    robotnic Lose your train of thought?
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    robotnic "only one guy works" suggests the rest of the guys are doing something else. It's a poorly worded sentence.
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    robotnic Which one?
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    robotnic Bonus round: High score has to drive home without getting in an accident or getting caught.
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    robotnic Like on uberhumor?
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    robotnic My daughter's husband changed his last name to her's because he liked it better. I'm fine with that.
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    robotnic It looks like the toilet burned as well. Never seen a non-ceramic toilet tank.
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    robotnic Figured it couldn't be real because otherwise that's a shit ton of seriously good archers.
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    robotnic You are no fun at all.
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    robotnic Too much of a good thing perhaps?
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    robotnic Natives are getting their payback with casinos. They're rolling in dough now.
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    robotnic I didn't drink enough water and gained a kidney stone in 1 month. Cool story though.
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    robotnic Let me translate my previous post for you: "I've never heard of it". You literally take things too literally. Anyway, I looked it up... it's a Nintendo Switch game. Damn, I just wasted 30 seconds. I definitely just got Rick rolled. No, not literally, figuratively.
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    robotnic Thanks. That just didn't parse for me.
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    robotnic Maybe this is one of those new child rearing methods. Instead of being raised in a so-last-year "gender neutral" environment, we now have "single father", "divorced mother", "crotchety grandpa", and my favorite, the "street corner prostitute". The possibilities are endless.
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    robotnic Many
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    robotnic There can be only one, highlander!
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    robotnic Nice pun!
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    robotnic Evolution does not equate to perfection. It's an imperfect system, by definition, because it is trial and error. Those traits that help with survival are perpetuated, whereas traits that hinder survival die off. Stupidity is, generally speaking, not life threatening, although I wish it were.
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    robotnic Because a real god wants stupid people to believe religious bullshit, right?
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    robotnic Agreed. He was a terrible actor, but wasn't afraid to do some crazy shit for a laugh.
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    robotnic Congratulations on having an opinion that nobody with intelligence shares.
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    robotnic A little punctuation would go a long way in your sentence.
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    robotnic You're barking up the wrong tree with that suggestion.
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    robotnic Looks like Beaky Buzzard from Looney Tunes.
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    robotnic This is the road from stonepipe wells. If you turn right at the vee, there's a casino about 40 miles farther, just over the Nevada border.
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    robotnic Not the Greatful Dead?
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    robotnic Neanderthals? It's 3700 years ago, not 37000
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    robotnic The story was probably made up to explain the picture and, in reality it was just somebody with a welder having fun.
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    robotnic And when asked "What is your favorite color (for the passport)?" the answer was "Red. No! Bluuuue...."
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    robotnic Licenses may help, but there are plenty of unlicensed drivers so someone whose inclined to shoot up a school isn't going to be too worried about the law. Waiting periods for gun purchases helps with suicides, but again, this would not have affected one of the mass shootings as these people plan their attacks over weeks or months. I think the best solution is to limit magazine size. If you need more than 5 shots before reload then you're either a lousy shot or you're in a war.
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    robotnic Yep. And if she tried to leave before the police arrived she'd be charged with leaving the scene of an accident as well as failing to control the vehicle, if not fraud.
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    robotnic Not that you know.
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    robotnic Lightweight!
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    robotnic I think that requires them to have their hands in the front pockets.
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    robotnic Your grasp of the English language is one of the most bestest I've ever known. You must, like, put 150% into your studies. Honestly, anybody who puts a 'u' in words like favorite and flavor is probably from some third-world country that just co-opted the English language anyway.
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    robotnic Dude, I'm just messing with you. I actually agree with your original premise. Just couldn't miss an opportunity to have some fun.
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    robotnic So what you're saying is that "most", in this context, is very very very very very important.
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    robotnic Define "works" as it applies to the report button.
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    robotnic Did you not see all the famous actors? That, good sir, is why it was expensive.
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    robotnic What I've noticed is that people get downvoted if they say anything negative about trump.
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    robotnic Was thinking the only thing that would make this video better is if it never happened at all.
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    robotnic Definitely get the same response from people today. Fortunately Kraftwerk got better.
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    robotnic Huston... yup, that's the place.
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    robotnic sorry, I never learned swahili
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    robotnic Nice one!
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    robotnic Definitely the latter. Some sites only work with Edge, some with Chrome, some with Firefox, in my experience. It's usually due to sites requiring browser-specific features or missing/existing add-ons. I just have all three installed, with firefox being the default.
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    robotnic He was on a roll.
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    robotnic I know why it popped into my head... because you brought it up!
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    robotnic Truth lies? Now I'm confused.
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    robotnic Happened to my daughter. Nursed the squirrel back to health, let it go in the back yard, and the dog killed it the next day. Shit happens. Believe it.
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    robotnic Sounds like a triple x double entendre.
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    robotnic "Take the gun. I don't neeed it!"
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    robotnic Duplicate post detected. McCain graduated 894th out of 899 only because he didn't give a shit about rank or arbitrary military rules. His plane "crashes" were not all crashes, and the one that was his fault was due to him losing track of his altitude and hitting the water in Corpus Christi. If you're going to be a fucking asshole, at least get your facts straight.
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    robotnic Their current weight loss program is pretty slow by American standards. It takes 15 years of hard labor and there's a good chance you'll "contract botulism".
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    robotnic I hope you cut the line and found another place to fish.
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    robotnic Dragana is the pseudonym Morgana Pendragon's brother uses when he cross dresses, which explains "her" height.
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    robotnic That would be an extinction-level event. They'd have to have a 500 meter minimum kill range to make it sporting.
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    robotnic Doesn't seem like a prank if the one it's being played on is in on it.
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    robotnic He tried once, but (surprise), Gilligan screwed it up.
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    robotnic For you non-robots, this is ASCII for "No! Robots write like this!"
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    robotnic I only took 50 seconds, but still worth it.
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    robotnic Sounds like you've never been to Louisiana or Galveston, TX. The sand is a super fine and mud-colored. Gets into everything and doesn't rinse off easily. Easy on your feet, but in no way "snow white". You have to get pretty far away from the mouth of the Mississippi before the sand starts getting white, e.g., Florida or anywhere south of Corpus Christi.
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    robotnic I was just about to look up the word gummy to understand its use in this context.
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    robotnic It looks familiar, but I thought it was the background for the Teletubbies.
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    robotnic Agreed. Cats will play with a bobby pin regardless. But without the back story, it's just a picture of a cat staring at a bobby pin, and why would somebody post that? It's not like those important pictures of somebody's plated lunch.
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    robotnic Got one in my yard. Worthless fruit. It's not only super sour, but actually bitter.
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    robotnic A 2012 interview with the owner Jay Agrawal. http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/exclusive-interview-with-jay-agrawal-owner-of-the-funniest-site-on-the-net-uberhumor-com-43166/
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    robotnic "I would wonder why a 27-year-old is still at college" Because nobody gets a bachelor's degree, works for a couple years and then goes back for a master's.
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    robotnic The T800 was an infiltration unit, designed to mimic humans in every detail. I think the wheels would be a dead giveaway.
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    robotnic You just passed the internet new Turing test. You are now sentient.
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    robotnic You "who cares?" so much, one might get the impression that you really do care. Besides, nobody cares if you care.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic His insults were pretty tame for this site.
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    robotnic It's a quote from Austin Powers.
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    robotnic Not to be confused with the US Flag.
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    robotnic FTG means what?
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    robotnic Hell, you don't have to wait that long. Once puberty hits, those lofty goals you had for your kids might as well be put on a roulette wheel along with all the things you don't want them to do.
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    robotnic Jealous much? You dis almost every female post on this site. I'm guessing you are a female with serious self confidence issues.
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    robotnic Since it's "mid flight", the answer to your question would be "both".
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    robotnic I would have voted on your post, but didn't want to mess with your karma (666). Enjoy it while it lasts.
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    robotnic This is nature with anti-aliasing turned off.
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    robotnic At what point in life do we stop worrying about partial year age? It's meaningful when you're 3, but when you're 36, does anybody really care that you're almost 37?
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    robotnic Where were you when Halloween started back in August? You missed out on paying full price for candy and costumes.
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    robotnic More like snag night.
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    robotnic The bottom.
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    robotnic I didn't see what you did there.
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    robotnic Thanks for that description. I think I'll skip pepperoni on my pizza until this image fades from memory.
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    robotnic With a name like yours, I expect great things.
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    robotnic Him tell you.
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    robotnic Since when? Religion is fodder for many a joke. As for it being based on truth, when did anybody ask the chicken why it crossed the road?
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    robotnic "keeping kicking your arse"? Let me guess, self taught?
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    robotnic Ken M, is that you?
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    robotnic Oh ho ho, whew, I did not see that coming. Wow, you really got me there. Congratulations on that rapier wit. Other posters take note not to mess with this guy. If you do, watch out for his "balls on your chin" left hook; it's authority is unparalleled.
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    robotnic Sum peepole kint ufferd dem hi falutin skools so dey gits ther lernin frum de enternets.
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    robotnic Not if the filler density is the same as the smaller balls.
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    robotnic Fewer people works too. San Andreas, get it over with already.
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    robotnic If this is capitalism, then why don't the prices start out higher? Does it somehow make the promoter/performers look like the good guys for having low prices and it's not their fault if scalpers jack up the price? Ticket sales places seem to go to a lot of effort to prevent this sort of behavior, so it does seem like an unpopular system.
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    robotnic Hey, I resemble that remark.
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    robotnic Looks nothing like Red Skelton to me. Anyway, Penes thinks all the negative comments toward him are all one person. Too bad we can't get his true life story. I'm sure it would merit a humor entry on this site.
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    robotnic This is how he can honestly say he's going places.
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    robotnic Those are self-mending batteries, just like the bulb. Miracles of modern tech.
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    robotnic Not saying that the policy works, just it's intention. Different regions have different income levels so the product is priced for that region. If the publishers kept the price at what people in India could afford, they wouldn't make as much profit in the US, and if they set the price to US rates, they wouldn't make sales in India (just an example). They price the product for what the market will bear, just like is done for gasoline in an affluent neighborhood. Digital media is easy to transmit, so the region limitations make that transmission more difficult.
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    robotnic Is this the plant equivalent of culling the herd? Burn the weak so that the strong may survive.
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    robotnic "chill the fuck up"? English much?
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    robotnic More likely a blow hole formed via erosion near a large body of water.
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    robotnic If you listen to the detractors, the LHC is for the birds.
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    robotnic "Is that your hand or are you just happy to see me."
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    robotnic Your symbolism substitute speaks volumes.
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    robotnic You suck at this. Leave it to the professional hate mongers.
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    robotnic Where did you cruise that gave you this impression? Unless you're on a lousy cruise line, e.g., carnival, it's pretty swank. Anyway, I've done it both ways (staying in one place or cruising) and they both have their advantages.
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    robotnic Get a room!
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    robotnic You forgot "may of" should be "may have"
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    robotnic Thanks, I was having trouble reading it as well, but could see enough of the darker dots to guess that it said "fuck i'm color blind".
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    robotnic What the hell?
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    robotnic "obese and glutinous" does that mean they eat too much bread? As for finding obese people in the USA, go to Walmart. You'll see one before you get out of your car.
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    robotnic Oooh boys and girls, he's bragging again and, if you believe his boast, then he lives in Loudoun County in Virginia. Of course, plenty of houses there have maid's quarters, so that's probably what he means by living there.
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    robotnic Yup, bad memory I guess.
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    robotnic Then you work with a bunch of fucking assholes, so you should fit right in.
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    robotnic Better on than in, I always say.
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    robotnic I was joking. Usually the phrase is "in my early thirties", but the way it was written, that's what came to my mind.
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    robotnic It really flows much better if you know how the world works, says him, who clearly knows.
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    robotnic Is the plastic holding up the rope or is the rope holding up the plastic?
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    robotnic Your sense of humor is udderly laughable.
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    robotnic Exactly what I thought.
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    robotnic I've heard what they say, and I still can't understand a word of it.
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    robotnic If this is your reason for believing in god, then you are doing it for your own benefit and that is not true belief and a god will know the difference. Funny thing is, I suspect most religious people subscribe to your logic and, consequently, you're all going to hell, because that's what your god does.
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    robotnic Hey, I studied mythology in college and it was the most interesting liberal arts class I had. Of course, mythology tells you the underlying premise from the beginning... "myth" is in the name.
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    robotnic HumorHunter was referring to the motorcyclist.
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    robotnic You mean like IanHalpin on this comment thread? Funny how you make this comment and he confirms it for you.
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    robotnic You numbers don't add up. If defense spending is 60% of discretionary and discretionary is 39% of federal, then that makes defense spending 23.4% of federal, not 19%. Besides, anybody who thinks a country should spend even close to 1/5 of its funds on defense is a war monger. Yeah, social programs are way bigger than they should be, but manufacturing wars to justify putting so much money into "defense" is far worse.
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    robotnic Skip your vitamins today?
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    robotnic That's like saying you can't see the ocean when you're "in" it. Of course you can. You just can't see the whole galaxy/ocean at once.
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    robotnic Pretty soon they're going to start calling it the r-word.
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    robotnic You got that right. Well said.
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    robotnic It's ironic that you find THIS tiresome while simultaneously posting the same predictable comments.
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    robotnic Paruresis is a real pisser. The sad part is that it's all in your mind unless you have prostate issues.
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    robotnic And where exactly do you think storks get the children they deliver? They have to come from somewhere.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic The greyhound, of course.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Yet convenient if you like Fruit Loops.
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    robotnic And since people tend to be good at things they like to do, I'd expect those left bubbles to overlap as well. Incidentally, I hadn't heard that second part to the "Get a job doing what you love..." saying; it really flips that wisdom on it's head.
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    robotnic That is boiled linseed oil from Klean-Strip. Brings out the color of wood and protects it from stains. It absorbs quickly, so it doesn't need much drying time.
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    robotnic ISIS ice.
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    robotnic Moreover, the thief would also have a lock and cable to lock up his his newly acquired bike so nobody could steal it. Oh wait, that's how this all started.
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    robotnic I've heard of being below the poverty line, but "to the left"?
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    robotnic Don't waste your time with the Penesopheles Johnson troll. He and a few others on here just there to provoke you. Pretty childish, but what do you expect on the internet?
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    robotnic A Johnson response if I ever heard one.
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    robotnic If you were trying to do roman numerals, wouldn't it be "Happy Birthday C"?
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    robotnic I don't think he's gonna reach the prostate with that.
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    robotnic Not if your goal is to sell a lot of them for birth announcements (along with almond joys).
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    robotnic This is about torque, not speed. Read up on your kindergarten physics.
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    robotnic All of my cats are indoor/outdoor cats with a cat door. They've never run away in the 40+ years I've had cats.
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    robotnic The way I see it, they HAD paint in the MIDDLE of an art project.
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    robotnic Given that in a previous post misanthrope posted that his wife has a $17000 wedding right, that seems unlikely, but in today's world, it's still a possibility.
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    robotnic You have the time to post this but not to do a quick google?
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    robotnic Since the problem is humans, the cure must have been to eliminate humans. I think your shipmates missed a few.
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    robotnic My question was tongue-in-cheek. I'm red-green color blind, so am all too familiar with the perception problem. Makes driving with sideways traffic lights a bit of a challenge.
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    robotnic Americia... is that Latin America?
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    robotnic Thought so. From what I've seen (US vs New Zealand), it's a way better sport than soccer, IMO.
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    robotnic Responsibility lies with him who seizes, uh seeses?, no... ah, yes, sees it.
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    robotnic Yep. Definitely need a takeup spool that would keep the "art" in chronological order as well.
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    robotnic It is possible that you're clairvoyant. Seriously though, UH's moderators could put a little more effort into vetting the posts, but they're in too much of a hurry to be first with the posts to check the facts from the sites they're copying. A satisfying irony there.
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    robotnic Because it's a cool idea, reminds the user where the plastic came from, and doesn't cost any more to make. I approve.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Yeah, not sure why this was posted to UH. There are far too many "classic" movies to start posting them here.
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    robotnic There's nothing natural about cutting off white rhino's horn to make magic powder for the Chinese.
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    robotnic That's a watermelon wearing a banana peel. It CAN be done!
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    robotnic They're wearing hard hats per OSHA requirements, so they're good to go.
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    robotnic Hillary is short for hillarity, so, by definition, she's funny even without Slick Willy and the baby.
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    robotnic Ah, the good ol' days of lan parties playing Unreal Tournament.
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    robotnic "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" was the seed for this idea. Sttretch TV Mike back to full size + Ompa Loompas = stretch midgets to full size. Q.E.D.
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    robotnic Better that than her bush.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Like most of these this is a repeat.
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    robotnic I suspect politicians have a lousy sense of humor.
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    robotnic Registering those microchips is a hassle. The site user interface sucks. From the vets I've talked to, when they look up a scanned microchip code, the information stored for it is almost always wrong.
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    robotnic That's what she said.
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    robotnic You don't sound angry enough. Try stomping your feet.
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    robotnic Don't despair, he's still around. You can smell his presence like the odor of cat piss on the other side of the house, even when when he covers it up with his dog shit alias logins.
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    robotnic You're karma is at 666. How ironic.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Everybody prefers the own brand.
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    robotnic Even less when it's hovering.
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    robotnic The term NEET was created to describe the stereotypical millennial.
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    robotnic Troll!
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    robotnic Pretty funny substitute. Wonder what y and z have. Probably "yay" an "zero".
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic "I know you are but what am I" Classic!
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    robotnic As Fat Bastard put it "Get in mah bellay!"
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    robotnic So do blind people typically immediately look for braille on objects they run into before they decide what to do? If they were smart they'd read the braille BEFORE they ran into things.
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    robotnic Turkey's voting for xmas? Nailed it!
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    robotnic Apparently accounting doesn't require intelligence.
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    robotnic Close enough?
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    robotnic "how is it dung beetley possible" nah, that doesn't work.
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    robotnic Position, like time, is relative, so our position changes relative to what? The center of the galaxy, the observable universe (since we can't see the whole thing), or what? From that perch on the stairs, their position is the same and only time has changed. Or has it?
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    robotnic $89.95 had better be for a whole pallet.
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    robotnic That would be the "girlfriend recently borrowed my car and brought her kid/kids along starter pack"
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic The complete lack of recoil is a dead giveaway as well.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Learning how to fish doesn't take that long, maybe about ten minutes.
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    robotnic You're on the wrong site, obviously. This is booberhumor.
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    robotnic Good guys with guns + proper training = good. Good guys with guns - proper training = good gun sales.
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    robotnic Toss up between that and The Fifth Element.
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    robotnic You're over thinking it. This is precisely a bar chart of how much door is painted, with each bar indicating the percentage of the respective vertical swath.
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    robotnic eginsu
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    robotnic For the same reason a post referencing a pic number in afternoon chaos doesn't match the pic... it's uberhumor.
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    robotnic Ah, that makes sense. The trick is to get them spayed/neutered before "puberty" kicks in and they feel compelled to mark things. Males are far more likely to do this, so if I ever get a cat, it's always female. To your credit, cat piss IS vile.
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    robotnic It may not be free, but climbing without all that equipment is certainly less expensive, even if you still have to pay for proper shoes.
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    robotnic I had a root canal 30 years ago. Still have it today.
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    robotnic You joke has no sole.
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    robotnic Worth the watch. Thanks.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Agreed. Had to deal with an arthritic ailing dog issue several years ago but on the day I was to have her put down she died. Should have done so six months earlier. Still makes me feel like shit when I think about it.
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    robotnic A slice of aloe heals all wounds. Particularly effective on blue balls.
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    robotnic Judging from your post, you still haven't learned English.
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    robotnic His previous attempt at kitten juggling didn't fare so well either, but at least he was wearing pants for that.
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    robotnic It's a way of celebrating your inadequacies by pretending to be somebody who doesn't exist. It's like Halloween without the candy. Seriously though, it's a hobby that probably takes a lot of work to do well.
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    robotnic "wait'll"? Never seen that contraction before.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Yep. I have this service, except I need to take it to the curb and I got the upgrade where donate twice a week.
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    robotnic Jesus kept his eye on the ball. He's wearing his game face.
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    robotnic A starting point for sure. Bare minimum, hardly.
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    robotnic Definitely bad news.
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    robotnic Might even say the god has Transformed.
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    robotnic So if there was a fox in it...?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic So really there's a bug in the caption for this glitch in the Matrix.
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    robotnic Just curious, at what point does a religion become indigenous?
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    robotnic Keeping the dream alive.
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    robotnic Carp, i.e., Koi & goldfish. Pond is only 15' x 5' excluding waterfall. Koi are 12" and goldfish get to be 3-4" at most. Guppies are not worth my time as they don't stand a chance with the egrets and occasional Heron. Eating machines!
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    robotnic I've got a goldfish pond in my yard and we get baby fish all the time. Egrets get most of them, but such is the life of fish.
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    robotnic You're not likely to shoot anybody if your hammer is rusty.
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    robotnic Okay, now you just sound like Trump.
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    robotnic Well said.
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    robotnic Your comment got me to wondering if maybe some ancient sailor thought the same thing but once realizing what he'd pulled out of the water, thought "I'll give it a whirl, but gotta start with a little foreplay." and inadvertently discovered beluga caviar.
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    robotnic I hear grapes, garlic, and chocolate are pretty bad. Never seen a dog die for rawhide, but anything's possible.
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    robotnic If he just popped the hood he could lay it across the engine and use the hood to hold it down.
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    robotnic this is how just about every sitcom episode plays out.
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    robotnic But the lizard looks good doing it.
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    robotnic Agreed. I don't buy it. My guess is that they are in fact just chewing it up into smaller bits and passing it through undigested. They are probably just chewing it because these worms like to burrow. Personally, I like to add gasoline to Styrofoam to create napalm and save if for those special occasions. It's good for the environment and good for my arsenal.
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    robotnic Kind of like the robo calls that start with "Please don't hang u..."
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    robotnic You have a firm grasp of the mundane.
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    robotnic Agreed. That seemed totally arbitrary and nonsensical to me. My son watches this show on netflix and every time I catch a glimpse it's just people rambling and talking over each other.
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    robotnic I'm certain it caulk.
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    robotnic But you've got a picture of Steve Irwin in the background. That ought to keep you entertained in and of itself for the duration. Spoiler alert: I skipped to the end and yup, she's still going.
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    robotnic Impressive, but a little out of character, don't you think?
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    robotnic Assume you mean reusable, because these bags are recyclable. Other than lining smaller trashcans around the house, I recycle all the ones I get.
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    robotnic Flamethrower? Nah, treat 'em like pirates of old and pour hot oil over the side as they're climbing up. Argh!
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    robotnic What's wrong with Mesa? It's Apache Junction you need to worry about.
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    robotnic Backplane? It's a fuse box, probably for an air conditioner.
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    robotnic Agreed. Well done.
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    robotnic I kinda doubt that. This country would never elect a president who claimed to be atheist. For example, I'm confident Trump is an atheist, but he simply gives lip service to religion and the faithful are assuaged.
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    robotnic There's plenty to be found, it's just that it's ALREADY been found.
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    robotnic True, but this solution didn't require any tools.
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    robotnic That was hilarious.
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    robotnic Sorry to spoil your fun, but that wouldn't work. The electricity would just take the path of least resistance between the two cord prongs and trip the breaker. Even if you defeated the breaker, a person would have to touch the metal to have any effect.
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    robotnic The left side is the right side.
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    robotnic This kind of cooking runs in the family.
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    robotnic What? It's just a dude doodling.
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    robotnic The perfect joke requires great timing. Apparently 2017/6/19 at 23:00 wasn't it.
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    robotnic So the weight of the plunger doesn't pull his hat off. Duh!
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    robotnic You also have to hope that, of all the religions, you chose the right one, because every other religion is, by definition, wrong. Oh wait, maybe this is a popularity contest. The more people who believe a religion, the more right it is. Or maybe, instead of following some arbitrary set of rules written down by some ancient, overrated profit, saint, etc, I'll just stick with being a decent person. It's working for me so far.
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    robotnic I see a lot of English words thrown together does not a sentence make.
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    robotnic That was French? All those trips to the French pastry shop must be paying off, 'cause I understood them (mostly).
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    robotnic So was it a Jay Z kinda rap or more like Tupac?
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    robotnic I think the challenge is equal parts opportunity and motivation. Adversity is a great motivator, but if the obstacles to success are life-threatening, only the truly courageous are going to break through. Today's entitlement-based society makes the adversities tolerable, so only the exceptionally talented and motivated succeed.
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    robotnic Really showing your age there with that reference.
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    robotnic I was wondering what "clutch the toilet" meant and what the country of origin was. I took a WAG at the meaning and tried to use it in my own sentence, "People who are really serious about toilet etiquette are said to 'clutch the toilet'".
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    robotnic "a step back in advancement"... so basically not moving?
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    robotnic Went through this once on a trip back from Alaska. The last leg between Dallas and Houston was cancelled due to weather so there were 120 people waiting on standby. After two hours, I decided to rent a car and drove the last leg, and subsequently got a refund from Delta for the part they failed to provide.
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    robotnic Given that these things only cost the hotel about $0.25, I think it's worth it.
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    robotnic The other problem is that there is no accountability. People can do whatever they want health-wise and "the system", i.e., everybody else, is expected to pay for the consequences. You want your insurance subsidized because you can't afford it? That's fine, but you have to actively maintain good health, e.g., no smoking, BMI at a respectable level, etc. Same goes for welfare. Earn your keep, or lose it. It's not slavery, it's just being practical.
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    robotnic That would be checkers, not chess.
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    robotnic Nice one!
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    robotnic Thought those words sounded familiar.
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    robotnic Two or more is valid, since it didn't start freezing until the second to the last.
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    robotnic It is likely that the owners are in this same condition because they eat junk food and share with their dog.
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    robotnic Disagree. First amendment means anybody may say anything in any way, including in any language. It doesn't require anybody to understand. Besides, the law would be meaningless as there are many situations where communicating in a different language is necessary, immigration being the most obvious example.
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    robotnic Your example highlights a worst-case example: the Grand Canyon. There must be visitors from 100 different countries to that site every year. Don't know how many languages that translates to, but just curious how many languages a station pump should reasonably be expected to have? That pump doesn't look particularly advanced, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if English is the only option. People probably complained and the owner got tired of it, prompting the note.
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    robotnic I suspect the temperature might be higher if the sun were close enough to make a difference in the shadows. This is all explained in the Spanish subtitles, if you were paying attention. just sayin'
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    robotnic A blink is about 1/3 second. With an electronic global shutter this is impossible (all pixels sampled at same time), so you must be referring to a a rolling shutter. However, a rolling shutter is still 10-100 times faster, depending on settings. Is this possible with an electronic shutter, sure, with unusually slow frame capture settings, so I'm inclined to think this was either a mechanical shutter or photoshop.
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    robotnic Didn't your parents ever tell you that looking too closely at shirely's\posts will make you go blind?
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    robotnic Perhaps Led Zeppelin. They might have an appropriate tune.
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    robotnic Magnolia trees. Slow growing, but they get pretty big.
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    robotnic Because that's probably not really what she's saying.
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    robotnic And you're breathing in your own diluted farts, but probably not nearly as content as this "dude".
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    robotnic Thanks Ken M.
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    robotnic Unfortunately, problems like this are not readily apparent during purchasing. However, when you can browse the internet using your fridge, shit like this shouldn't be a total surprise.
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    robotnic Okay then, an Auschwitz wannabe.
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    robotnic My post was meant to be a joke.
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    robotnic Worse yet, most agencies don't have a friendly/cheap return policy, so most of the dogs return as abandoned strays. If the shelters had a trial period it might result in more adoptions and fewer abandonments.
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    robotnic That would be a ukulele, but yeah, sounds like the intro to Bob's Burgers which, by the way, more than makes up for the intro music.
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    robotnic The "do not touch" signs hang right next to the "wet paint" signs is the braille gag store.
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    robotnic Then you missed the best part at 2:27. I'll describe it to you so you don't have to revisit the video. He stops and starts the rotation of the record at the appropriate time, but it's... wait for it... at a different part of the song. Awesome!
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    robotnic Noticed that too. Tire track overlap is backwards. Fake!
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    robotnic You're missing the point. Three stations are playing the same song.
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    robotnic Good to see you didn't use the term "cosplay"
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    robotnic Agreed. This would probably be expensive to pull off. That's a lot of paint.
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    robotnic Tried marmite. It's a tossup between that and bagaong as to which is worse.
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    robotnic Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are delicious. Haven't had one in decades though.
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    robotnic No, it's in the US, but the door was manufactured in the UK.
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    robotnic $150 is the low end of parking now and that's in economy lots that are essentially just a dirt field off campus. Garage parking is now $500-600/year. As for "college is no different than a supermarket", if Obama has his way and makes college free, it will be indistinguishable from a supermarket.
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    robotnic I would agree with you if the circles were the same size, but since their values circle is smaller and only slightly overlapping the other tells me that they have few values and only give a passing nod to the more important and larger group. The person who created this graphic really screwed up. For the diagram to convey what they probably meant, the "trust, ..." circle should be totally encapsulated by the values circle.
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    robotnic Agreed. Even Admiral Ackbar wouldn't be caught by this.
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    robotnic And yet here you are telling everybody your opinion, as if anybody cared.
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    robotnic Welcome to E.T. hell, where all aliens are illegal.
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    robotnic He's going to need more than luck to win now. Looks like he's holding up the leg to the judges as if that's going to get him out of some deductions on the landing.
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    robotnic Judging from the bag on his other side, I'd say she's third from the Reich.
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    robotnic People are too lazy to do their homework before election day so they tend to vote for names they recognize. Term limits would prevent this laziness from allowing people to hold congress hostage, as is happening now.
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    robotnic Damn it, you beat me to it.
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    robotnic Everybody pees in the shower, so if you're willing to live in this tin can, you probably have no qualms about just shitting in the shower and using your bare feet to squish the chunks down through the drain screen. Even better, just throw a little Dulcolax in your diet and all your troubles wash down the drain.
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    robotnic That's a proper noun and should be capitalized Dumas.
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    robotnic Duh, that's where the skylight switch is. Somebody's got to do it.
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    robotnic You really don't get out much, do you?
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    robotnic How is this "false" imprisonment? Looks pretty real to me.
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    robotnic Apparently you don't understand how the internet works. Grandma isn't seeing anything. She saw something while wearing this gear hours, days, or maybe even years ago, and it was probably what's on the screen behind her.
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    robotnic Bah! That's just a poor-man's geode.
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    robotnic Thanks. I thought that's what it was, but all the snippets from different movies threw me.
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    robotnic Clearly the sign is talking about creamed corn on the cob. Goes great with deviled eggs. Get it? Oh, wait, you're Shirely, you won't get it. Incidentally, why are you even on this site? You clearly have no sense of humor.
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    robotnic u speek gud engish, me to.
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    robotnic You and NoWay59 on on the same page, but on the wrong day.
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    robotnic I would argue that she hasn't been hungry for long. Really depends on where she started, weight-wise.
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    robotnic Sounds like you're talking about physical products, whereas I'm talking about digital (music, movies) products. I agree with you though that if the reason for blocking a product is bureaucratic, that's BS and sounds more like collusion.
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    robotnic Pirates are going to pirate no matter what the price/restriction.
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    robotnic As usual, it just came to me.
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    robotnic Haven't figured out all the complexities of replying to a comment yet I see.
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    robotnic Really? The first time for her is usually not pleasant and the first time for him won't last long enough for her to enjoy it anyway. Your advice isn't any better than most of the others in this list.
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    robotnic The juvenile comments are a reflection of maturity, not age.
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    robotnic If someone attributes your facetious remark to you having shit for brains, does that make it a fecesious remark?
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    robotnic Don't care.
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    robotnic Guy's a dork and totally takes advantage of it. At least it's humorous, as opposed to videos of some idiot smashing shit with a hydraulic press.
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    robotnic It's like one of those Highlights magazine "find the differences" pictures. I'll add that he shaved his beard.
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    robotnic Wow, you've really lost your touch now that you're not badgering Penesoplease. Snap out of it man!
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    robotnic You mean Tippi Hedren. Probably confusing her with that large collider thingy.
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    robotnic Only when they waffle.
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    robotnic I'd rather watch a video of a goat eating doritos (see next post on uberhumor) than a post of this faceless narcissism. Way more entertaining.
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    robotnic The guy's constantly complaining about content but continues to visit this site.
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    robotnic You're thinking of "Rape Toaster: The Sequel". In this movie, it's pie crust she has to worry about.
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    robotnic I think these are worth a not insignificant amount to collectors. Is pokemon still a thing to kids nowadays?
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    robotnic I remember getting a max capacity 4MB memory expansion for an Amiga. Of course, I also remember using punch cards and paper tape readers, back before anybody had the illusion that computers were going to reduce paper usage.
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    robotnic Have to remember that the dates would shift every year due to that extra one or two at the end of each year, so not really any different than now. It just means that, for the year, the first of each month will be on the same day of the week. Of course those of us who are born under the current system, you'd need a converter that figures out what your new birth date is.
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    robotnic Trolling 3 year old posts. Pretty sad. Why do you have such an obsession to homosexual behavior and dicks? You're either 12 years old, a pathetic old man, or a pathetic old man who's into 12 year olds. Whatever the case, I would really enjoy meeting you in person. If you're ever in Houston, look me up so can take you out.
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    robotnic Not true. Credit unions do similar shit. My son had a checking account that he tied to paypal. He made a purchase that exceeded his balance so it bounced, which immediately incurred a $24 fee. Paypal did this twice more before cancelling the purchase, so he lost $72 on a $10 purchase. The bank got their $72 fee by pulling the money from his savings account, but would not transfer the money from savings to checking to cover the purchase because my son would have to authorize that. BofA is no saint, but the other institutions are just as bad.
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    robotnic Your logic is flawed. Your shit stays with the plane until you land, so no weight is lost. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about what's in your head because we see your shit on this site far too often.
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    robotnic Emotion has no middle ground. It is the epitome of hysteresis, with the two limits being apathy and fanaticism.
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    robotnic Huh, what a coincidence. I read your posts to see if you are getting "stupider". You apparently have no lower limit.
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    robotnic He's gonna be rich. Excellent improvement.
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    robotnic Liar! You said you live in Pennsylvania.
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    robotnic Maybe they weren't playing at Cheers, but everybody knows their name; it's on the video.
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    robotnic You've probably heard that the truth shall set you free. That is because truth is the walls for a prison of the mind; the grander the truth, the more difficult it is to scale. I find that humor allows me to poke holes in the truth and see what lies beyond. Occasionally humor pokes a big enough hole in the truth to let me escape entirely.
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    robotnic This is the scheme power providers use to keep their kwh charges lower in a competitive market. You get more disclosure but you end up feeling cheated.
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    robotnic It's a license, not a religious rite. Such a license affords you rights you don't have without it in the government's eyes.
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    robotnic You're going off on a tangent.
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    robotnic Thanks for summarizing how you were conceived. Explains a lot.
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    robotnic Yeah, I got it. I was being sarcastic.
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    robotnic I think you were correct with your original assessment of the UV towel rack. Is washing the towels out of style? I've never had a towel mildew in one week and I live in Houston, TX.
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    robotnic I hear the eight cuppers are real bitches.
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    robotnic What browser are you using? No ad blocking? It's a must for uberhumor. I just get the jokes. Okay, maybe I don't get ALL the jokes and there's a lot of non-joke content, but hopefully you get my meaning.
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    robotnic Pretty subtle MJ song reference, especially for a dance trick that only lasted a couple seconds in the Smooth Criminal music video, but, yeah, it works!
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    robotnic Actually, it looked exactly like this. We were on a tour bus heading towards Hollywood and the tour guide was telling us how you should be able to see the buildings from the freeway and me not believing there was anything there because I couldn't see it. This was back in the mid 70's (yeah, I'm getting old), and LA has fog that contributes to visibility. China doesn't have a corner on the pollution market, but they do have an order of magnitude more capacity for generating it. Glad LA/California has improved since back then.
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    robotnic I think misanthrope is off his meds. He's been pissy on on his recent posts.
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    robotnic No shit, Sherlock. Thanks for your worldly advice.
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    robotnic I thought about that but it looks pretty whole to me.
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    robotnic I'm sure there are plenty of explanations for this behavior, but I can't imagine any that would survive scrutiny. Most likely it has something to do with alcohol or drugs and a flat tire. I'm not aware of anything cultural or reference to any movie.
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    robotnic I think "natural" is referring to it being fed by an existing, flowing stream. Kind of like a dam in the shape of a pool with a permanent spillway.
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    robotnic Well aren't you Mr Alien know-it-all. We humans have to discover these things ourselves, and misanthrope is correct in his assessment.
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    robotnic I don't know about that. Animals that have more teats give birth to more offspring at a time. Do you really want to go there? Besides, I only have two hands, so I'm willing to accept my limitations and enjoy what I can get my hands on.
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    robotnic She explains this at the end. The button wasn't working. Pretty stupid point of failure.
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    robotnic Don't know why you got voted down. I thought it was funny.
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    robotnic The bright side is strong with this one.
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    robotnic Arguing with Dawg about politics is like arguing with, well, a dog. He won't understand your logic and just keeps barking the same thing over and over.
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    robotnic I was hoping to hear the lion itself, not some horrible musical piece with an explanation of how the animal gets to "finally live like a lion". Anyway, thanks for the link.
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    robotnic The problem here is that you are looking for humour, whereas this is humor. You're on the wrong continent!
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    robotnic Having a bad day? You really ought to keep that anger bottled up inside. I hear it's really good for your constitution.
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    robotnic Put simply, if your current car gets better than 58mpg, then you're better off sticking with what you have. If your electric rates are higher than I used (>12c/kwh) then the equivalent mileage requirement would be lower. If your gas prices are higher, then the equivalent mileage would be higher. Basically, unless you have a really efficient car or really high electricity costs, it'll be cheaper to drive electric when strictly comparing fuel costs. Of course, there are other considerations (e.g., charging equipment, range anxiety). However, those fuel-efficient petrol cars don't have "insane" performance mode!
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    robotnic You're looking at less than $10/250 miles, or less than 4 cents per mile (US) with 12 cents/kwh. At current gas prices in my area ($2.35/gal), that equates to 58mpg in terms of cost.
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    robotnic Did you use your real email address as your user name or is that just what you think you did?
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    robotnic I hear the same of Kim Jong Un. You gods are all alike.
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    robotnic Three seconds to pin the opponent's shoulders to the mat for the win. Still not funny.
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    robotnic Again you demonstrate your total lack of animal understanding, for both cats and dogs. Of course, if you just stuck to what you knew, we wouldn't see any posts from you.
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    robotnic Looks like I should have read the latest news before speculating that the guy might have had a stroke.
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    robotnic Wow, we must have hit a nerve with a bunch of tea baggers, er, tea partiers.
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    robotnic Yeah, the UH title matches what's being reported at http://www.theroot.com/articles/news/2015/03/atlanta_garbage_man_sentenced_to_jail_for_picking_up_trash_too_early_in.html The company is Waste Management (same company that serves my neighborhood). They only care to keep their contracts with the city and the employees leave trash on the ground after pickup unless they see that a resident is watching them.
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    robotnic I think they should swim back to shore to collect their Darwin Award.
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    robotnic Well that went in an unexpected direction.
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    robotnic Or any business that finds it convenient to just mirror the government's holiday schedule, which is just about any company that has any gov't contracts.
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    robotnic It helps to have it written correctly, i.e. "It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one."
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    robotnic The point is that if they had a jar of pennies, which have obvious value, is it worth the courts time to sift through them and divide them amicably? It's petty.
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    robotnic You're just a cornucopia of information sometimes. You have some kind of Library of the Universe on that alien ship of yours?
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    robotnic Doh!
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    robotnic That was a rhetorical question, right?
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    robotnic I have to admit that I kept looking at his teeth. Being an anthropologist, maybe he's getting a head start on being a fossil some day.
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    robotnic I say we keep his karma hovering around zero. He's not too bright, so he'll probably never figure it out.
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    robotnic You missed 5: "We home team is winning."
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    robotnic The difference is that the elderly are required to go to DPS, whereas the rest of us can do it by mail. They do an eye exam and, if they don't feel you are capable of driving a vehicle, they will not issue the license. Perhaps just getting there in your own vehicle is proof enough.
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    robotnic No biggie. Just thought it was a surprising coincidence.
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    robotnic Really? How do you know? What are the "his" other other accounts? I've heard of some commenters doing this, but can't imagine someone being so petty.
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    robotnic Mathematically the difference is ~30% greater area between a 14" medium and 16" large, which would be fine if the crusts size was controlled that closely, but they're not in my experience. I generally find that the box is significantly larger than the contents. Next time I order pizza, I'll compare the crust size vs box size vs advertised size. Hopefully crust size = advertised size.
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    robotnic Let me spell it out for you: "Grandma gets ridden so much, if she had wheels she'd be a bike". Why else would they be laughing so hard?
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    robotnic Good catch. I was totally baffled by the ending and now it makes sense. Unfortunately, the language was too distracting for me to "get it". I'm sure he did that to make the joke less obvious, but it clearly turned it into an ethnic story for most on this site. Thanks.
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    robotnic Usually her performances are telling a story. I just find her dancing to be contrived. It just seems out of place. It looks like a ballet with only a couple types of steps Just my opinion.
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    robotnic Or "The Claptrap".
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    robotnic This commenter uses the misanthrope login when he has something particularly caustic to write so he doesn't hurt his karma rating on his other logins. Sad really. Wonder if this person changes costumes in real life too depending on his mood. On the bright side, at least you'd know what to expect and could literally judge him on looks alone.
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    robotnic I'm not so sure. I would consider it an interest payment for all the times I put money into these machines and got nothing out because of machine malfunction. Only seems fair.
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    robotnic If racism is bad, then reverse racism must be good, right?
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    robotnic You need to break a few eggs to make an omelette. No one in congress wants to crack the first one because they know they'll get blamed if breakfast isn't perfect.
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    robotnic I was thinking the same thing.All it needs now is a leash so some little kid can pull it behind them.
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    robotnic There really is no intelligence in this demonstration. It's just commonplace path planning. Looks good though.
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    robotnic Bet she got a that tan when this went viral. Sorry for the previous oops post.
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    robotnic Bet she her
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    robotnic I'm guessing he was persistent/obnoxious long enough for them to pull out the phone an start recording. That guy was like a deer in the headlights. Maybe a little slow, but after he's had a chance to process what just happened, he'll think seriously about just walking up to a woman and asking for her phone # based simply on appearance.
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    robotnic Try before you don't buy. They really aren't that good. It's all about branding, which is probably why Apple bought them.
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    robotnic How does a person make eye contact with something that does not have eyes? Do you know nothing about oculesics? BTW, you misspelled lens. Since we're speculating about what's going on in the picture, maybe the tattoo on the blonde's wrist is covering a scar from where she cut herself due to low self esteem and the other woman knows it. Now that would be ironic!
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    robotnic damn auto correct. Must think I'm in a battle.
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    robotnic wouldn't the opposite be man adult? Anyway, what?
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    robotnic The point is not whether it's real or not (it's real), it's whether human-generated CO2 is accelerating the process. As an analogy, let's look at life. Everybody dies, it's inevitable. However, some people do everything they can to avoid shortening their life by eating healthy, exercising, etc. It's just a matter of if it's worth the effort. Would you rather spend some of your time exercising to improve your quality of life or watch porn? Long-term vs short term gratification.
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    robotnic Just makes you want to slug them, huh?
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    robotnic Good thing you referenced your source or this would qualify as self plagiarism.
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    robotnic Gee, I wonder where blue bonnets grew before roadways existed. Yes they're a beautiful flower and it's great to see a large patch along the highway, but they're along a frickin' highway, not in a sanctuary. Besides, these guys look like they're at the edge of a patch, not in the middle of one.
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    robotnic How do you know if somebody paid for a purebred? Oh, don't worry... they will tell you.
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    robotnic Bullshit. I can see it on an ocean cruise.
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    robotnic I think the original poster was just kidding.
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    robotnic Only works if you transfer to some state schools. In Texas, Rice and UT aren't real fond of letting all that money go to a JC.
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    robotnic It's the principle of the matter. Or is it energy? Certainly it is one or the other.
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    robotnic Agreed, but you can still answer the question unambiguously by specifying how many Rachael has (9) and how many Tracey has (7). I hate word problems.
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    robotnic Able to crush small countries in a single battle.
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    robotnic The election itself wasn't interfered with. It's people's minds that got fucked.
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    robotnic I think the cosplay version has a shitload of photoshopping.
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    robotnic That's a Valais Blacknose Sheep (according to google image search). These sheep must really confuse a sheep dog.
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    robotnic Is that your kerning or are you just happy to see me?
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    robotnic You must have been a champ with the "Find at least six differences between the pictures" comics. Well done, here's a gold star.
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    robotnic NPC = Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
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    robotnic Thanks for clearing that up.
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    robotnic I would not be surprised if you can taste the difference.
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    robotnic I bow to your uberhumor wisdom. Think not, lest ye leave this site in disgust.
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    robotnic I think he painted this while sitting in one of those carnival fun house of mirrors.
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    robotnic Unlimited refers to Gb, not Gb/S.
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    robotnic The point of the post is to show the irony of their conviction.
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    robotnic If a comment on uberhumor ever deserved a facepalm, yours is it.
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    robotnic But so much of my food comes in a plastic wrapper.
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    robotnic Totally agree with you that "new" does not imply "better". I was being somewhat facetious and playing devil's advocate.
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    robotnic Aw, the twinkie wants a ding dong.
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    robotnic Cat shit isn't great either. What's your point?
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    robotnic "I'd raider tomb"... (in the voice of Maxwell Smart) "missed it by that much"
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    robotnic that would be riddickulous.
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    robotnic That was a witty one. Ya ha da ha da ha da ha.
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    robotnic Do urchins even have balls?
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    robotnic Maybe, but, if true, pretty poignant. Like finding a toy under the bed from your dog that died months or years ago. Shudder. Sorry, forgot this is a humor site.
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    robotnic As the old saying goes, ignorance is bliss.
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    robotnic Have you been to a graduation? Cell phones are ideal for keeping participants and spectators from falling asleep.
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    robotnic In my experience, this kind of problems continues throughout adulthood.
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    robotnic I saw the number on the wall and right below it was written "me love you long time".
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    robotnic I hear they have trouble sleeping.
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    robotnic There's more than one gender? Bah, humbug!
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    robotnic Boom! Nice one.
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    robotnic fair dinkum
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    robotnic Looks like Preschool Sans
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    robotnic Amazon has only been making a profit in the last three years. You don't think they're carrying over the losses from previous years, just like trump did? And the USPS is not losing money on Amazon shipments, they just give Amazon a better rate than most because Amazon has everything ready to go at their distribution centers so USPS doesn't have much cost in collecting parcels. You need to get of the Fox News teat.
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    robotnic Hey, potable water, you're an infinitely renewable resource. Styrofoam cup can be recycled, but rarely is and isn't biodegradable, often ending up polluting the body of water that most of the world's life mass depends on. Now crawl back in that plastic bottle you came from.
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    robotnic It was a douchebaghello.
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    robotnic Let me rephrase your question: "Can she make an apple pie without an Apple?"
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    robotnic Caption should have said "hidden door"
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    robotnic Makes me think of a female Mr Rogers.
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    robotnic VAlentines Great Again -- VAGA
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    robotnic Ah, the dreaded yellow snow.
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    robotnic Don't have to watch TV to know what this show is, but a Netflix account would help.
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    robotnic 1111111111's comment explains the need for those hands.
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    robotnic s/scientists/engineers/
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    robotnic Is murder for sale the non-professional version of murder for hire?
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    robotnic Way to break that metaphor.
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    robotnic How truly uber of you.
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    robotnic No. Breast is a part of anatomy only associated with primates.
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    robotnic You bitch when they are all dressed up and you bitch when they look plain. You should change your name to misogynist.
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    robotnic I think this is a spoof on that Lil Pump video where they sped it up every time he said his own name.
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    robotnic "I'm a lonely little petunia in a onion patch, an onion patch, an onion patch" - Arthur Godfrey
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    robotnic I think one of those badges requires him to be put on a spit. Still worth the effort.
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    robotnic Trails in the sand, by Dick Dragon. Not a career, just a hobby.
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    robotnic Atheist; it's what's for dinner.
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    robotnic I have collar ID.
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    robotnic Don't know, but I block it with adblock plus on firefox and by adding the line "||ora.tv/j/jwplayer_6_12/*" to "my filters" under settings->advanced. You can get rid of the wave video too by adding "||videos.culturalconvergencemedia.com^". I don't know the exact sytax of the filter file, but what I have works.
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    robotnic No bother
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    robotnic Why? Because people love to find controversy (or create it) where none exists. Besides, this is a safety hazard so the crew would have cleaned it up immediately. If that were me (or most people I suspect), I would have said "what the fuck is wrong with you?" to that guy if this were real, instead of taking a picture.
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    robotnic They're on opposite sides of the car behind the hatchback. I can't imagine how this makes sense from a broadcasting perspective.
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    robotnic Any time there's power and secrecy, this kind of shit's going to happen. Deviants seek it out. For example, Catholic priests give Hollywooders a run for their money in this regard. BTW, I disagree with the lampshade and soap suggestion; it turns them into something valuable.
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    robotnic Ah, so these snowflakes are the antithesis of trump supporters thinking anybody who doesn't agree with them must be a libtard. Got it.
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    robotnic Maybe he's old enough to have one of those crank handle phones. They generate about 100VAC (low current) while cranking, so if he can get the kids to hold hands with each kid at the end holding one of the two generator wires, he'd at least get the thrill of watching the kids shriek. My grandpa used to do this to kids when I was young. Hurt like hell but was ultimately harmless.
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    robotnic It's called subsidence. Happens when the the drain is supported better (from drain pipes) than the soil around it. Short of putting concrete down beneath the pavers, it's going to happen.
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    robotnic Little small for the CAP. Probably just one of thousands of canals pumped full from underground aquifers. Some amazingly clean (and hot) water.
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    robotnic All they have to do is turn it off and back on again. Easy peasy.
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    robotnic No escape from reality TV.
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    robotnic But you're already so good at it.
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    robotnic If the rhyme is correct they would be taking the fat pigs home again, home again, jiggity jig. The message on the back of the truck gives it away, but it's partially covered. The full message is "F O R Dinner".
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    robotnic What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? It's a couple square waves with a 50% duty cycle.
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    robotnic Stealing jokes from Bob Monkhouse? You should consider writing jokes for Amy Schumer.
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    robotnic Don't know why anybody gets outraged. However, having said that, if I was in the audience during Spicer's moment of genius, at the risk of losing my reporter privileges, I would have burst out with "Do you have shit for brains? Because that's something that someone with shit for brains would say."
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    robotnic I fly Southwest unless they are not an option to my destination. And now that they fly to Mexico, no more Aeromexico. Sweet!
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    robotnic Mad ink blot skills.
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    robotnic I think they are minding their own business, since it is their business to care for children. Your child in their daycare = their business. You don't like it, take your child to a place that doesn't care about children.
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    robotnic My mom's dead, so no, asshole.
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    robotnic Unless I am exceptionally happy with a congressman's legislative performance (a rarity), I vote for a competitor.
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    robotnic Suggest you change your picture to something less personal. The juvies on here are pretty desperate.
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    robotnic I posted a link on here yesterday but it was removed, so somebody at uberhumor is paying attention. Anyway, just search for "a-ha take me on" on youtube and you'll see a vid from the BBC.
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    robotnic Saigon Bistro? Just a guess based on partial at top. Also, what does it mean "get side work check"? Is that a check for doing side work (unlikely), or broken English for "get side work checked"?
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    robotnic So your wife's a stripper? Your stories aren't matching up. Hard to keep all those lies straight, huh?
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    robotnic And that's why we have donut holes. Of course, then you're tempted to have "just one more" and end up eating more than you should.
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    robotnic Let's not forget Febuwary as an accepted pronunciation for February. Wonder when Merriam-Webster's going to add "aks" as a proper pronunciation for "ask".
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    robotnic If he doesn't have spotters on some of those jumps into traffic he won't be around much longer. Otherwise, pretty impressive skills.
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    robotnic "Abortion is a form of natural selection." - An atheist.
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    robotnic Grew up in Mesa. I remember in 1991 having a high of 123F. Good times.
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    robotnic It could be a Toyota Precambrian
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    robotnic I noticed there was one comment for this post and I knew without a doubt it was you, although I did expect your comment to be something on the order of "who cares?" or "who is this guy?"
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    robotnic This pic is an example of over-engineering. My microwave is hinged on the bottom, but it's also at eye level instead of over a stove.
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    robotnic So that's a "no" to intelligent design?
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    robotnic I think you have your sarcasm detector disabled. I've had $800 bottles of wine (no, I didn't pay for it) and couldn't appreciate the difference between that and a $10 bottle of pinot nior. I'm no conniosseur, just making a joke.
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    robotnic Too true. It's funny when I have foreign visitors at my house they think Walmart is heaven.
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    robotnic Not in my experience. We had one that let you know she was done being pet by biting your hand, no warning. Amazingly soft though, so it was a delicate balancing act of petting without getting bitten.
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    robotnic She has plenty of muscle mass, so I'd argue that she's healthy.
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    robotnic On a humor site? The irony.
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    robotnic Too true. Don't know that I totally agree with the quote either. I have time, I just have to share it with the rest of the world.
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    robotnic Even your suggestions can be manipulated, which is why there is no litmus test other than age and residency, resulting in our elections being mostly a stage show.
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    robotnic I'd argue for additional qualifiers beyond age, such as IQ and being self sufficient (i.e., no welfare), but such a suggestion is not PC. I'm sure there is a minority of kids who are capable of voting intelligently, just as surely as there is a minority of adults with that capability.
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    robotnic You wouldn't happen to be the guy with three cats throwing a party in the next post, would you?
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    robotnic At first I was wondering wtf you were talking about, but then did a search and was not disappointed. Been around cats all my life and never tried this, but am about to.
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    robotnic However, it has been broken into many times for the cash that it never has.
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    robotnic I think you have your definitions confused. A whore associates their sexuality with economic value. A slut associates no economic value with their sexuality.
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    robotnic His comments are rarely very shirely, a Hobbit would say, and none too bright either.
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    robotnic Suppose he traded that ratty old sock for access to the heater vent?
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    robotnic I think you're right. One of the doors is marked #1 and the other is #2.
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    robotnic I suppose you make this statement because it's mounted on a granite backsplash, which implies it's in a kitchen or bath, but nowhere does the post suggest that it's replacing a GFCI outlet. I guarantee you it's fed by one, though. Only downside I can see to these outlets is that they're always on, which is a wastes of energy.
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    robotnic Maybe for you, but swapping a receptacle is trivial. Do you hire a qualified chef to pour the milk into your cereal bowl?
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    robotnic I've never seen Ron Paul so fired up. Of course, that was MDJr's job, to fire up the "guests" and the crowd. His death announcement made my day.
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    robotnic But in all seriousness, you'd think a movie that had so much bow action would have a consultant to show the actor what proper form looks like. My guess is that they do but the director decided that this looked better.
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    robotnic At that price, it just might be Tesla. They could call it a model T.
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    robotnic Sorry dude, she's married to Jerry, er Terry, er Gary.
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    robotnic I was joking that google translate could decipher the meaning of the comic and rearrange it (translate) into a representation to which we westerners are accustomed.
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    robotnic Ah, that explains it. Need a google translate for Japanese comics.
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    robotnic Used to make and set off my own explosives as a kid. Pretty exciting, but can't do that anymore for fear of being labelled a terrorist. So yeah, fast cars is a good second.
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    robotnic On the plus side, we'll have another great video to watch.
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    robotnic Don't understand the comments following some of the pictures either, like we need to be told how to feel.
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    robotnic Nice avatar. I assume that's for Mr Stanford Binet high scorer.
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    robotnic Today he trolled 4 of my posts from three years ago, calling me faggot, etc. I feel sorry for anybody who has to deal with him in person on a daily basis. I'd guess he uses this site to let out his frustrations stemming from his unremarkable life, but I wouldn't be surprised if his comments are an accurate reflection of his personality.
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    robotnic Your trolling of P is far more entertaining than the drivel he usually spews. Keep it up.
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    robotnic You live a sheltered life if you don't know who this is.
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    robotnic And that is why I continue to come to this site: to read and make humorous or insightful comments. I don't understand why some are compelled to be political or racist on here when there are better forums for such things, but I've learned to ignore them, for the most part.
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    robotnic Wow, that sucks. Create another account and don't use this one again.
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    robotnic In Australian motherland, toilet paper doesn't wipe you, it wipes you out.
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    robotnic Here's the kicker. The fuel to fire up the kilns creates more pollution, resulting in further cleanup. The perfect business model.
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    robotnic Apparently you did have to say it.
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    robotnic And you're being played by believing that he is being played. Ad infinitum.
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    robotnic This Houston station is always trying to keep things interesting, but this is the most radical thing I've seen from them. Feel like I missed out on some live entertainment.
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    robotnic Because throwing them instead of dragging them across the floor would be over the line.
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    robotnic I don't think anybody would have noticed the first letter not capitalized, but "tyre"? You Brits are funny.
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    robotnic penesofleas actually had some good posts over the last couple of days, but he's clearly off his meds again. I think he's one of those homeless people you see on the corner ranting to nobody, with the difference being that he has an internet connection.
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    robotnic The internet?
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    robotnic Not so much stabbed as poked.
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    robotnic Takes some pretty serious balls to make jokes on here, but I think I've got it in the bag.
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    robotnic I think you have a rounding error in your "estimate".
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    robotnic Damn, I thought I had it with "to my & No feel want be for an asshole"
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    robotnic minus all the attitude
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    robotnic Started out pretty good, but got preachy early on. "Not the mama" was the highlight of the show.
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    robotnic Negligible, as in, ALMOST nonexistent?
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    robotnic You must be easy to impress.
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    robotnic Other than experience, what is there to lie about? The worst interviewers are the ones that are checking off buzz words and immediately turning their nose up if you don't know one that you could easily look up and understand in a couple minutes. I especially see this in big companies like Amazon. Too cookie cutter for me.
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    robotnic Maybe if she had peanut butter slathered all over it.
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    robotnic Don't know why, but my avatar is not visible anymore. Can't edit it either. I posted a support request to UH, but it went unanswered.
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    robotnic Like your new avatar. 'Bout time.
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    robotnic A better representation would show the vertical component being below the start point most of the time before it finally shoots above it. Of course, maybe this is what success looked like to Dr Emmett Brown.
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    robotnic Maybe? How about definitely!
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    robotnic "certain body parts"... this could be good or bad, e.g., breasts or feet.
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    robotnic Saving your right for a special occasion?
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    robotnic Article in Scientific American says otherwise. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-fingers-wrinkle-in/
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    robotnic Yeah, but do those 20 odd backwards countries have internet?
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    robotnic Those special spots are clearly marked to warn you of who might park there, not who may park there.
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    robotnic For that particularly clean feeling?
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    robotnic That's the stunt where you say it's a dashed line, but it's really a dotted line.
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    robotnic Blue! No, white.
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    robotnic That makes more sense. Why would they need to protect a tree that survived a tsunami with a scaffolding?
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic I stand corrected. The UK has as many accents as the US.
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    robotnic Whew! I thought somebody was spying on me. Good to see somebody else take the fall.
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    robotnic The product is backwards because the store knows that when you're looking to buy product while waiting in the checkout line, nutritional information is foremost on your mind. Can't speak to the second part of your question.
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    robotnic It's like mud squishing between my toes, except it's all warm.
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    robotnic Keebler IS the manufacturer of girl scout cookies, however, I agree, they have no shame.
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    robotnic I was thinking it looked more like a suctioned vagina, but your description works just as well.
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    robotnic I think you answered your own question. He's an asshole (pound symbols omitted so the UH website doesn't try to reference a picture).
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    robotnic wedding ring
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    robotnic This is what people say, which, with anything bible related, is probably an exaggeration. I suspect that if you could secretly monitor peoples' reading, it would be a small fraction of that. It's kind of the opposite of masturbation: it probably happens with far more frequency than people will admit.
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    robotnic Actually, I was just using apropos definition of the word, i.e., "absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas", but the Borderlands reference is an extra bonus.
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    robotnic That's his horse that he just whistled for running off.
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    robotnic I'm sure there's some prick on this site that created a bunch of logins just to downvote you for something you wrote in the past. It's just a meaningless rating, so don't take it personally. Also, never say "I hope no one is hurt"; it's a magnet for down votes. My two cents.
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    robotnic "I farted and poop came out" AKA, A fart with a surprise.
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    robotnic Innocent! Innocent I say. And, besides that, not guilty! Okay, maybe a little.
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    robotnic I couldn't think of his name, so thanks. I'm guessing your account got hacked based on the hugely negative karma.
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    robotnic ... to himself. It's amazing how someone can talk with such confidence and yet have no knowledge. I guess this substantiates the old adage "You learn more through failure than success". On the other hand, maybe he's just doing his version of the movie "Jackass".
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    robotnic Thinkin' exactly the same thing.
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    robotnic Isn't that where all apple products are made?
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    robotnic Whew! Glad I'm not in a fish market.
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    robotnic At the risk of sounding nerdy, if you think about it in terms of the Nyquist sampling theory, a signal that has too low a sampling rate (frame rate) will give an inaccurate representation of the actual signal. The best example of this is when you see a car wheel in video where it looks like the wheel is spinning the wrong way. In the case of this video, the frames showing the moment when he lifts his hands off the ground are missing, making it look fake/reversed.
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    robotnic He's wearing gloves. How else do you figure the guy is holding the frog. Surely you can see his thumb under one leg and another finger around the other side. Look again.
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    robotnic The long arm of the ma.
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    robotnic Probably mean part of her liver, since it can regenerate.
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    robotnic Just replace "retarded" with "millennial" and we're good for another 20 years.
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    robotnic Phrasing? Are we still doing phrasing?
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    robotnic I gave a shit in an empty toilet. Wanna see a pic?
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    robotnic Yeah, we got the cream of the crop pouring over our southern border. Lucky us.
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    robotnic Are you channeling Dr Seuss?
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    robotnic Plagiarism is no joke.
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    robotnic The drugs are hidden right under the dog's nose?
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    robotnic A diluted "fuck you" to me then? Fair enough. I ignore the racist and political BS for the most part, although the redundant schtick, e.g., "she's gonna be a whore" and "liberal (fill in the blank)", is predictable and monotonous. Clearly triple digit IQ is not a prerequisite to post here.
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    robotnic But not the bearded kind.
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    robotnic Just like a sunburn should really be called a sunkill.
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    robotnic Actually, it kinda does.
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    robotnic Says right there in the comment "me, my sister, and best friend (from left to right). Pay attention.
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    robotnic You're barking up the wrong tree.
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    robotnic They're really more like road crossers. Don't think I've ever seen one running down the road. Which brings us to the age-old question: why did it cross the road (running)? To get to the other side (as quickly as possible), 'cause that desert pavement is friggin' hot!
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    robotnic You do realize uberhumor is a harvesting site, i.e., no original content? Don't believe me, try posting something other than a comment to this site. Anyway, there is slim to no chance that the OP will ever see these comments.
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    robotnic The key's b flat.
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    robotnic Actually, those are gummy bears kept in a pants pocket for at least 5 years.
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    robotnic Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know. WELL EXCUSE ME!
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    robotnic "razor sharp"?
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    robotnic That is hardly the bare minimum, and if you think it is, don't become a father.
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    robotnic Costa Del Lex. Luthorville. Lexington. Marina Del Lex. Otisburg. Lex Springs
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    robotnic I understand your point, I just disagree. Case in point, the deputy who, although fully qualified to go in and take out that kid in this most recent school shooting, decided not to do what he was trained to do. It takes a "hero" and most people aren't up to the task.
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    robotnic We have a shitload of gun carrying people in the US and also have the most mass-shootings, so your argument doesn't wash. As for "capable"... well, there's the rub, isn't it? The only capable people are going to be the ones who train for this and practice frequently, e.g., military. Mall cops don't cut it. As for "normal" citizens being armed, most people, when faced with a shootout situation and armed with a gun, are more likely to hide/cower. And if they do fire, they are less likely to hit their target than they are of hitting something/someone else. I still argue that the only group that benefits from more guns is the gun/ammo producers.
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    robotnic You know nothing. Now run off to bed, insomnia.
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    robotnic vanilla CREME frosting.
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    robotnic Over 17000 in US. Less than 700 in Canada. None within the arctic circle. It's the heat.
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    robotnic People used to stare at the stars and look at all the weird things they imagined they saw. Likewise, you stare at (and take pictures of) your food and this is what you get. Everybody is hoping for Jesus toast, but when you life is that boring, even 4 bubbles is excitement.
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    robotnic If the car in front of him was going the "exact same speed" they would not collide.
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    robotnic *common enough*
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    robotnic Have you ever met people? Common sense should tell you that someone not knowing how to use a ladder is just as likely as someone trying to use a lawn mower to trim the hedges. It happens, and it's uncommon enough that the instructions warn against doing this.
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    robotnic Shoulder shrug.
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    robotnic I'd rather see a chubby woman than a child corpse.
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    robotnic When a single digit wasn't enough he became a handful.
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    robotnic Being jewish and being white are not mutually exclusive. Quite the opposite.
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    robotnic How do you figure?
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    robotnic A different spin on "fart with a surprise".
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    robotnic Who has matching oven gloves? It's not like they come in pairs.
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    robotnic That title sounds suspiciously like "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", and actually kinda works.
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    robotnic Looks more like the lizard king's court jester.
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    robotnic Their business starts when the child enters through the door and ends after the child exits through the door. The sign applies to parents while inside the day care. It's really not that complicated.
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    robotnic He's from Australia, or so he says.
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    robotnic And yet here you are offering us your opinion.
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    robotnic You're obviously enjoying this. Let it play out. If it starts to calm down, shake the box.
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    robotnic He's done it to me and crazy as well. He says "I own you" to so many people, but it's pretty obvious that when he gets worked up enough post replies to old message, it is he who is owned.
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    robotnic Aw fuck, I got duped. Didn't notice the period at the end of the name. You got me.
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    robotnic This is weird, your karma score for this post is at 3, whereas elsewhere it's in the -7000 range. It's like that scene from The Fifth Element where they can't get a proper thermal reading on the "evil" presence in space.
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    robotnic Already has higher credentials than the current US presidential candidates. Especially the counting part.
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    robotnic He's trolled my old posts as well. Funny how he keeps claiming he "owns" others on here when it's clearly the opposite.
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    robotnic This was posted just so you'd have something to say "so?" to. Gotta keep you coming back for more.
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    robotnic With her level of edgy cajun, this is as good as it gets.
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    robotnic It's called a clubbed thumb. I think Megan Fox has it. Yeah, pretty ugly.
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    robotnic A little constructive criticism?
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    robotnic He's what Willis was talkin' 'bout.
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    robotnic If my dog of roughly the same size can clear a 5ft fence without touching it, this is totally plausible. Most likely the dog jumped from fireplace to the top of the tank, causing tank lid to collapse to the bottom of the tank.
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    robotnic The Olympic symbol has five rings (yellow one missing), so that would be the missing wheel. I think you hit the nail on the head.
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    robotnic I had heard it was a meal of ambrosia and humble pie.
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    robotnic I think it's mostly attitude. Apple, in general, comes across as snobby and elitist, whilst adroid is seen as second rate. I don't care for Apple's our way or the highway approach, but I don't like the bloatware you get with most android vendors. Just started using Google's Nexus phone and am generally impressed since it lacks bloatware and has a long battery life, but it's not perfect either.
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    robotnic I would have just torn the cash in half and put one half back in the wallet and the other half on the ground.
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    robotnic Hope Kirk is at the academy right now so he can find way out of this with a win.
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    robotnic Bah, this is new age architecture. Some people like the look of our dystopian future.
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    robotnic No, I cannot tell from the picture. No obvious land marks.
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    robotnic Not sure, but rumor has it there's a wiki about it.
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    robotnic Mars is a go.
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    robotnic Movies exaggerate real life. They portray humans as how we'd like to behave if we gave in to our temptations.
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    robotnic If you think this is bad, you should see the Maori men. I would be constantly wanting to say, "you've got something on your chin."
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    robotnic " At least according to the movies and TV shows." I think that's the point of the video.
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    robotnic He's already humiliated himself many times but hasn't learned humility, and humility = humbleness, so I have a doubt.
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    robotnic Why the self loathing? Positive affirmations. Build up that confidence so you can crawl out from under your rock.
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    robotnic What he means by "owns three houses" is that he's a slum lord.
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    robotnic The democrats used to be the elitist rich, which included many land owners. After the civil war, they tried to repair their image by pushing through token legislation that made them seem less racist. This attracted like-minded people to their party and eventually they became the subsidy/big gov't party. Meanwhile, the elitist rich, saw the gov't getting too restrictive/big/taxing started joining the republicans to fight for their companie's right under the guise of capitalism. Over simplifying of course, but that's kind of the gist as I understand it. Bottom line, both parties have changed. Doesn't make sense to say "that's what they did then so that's who they are now".
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    robotnic Overall I liked 1-3, in spite of both Anakin actors. I was truly disappointed with 7's new villain, for whom the acting is just as bad as Christensen. I found the whole character's existence to be contrived.
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    robotnic And you would know because you do it so often.
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    robotnic There's at least one, and he's wearing skis.
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    robotnic The banter between you and penisfleas is priceless. Just need a bucket of popcorn to go with the entertainment.
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    robotnic Damn, you beat me to the dwarf joke.
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    robotnic Wow, I must really be getting under your skin. Makes my day.
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    robotnic It looks like he has a vertical seam in the center of his torso where the skin was pulled tight and cut off.
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    robotnic A hope from a nope. Do tell us how your brave new world would function, sunshine.
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    robotnic Wrong, there is not spoon, er, uh, panda.
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    robotnic "libtard"?
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    robotnic Pigs are smarter, so there's that and they're soooo soft NOT. Don't think I could have a pet that I'd just as soon eat.
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    robotnic I'd say both. Permission should have neither been given or requested.
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    robotnic Yup, that would be a bobcat, aka lynx. A bobcat is a type of lynx, specifically, lynx rufus.
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    robotnic Looks like a strike plate for a light-duty door latch to me.
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    robotnic I think the monotonic timbre helps but, yeah, I figured as much.
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    robotnic Eventually? We are already paying the price. After a while, you don't even feel the pain.
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    robotnic You've got a little humor streak going today. I could get used to this. Keep it up (if you can).
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    robotnic mute the video and try it again. Personally didn't think the song went with the video. Would have been better with Hollywood Undead's "City".
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    robotnic You have this totally backwards. Women are the ones more likely to go to the bathroom together. If you think the definition of being a man is having intimate conversation with your bestie while taking a shit, I'm afraid it's time for you to come out of the closet. It's okay, the military no longer discriminates.
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    robotnic You're never going to get to -10000 with these kinds of comments.
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    robotnic Dawg, not dawn.
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    robotnic Dawn incarnate.
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    robotnic Nah! If that's an American, where's the bikini?
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    robotnic Just saw a squirrel on a tree that looks just like your picture, big balls and all. Stop eating all the corn in the squirrel feeder. Didn't your parents teach you to share?
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    robotnic And here I was thinking is was some kind of spiritual healing ritual.
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    robotnic Noticed that myself. I could take a guess at who it is, but what's it really matter?
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    robotnic Does your wife have a "headache", because you're truly pissy tonight?
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    robotnic Have to agree. I support police fully, but I'm always worried that they are going to find something wrong with what I'm doing, whether it be going 3 miles an hour over the speed limit, walking my dog off the leash, or j-walking. Yeah, I'm a thug to the bone.
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    robotnic Very hard to fallow her logic.
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    robotnic I'm afraid that much multitasking would either give me performance anxiety or end the experience "prematurely". I'll keep your suggestion in mind if I come across a woman with a six pack.
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    robotnic Either you are a subtle pun artist or a bad typist.
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    robotnic Probably. I don't buy your lemonade argument, but it is a lot funnier.
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    robotnic Since this is a humor site, let me try to inject some humor into your otherwise humorless diatribe. If the tea party does not push religious-based policy, then why does it say that gun ownership is sacred? Is gun powder your sacrament?
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    robotnic I think better advice is to avoid strangers unless you are with a guardian or have an emergency.
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    robotnic At least with your solution, you've improved your odds from 33% to 50%.
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    robotnic Or as my grandpa always said "As you sow, so shall you reap". Lifted from the bible, of course.
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    robotnic What, those navigation symbols from some ancient version of street view aren't sufficient?
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    robotnic I guess so. She already has the trunk for it, and it's full of junk.
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    robotnic True, but Chevy Chase IS in the picture, so this is a bit of a mish mash. Maybe this is from an episode where Chevy hosted?
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    robotnic 19.5 payment huh? You are a poor writer, aren't you?
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    robotnic Those Nazis cheat any way they can.
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    robotnic I'm pretty sure 911 never calls anybody, so I think you're safe.
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    robotnic Sorry, but that joke's been done here before. Of course, Shirely makes the same comment frequently as well, so...
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    robotnic You are a sad little man.
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    robotnic If they're like me, they wouldn't even recognize it if they heard it. I live too far south I guess.
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    robotnic Not an Apple fanboy, obviously. Congrats!
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    robotnic In the water.
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    robotnic I rarely hear the term washroom in the US, but it makes sense if you consider most facilities include a sink. Bathroom implies what we in the US would formally refer to as a full bath(room), i.e., a room with a shower/bathtub, sink, and toilet. As for restroom, I believe this is a term that came from a time when the toilet facility also included an area to sit since the formal attire women wore was not conducive to sitting comfortably if at all. Of course, there's so many terms for this room that I am flexible and don't fault anybody for whatever term they use to describe the room for relieving their bladder or bowels.
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    robotnic Hey Alana, finding the stupidity in a sign hardly makes me liberal. Unfortunately, being a republican means I have to deal with fuckwits like you far too often.
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    robotnic Touche'
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    robotnic that would be indecent.
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    robotnic And the journal wouldn't survive if people didn't submit articles to it. Seems like authors should get something other than prestige for their hard work, although many of the articles in technical journals are esoteric.
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    robotnic Touche'. It's interesting to see the shiny cars juxtaposed against the squalor.
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    robotnic There is an overwhelming probability that "prolly" means "probably"
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    robotnic Damn, hit a nerve didn't I? Wasn't saying anything about Catholics per se, just the Filipino devotion to their religion (self flagellation) or complete abandonment (cross-dressing flamers). But, while we're on the subject, your religion is stupid. I'll see you in hell.
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    robotnic Sooo glad I don't have to play this game anymore. Marriage isn't a bed of roses, but I'll take it over that stress any day.
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    robotnic Who needs sheeple when I have ma cow?
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    robotnic Just because you're Dikshit doesn't mean you can't be an asshole who's full of shit.
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    robotnic Slow clap
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    robotnic Lettuce eat frozen cabbage.
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    robotnic I'm not at 867-5309 and my name isn't Jenny, Tommy Tutone.
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    robotnic Mr Sparrow: "Beaky, what makes you so incredibly stupid?" Beaky Buzzard: "Huh huh, oh shucks, I get around"
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    robotnic Wrong. People started jumping up and down in a wave pattern to see if they could get the bridge oscillating. It didn't work very well. Later, they convened at the Tacoma Narrows bridge, where the technique worked like a charm. I was there. I saw it. True story.
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    robotnic You have a vivid imagination.
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    robotnic I think that's what ISIS wants; a religious war.
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    robotnic He has a strong Asian accent and it doesn't sound like he speaks English that well. He probably thought he was being deported. As much as I hate excessive legislation, hopefully this event will prompt so new law requiring that airlines better manage their seat allocation or face high mandatory penalties (paid to inconvenienced customers).
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    robotnic He strikes me as someone who prefers appearance over value.
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    robotnic Try explaining this to a guy on a bicycle. The metaphor works, even if the etymology is a little mottled. Now explain "tenfold", which means "ten times", but, to me, should mean folding something ten times, with each fold doubling the number of layers, e.g., 10 folds = 2^10 = 1024 layers,
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    robotnic Oh look, Shirely's being dense again. It is just as likely that the dad started typing in the url of the site he wanted to visit and the browser's site completion started popping up urls that were questionable. At that point, he brings up the history menu and, viola, porn/satanic/alt-right sites show up.
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    robotnic Drax was "too scary" in the first movie to fit the Disney cookie cutter hero persona. Don't want to confuse the little kids with complex characters.
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    robotnic You and Shirely should hook up. Two peas in a pod.
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    robotnic Maybe they think that cell phone video orientation rules apply equally well to mirrors.
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    robotnic Not so sure about the third one, but the first two are spot on.
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    robotnic You think they can't make LED lights with the particular wavelength that a sodium vapor light emits? The only advantage sodium lights provide is cost, since they are currently cheaper over their life than LED.
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    robotnic Work through the pain, it'll pass.
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    robotnic Too bad the English language doesn't have a more inclusive version of someone, like someall, because that's the word I would have chosen.
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    robotnic Dwarf, not midget.
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    robotnic Never seen a parrot with horns growing out of its head and having a beard. Is that a new subspecies?
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    robotnic It's a sin that you haven't seen the movie SE7EN.
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    robotnic I think Ace Ventura's modification to that phrase is more accurate: "Say hello to my stinky little friend"
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    robotnic The chick (Spencer) is the one flipping out. Of course, she could just as easily be on hormones.
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    robotnic Funny how you write these diatribes as if anybody cares. Trust me, nobody does.
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    robotnic Trying to put some humor on a site where little exists.
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    robotnic Africa doesn't have Saguaro cactus. This is Arizona. Most likely people will now shoot at his sign.
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    robotnic And prickly.
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    robotnic It's not worth interacting with Penes, his ad hominem retorts illustrate his lack of maturity.
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    robotnic I think your analogy works in Hillary's favor because having poop on my dick seems pretty bad to me.
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    robotnic True, but they have a category for that (supporting actor).
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    robotnic Headed there in April for a couple of weeks to celebrate my 25th anniversary, so I'll get to test your assertion. If I don't post any more comment's come may, it may be because I gave in to temptation.
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    robotnic An RO system would work fine, but you're not going to take a shower with the quantities such a system would produce.
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    robotnic So that would make him a ped...oh what is that over there? Run!
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    robotnic You mean the British aren't well represented by the voices on NPR? Bollocks!
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    robotnic Don't forget Fountain Hills
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    robotnic A Domino just cuts the mortises, not the tenon. I understand your confusion about time and space given that your mother only lets you out of the closet under the stairs to do chores.
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    robotnic Because they don't like the way their hair looks and don't want to waste the time/money to make it the way they want it. Only so much you can do with curly hair.
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    robotnic Have you never seen the Simpsons? Aliens don't have feet, they have tentacles. AlienVisitor, care to elaborate?
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    robotnic I have a doubt.
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    robotnic Yeah, for all the effort he put into that, it seems it would have been more efficient to just wrap a plastic bag around the whole nest, tie it off, swat the stragglers with a fly swatter, and leave the sealed bag on there for a week.
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    robotnic This pill is for those people who can't decide. They can believe whatever they want but they're stuck in a really deep rabbit hole.
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    robotnic Tell that to the politicians!
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    robotnic You'd be patting yourself on the back if you had gotten this kind of deal.
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    robotnic Actually, no. When the beard gets this long, you have to trim it and wash it. It's purely for style.
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    robotnic Quantify "excessive smoke". If you can't, then it's subjective and can't be enforced. My wife cooks indoors using a vent to the outside and I guarantee you the smell permeates the neighborhood.
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    robotnic "no need whatsoever to wrap your identity around your sexuality"... Agreed, and I think it applies to straight people as well. No need to show how manly you are nor how feminine, but some people insist on doing just that and it irritates the rest of us less flamboyant straight folk.
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    robotnic Normally mountains in the background is a good thing, but on a cruise ship, your choices are limited.
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    robotnic They call it Cheetah because they modelled it's gait after a Cheetah. Oh, and BTW, it can run full speed at nearly 30mph. Don't turn your nose up at amazing tech just because it isn't as good as the real thing... yet.
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    robotnic Yup, looks photoshopped to me as well. The truck casts a shadow, but the sphere doesn't.
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    robotnic "Mission accomplished" - George Bush Jr
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    robotnic Aren't most people's two feet the same size, roughly speaking?
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    robotnic Used to say this word as a kid. It's the official term for black lung, the disease coal miners get.
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    robotnic You make an interesting point, but acting out your violent urges in a video game may prevent you from learning to control those urges so you're more likely to be impulsively violent.
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    robotnic keyboard + printer = typewriter.
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    robotnic I've always followed the mantra "Better the devil you know". Seems particularly apropos and ironic in this case. I'd say I know enough to know better.
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    robotnic A cup of bleach in the hand is better when compared to Busch products. Eh, it sounded better in my head.
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    robotnic Wow, sounds like you need sex, unless you agreed to not have sex, and then it's okay.
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    robotnic Balanced budget is balanced budget. Nobody said it would last forever.
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    robotnic I agree with you, but he words in the picture were not describing a picture, but telling a story, albeit poorly.
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    robotnic It's all uber and no humor. Interesting nonetheless. Besides, sometimes these videos spark humorous comments. Cause and effect. Actually, that should be cause OR effect.
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    robotnic Listen, and understand! Technology is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
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    robotnic Damn colorblindness. It just looks like sheet music to me.
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    robotnic His first three sentences were logical, but his "I'll save lives with my bravery" boast is where he lost it. And that last sentence? Way off in left field.
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    robotnic Probably
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    robotnic moo slime. Often found dripping from the mouth of an animal inflicted with mad cow disease
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    robotnic You must be bored to be trolling on a conversation this old.
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    robotnic No he isn't. He thinks the name suits him perfectly.
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    robotnic From a play written by a Jew from England (Israel Zangwill). At the time, it was Europeans doing the immigrating, but the term still works because it was about the Americanization of immigrants, regardless of ethnicity.
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    robotnic Then maybe a better phrase would be "don't let your unlimited plan slow you down", but no, they had to pick phrases that are contradictory without explanation. They're not going to get any coverts with this campaign.
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    robotnic Name is Swift, not Run.
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    robotnic "my name is mentioned.... By you" Eh, sometimes I subconsciously pick at a festering sore.
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    robotnic Wish it were that simple. I occasionally get rats in my attic and have poured over every inch of the house exterior looking for how they get in. The majority of the house is brick, with some hardy-plank soffits, and there are no visible holes. Even caught a squirrel in there once, so the hole must be pretty big. I trap them once they're in there but can't keep 'em out.
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    robotnic By capsicum, I believe you mean capsaisin, the spicy agent in all peppers.
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    robotnic You'd need a name like yours for this to make sense.
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    robotnic I'm talking about the tool, fuckwit. You need a separate part (the tenon, aka domino if you insist on using the name brand) to put between two mortises. An integrated tenon is stronger. Tell me about all the other stuff you have learned from the internet with that Stanford Binet score of yours while living in your mothers closet. You really should come out. You'll see that it's all rainbows for you.
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    robotnic I assume you ask because of the guy on the right, who's most likely a Sikh. Anyway, India was under British rule for hundreds of years, so I'd guess they are already quite familiar with western culture. Furthermore, Sikhs don't try to convert anybody to their beliefs; they have a live and let live mindset. Don't know any personally, but the ones I've met seem just like your average Joe with beards and a turban.
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    robotnic A can of Fanta orange has 120 calories (all sugar) per cup, whereas apple juice has around 110 callories per cup. This picture is "light" apple juice, which is around 60 calories per cup, so half as much. The dumb part is apples don't really have much nutritional value other than a little vitamin C and fiber, but all the fiber is strained out of the juice. What makes this worse is wasting a whole can of perfectly good Fanta. Go mom!
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    robotnic In the US, only egg-sucking dogs are kept inside. Of course, it helps to have a large, fenced back yard.
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    robotnic Without context, it's impossible to know what the story is, so people assume she's just an attention whore since that's the default for these kind of posts.
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    robotnic Maybe people are harping on this guy because he's always in the news. If he'd just shut the fuck up for a while, more worthwhile stories would bubble to the top. I suspect Hillary is enjoying her hiatus from the spotlight.
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    robotnic Actually, I think that's a diamondback water snake.
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    robotnic I accidentally left a metal spoon in my soup last week when I warmed it up in the microwave and the spoon wasn't even warm. I recommend putting it in the toaster instead.
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    robotnic You are correct sir. I was just thinking about after you eliminated one.
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    robotnic What does "isrselisawesome" mean? I get the "awesome" part, but the rest?
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    robotnic Your argument sounds dangerously like an argument against religion, with the exception being that it's not just for kids.
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    robotnic That explanation is complete nonsense. If the capture rate was that slow, you'd see tearing across the entire bird's wings. This image is photoshopped.
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    robotnic How poetic.
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    robotnic You're right, I don't order a steak well done, usually medium or medium well, depending on the cut. Now go toss off into your own mouth, Jimmy Wanker.
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    robotnic That's true of any part of your body this landed on.
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    robotnic If you like sci-fi, you'd better.
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    robotnic Longer screws make up for not hitting studs. Wall mounting 101.
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    robotnic Bullshit. The first thing they demanded of him was to fix the economy, because it went in the toilet during Bush's reign. Not happy with the way he dealt with it, but he was handed the job at a pretty lousy time.
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    robotnic True, but a quick google image search shows it to be from April 2015. As usual, Penesopheles is wrong on the facts.
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    robotnic Complete nonsense. Chain restaurants, especially fast food, are typically franchises, which means the owner pays for use of the brand and gets their ingredients from the corporation. Labor is paid out of the earnings from an individual store. It isn't a communist operation where all the income goes to the corporation for redistribution to the employees.
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    robotnic He doesn't have a big dick, he is one, I guarantee.
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    robotnic Cue Penisofleas ad hominem comment below.
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    robotnic Assume you're talking about an indoor dog that needs to be taken out to pee/poop, because otherwise you just have a needy dog.
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    robotnic Point taken. However, I figure if you're having sex, you know the risks and both he and she should accept responsibility. Unless you both agree that if a pregnancy results that she'll get an abortion, the guy needs to own up if she decides to keep the baby.
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    robotnic Since this verse could just as easily be talking about evolution, hasn't that ship sailed hundreds of millions of years ago? Perhaps what we are experiencing now is a time-dilated version of the apocalypse.
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    robotnic I seriously doubt a blind pig is worried about its appearance.
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    robotnic I don't think we'll ever reach the bottom of that bag.
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    robotnic Just curious... what do you hope to accomplish with your everlasting life in heaven? Do you wallow in His glory, forever? Please enlighten me.
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    robotnic You've never heard the phrase "a moral to the story"? Either way, I think you got it.
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    robotnic My son has had some seriously unreasonable teachers up to now (11th grade), so this is somewhat believable, but to regurgitate them all like this seems unlikely unless this person is some ninny that's just collecting a list of all the ways he/she has been wronged, at which point I'd have to think maybe the teachers had a reason not to like him/her.
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    robotnic Wasn't bashing America. Was making a comment about entitled kids in America. I see it eevery day, which is why I prefaced my statement with "Refreshing reaction."
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    robotnic No, I mean the USSR. I've been there, I know what it was like. Try Google, it works.
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    robotnic Oh I see, so mandatory military service and being surrounded by countries that want to wipe your country off the face of the map is the solution to mass shootings. Got it.
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    robotnic WTF are you even talking about? Give me an example of "mass guns", whatever the hell that means.
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    robotnic We know spooger, we know. Here, have a Snickers.
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    robotnic I'm gonna let you in on a little secret; It's all fake. Anyway, check out Serenity and Firefly. As for the titties, sadly, I've seen more in sci-fi than in real life. Besides, have you seen Altered Carbon (on Netflix)? You shan't be disappointed.
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    robotnic krispy Irene? I've met an Irene or two in my life, but I'd describe them as sultry, not krispy.
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    robotnic Given that she's dead, that's not surprising.
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    robotnic Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
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    robotnic If you have trouble understanding it, you've never been to Walmart.
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    robotnic What he said, verbatim, is this "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." He's implying that the majority are criminals.
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    robotnic Hilarious that, while posting the question "have i made a grammatical mistake", to whitch the answer is "yes", you make numerous grammatical mistakes. Classic!
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    robotnic Thanks for clearing that up. Perhaps you can tackle the "where did the universe come from?" question as well. And don't give me some answer like "42", 'cause I've read the book and that is just be begging the question.
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    robotnic Disagree. There are plenty of people commenting on here who clearly have never evolved.
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    robotnic She looks anorexic to me.
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    robotnic Let's apply your logic to drunk driving. You were only driving drunk that one time and killed someone in the process. A one-night mistake should not result in 18 years in prison. I say if you're in the drivers seat (literally and figuratively) then you own the consequences of your actions.
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    robotnic Sorting only applies to first-level comments, not replies. Probably a simple fix.
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    robotnic Fortunately republicans have taken over congress so this kind of problem is just going to go away.
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    robotnic Let me guess, you're from AZ where all the stores look like this. ;)
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    robotnic It's not them we're worried about. It's the ones not in the "almost nobody" group that cause problems.
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    robotnic Israel was started by war mongers and is run by war mongers, so everybody is a potential enemy.
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    robotnic We're not trying to crush Apple. However, if you bite the big Apple, don't mind the maggots.
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    robotnic Only if you're are "nice looking", but yes, that fits well with "I had a bullet fragment removed" misanthropic Penisophile. See his stupidity below.
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    robotnic I figured SNL would have been the first, given their Bass-o-matic skit, although it would be hard to pull off without the PC crowd crying foul.
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    robotnic I don't buy this explanation. I think it really is just a simple matter of the thicker skin on the palms and feet absorbing water and requiring more surface area than the tissue underneath, so it wrinkles. Maybe since the paralyzed hand doesn't get any use it has no callouses, making the skin thinner so less prone to pruning. I wonder if our hands "prune up" in warm oil?
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    robotnic Actually, it's somewhere between 45 and 50% caucasian depending on whether you're talking about the entire student body on the freshmen class. Stop making up facts.
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    robotnic Pretty funny. You really don't like his name, do you?
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    robotnic Hey Penesopheles, your fly is open.
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    robotnic Translation: Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.
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    robotnic I figure abortion has its purpose in the realm of natural selection. Anybody that has an abortion is, in theory, not propagating the gene that lets people be willing to have an abortion. Food for thought.
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    robotnic Broke one of my cardinal rules on uberhumor: don't comment on political issues. Ostensibly, this is a humor site. The picture just struck me as such a shame. But, for the record, the Taliban didn't attack us, their "guests" did.
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    robotnic Seems rather presumptuous on your part and vindictive on His part. I can't imagine why any god would need perpetual torture. Maybe "The Matrix" had it right and those souls are just copper tops for the machines, in which case, I say "Enjoy your eternity of whatever feasting on the souls of others".
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    robotnic Yup, and it's made by the people at Wokie.
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    robotnic This is just some guy acting tough with a challenge that he knows nobody is going to accept. I'm sure he thinks somebody will be impressed.
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    robotnic Actually that shadow is cast on the thin layer of clouds just below the plane. The rainbow is the light refracting (reflecting?) off the clouds back to the viewer.
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    robotnic And here I was thinking it was the earth rotation that caused this effect. Getting smarter every day.
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    robotnic Huh, we actually agree on something. I'm really surprised at the up-voted comments on this topic since they all seem to miss the point of the graphic: money makes climbing to the top easier. It says nothing about how the money was acquired.
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    robotnic Seen this kind of thing too many time first hand and it stays with you. A quick kill is one thing, but the wailing...
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    robotnic Chill dude. You're comments on this subject are becoming as predictable as penesopheles and Jews.
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    robotnic I agree. He used to be pretty good, but now he just harps on issues. He's definitely jumped the shark.
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    robotnic Nothin' getting past you today, Barlow.
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    robotnic What is the conservative/Republican answer? Haven't heard a good solution from either side.
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    robotnic If you want up votes, you have to be negative with you comments (see top comment for example). Alternatively, you can be like Dawg, who has 32 accounts and uses them to up vote almost every post he makes.
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    robotnic Let me guess, the only people you like are the ones with their dick in your ass.
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    robotnic A true Belieber.
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    robotnic I'm guessing that's some kind of a creek that is partially frozen over, but not enough to walk across.
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    robotnic With a name like misanthrope, you not liking somebody is kinda anticlimactic. That being said, Jackie Chan is a good martial artist and choreographer, but not a great actor.
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    robotnic Since when has that ever been the case with uberhumor comments?
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    robotnic Pretty sure Guillotine is from Belgium.
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    robotnic Ooh, I'm all a quiver.
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    robotnic Distilled water has no taste. Who drinks distilled water? Nobody. Bottled water usually has minerals in it, which adds a slightly tangy taste to it. Incidentally, what the fuck are you doing trolling posts from a week ago? Go read a book.
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    robotnic You can easily judge the character of a man by how he speaks to those who can do nothing to him.
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    robotnic Quite contrary. Her name is Cherry Poppins.
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    robotnic High schoolers should be educated, not assassinated.
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    robotnic Sounds like fireworks are the solution to overpopulation. LEAGALIZE FIREWORKS FOR ALL!
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    robotnic Unlikely. That would take up valuable wall space for pictures of himself.
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    robotnic Somebody is voting down every posted comment by 9. Somebody must have gottent the feelings hurt. Pretty sad, really.
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    robotnic Actually, yeah, they are supposed to get the lane to themselves. Perhaps you think motorcycles are not "whole-lane" vehicles either. After all, they cut around traffic, drive in between cars, etc. If cyclists are given a special lane, they'll use it, but what are they supposed to do if there isn't one? I've seen too many cyclists get clipped because some fuck doesn't see him or thinks there's room to get by. Riding in the middle of the lane is the safest way to deter stupid/aggressive drivers. Yeah, there are plenty of bad cyclists, but that doesn't justify running them off the road because you're driving a bigger vehicle.
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    robotnic If you shower properly there won't be any dirt on your towel.
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    robotnic You do realize your body is infused with bacteria, inside and out? Yeah, bathing is perfect, so something's going to be left behind, but a fresh towel per week has worked for the past 45+ years without incident. Don't get mikeholden started on fecal bacteria from the toilet lid not being down when you flush.
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    robotnic I use the towel to dry my ass, not my asshole. Unless you're obese, that part should dry all by itself in a couple of minutes.
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    robotnic Oh, they're getting to you alright. Oh, and thanks for voting my post down which proves that you do vote.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Penes is really taking a beating from you and circle70. Keep it up. Making uberhumor great again.
  • Cant vote from here
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    robotnic Sounds like you care about windows phone users, so follow your own advice.